Evgeny Martynov - photos, biography, personal life, songs, cause of death



Evgeny Martynov is the famous Soviet pop singer and composer. Velvet timbre of the voice of the musician still remembers the average generation of Soviet people. Songs "A mother's eyes" and "Apple trees in bloom" Evgenia Martynov sang everyone who at least once heard these songs. Melodic, kind and clean, these compositions gave light joy and the desire to live in harmony with them and the world.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Grigorievich Martynov was born in the post-war 1948. And the fact that the future musician was born in May, when they stood the "apple trees in bloom" and nightingry sang with might and main, very corresponds to the image and creativity of this wonderful person. The family of the future singer and composer Evgenia Martynov has greatly burned the war. The father came from the front with disabilities, Mom also bored the sorrows of war - worked as a front-door nurse. But the main thing - both survived.

After the war, two children were given birth: first Evgenia, and after 9 years, Yuri. At first, the family lived in the town of Kamyshin of the Volgograd region, but after the birth of the firstborn moved to the Donbass, to the city of Artemovsk. This is the birthplace of the head of the Gregory Martynov's family.

Eugene reached out for music. The musician's parents have always sounded songs in the house. On the bayan and accordion played dad. In addition, Grigory Martynov worked as a team of singing and led a mug of amateur.

The boy walked with his father for holidays and matinees - he loved music so much. But the child was occupied by other creative hobbies: Eugene loved to memorize and quote monologues, heard in films, talentedly painted, carried away by focus, who gladly showed at school events.

As a result, the music gradually displaced other hobbies, the boy also received a musical education: in Artemovsk Evgeny graduated from the School named after Peter Tchaikovsky and learned to play the clarinet. Parents did not make Eugene engage in music. The boy himself was happy to go to the music school, despite the fact that because of two schools, the child did not have enough time to try and play.

In 1967, Evgeny Martynov went to Kiev and entered the Conservatory named after Peter Tchaikovsky. But soon the future composer moved closer to the house: in the Donetsk Pedagogical Institute (today the Conservatory named after Sergey Prokofiev) on the conductor and brave. Martynov came out from the university walls, receiving a diploma of higher education, early.

Passion for the composition of music woke up in the young man back at the university. During his studies, Evgeny Martynov had already written his own romance for clarinet and piano, scherzo for clarinet and piano and prelude for piano. After graduation, the young man immediately began working in the profession - led the pop orchestra of the Donetsk All-Union Research Institute of Explosive Equipment.


The creative biography of Evgenia Martynova takes the beginning in 1972. After graduating from the Institute, Martynov goes to Moscow. At that time, the composer writes music for poems for no first year. One of his melodies, the composer put on the poems of Sergey Yesenin.

The song "Birch" sang as Mayan Kristalinskaya, from which Eugene introduced friends. The composition was performed at the Moskovsky pop theater and liked the listeners. In the same 1972, the second song on the music of Yevgeny Martynov "My love" appeared. This song was performed by the Georgian performer Gully chokheli.

In 1973, Martynov finally moved to the capital and is arranged by a soloist vocalist in Rosoncert. In addition, Evgeny Grigorievich take the music editor first to the publishing house "Young Guard", and then in the truth.

In 1978, Evgeny Martynov starred in the artistic music film "Fairy Tale as a fairy tale", in which the role of groom-romance played. But on this acting career of the musician and ended. In 1984, Evgeny Martynov was adopted in the Union of Composers of the USSR. From this point on, Martynov's song is greatly popular in the entire Soviet Union.

What is characteristic, Evgeny Martynov and writes compositions for other performers, and sings his own songs. The number of awards and premiums rolls on a talented singer and composer, as if out of the horns of abundance. Evgeny Martynov becomes a nationwide favorite. "Young voices", "Bratislava Lira", "Golden Orpheus" - at all these festivals, Evgeny Martynov received the first awards. The musician toured a lot, including abroad.

The best poets of the USSR songwriters, such as Ilya Reznik, Alla Dementeyeva, Robert Christmas and others were collaborated with the talented composer. The baritone timbre of the singer has flowed from all screens and radio broadcasts. Martynov was nice and hear, and see: Evgeny Grigorievich possessed incredible charm and simplicity. Soviet people a musician seemed close, almost native man.

The range of Voice of Evgeny Martynov was very wide. The baritone tenor of the musician, soft and at the same time a ringing, "pulled" and on the opera execution. The musician even offered to change profile and act in operations. But Martynov chose the stage for himself, closer to most of the Soviet people.

Contemporaries sincerely loved singer, because Martynov's wonderful songs were given positive emotions even in difficult times. At the same time, Evgeny Martynov knew how to hook "for living." The composition of the Musician "Swan loyalty" for many of the sincere tears. Like the heartfelt song "Mamina Eyes".

The most popular songs, besides these, "nightingales sing, poured ...", "father's house", "Alenushka", "Seagulls over water", "White Lilac" with pleasure, sang many generations of Soviet people with pleasure. Yes, and now these compositions are known. They are driving up with many contemporaries. But such sincerity, tenderness and strength, from what sang them with all the favorite Evgeny Martynov, could not achieve anyone.

Martynov's songs were in the repertoire of a number of Soviet pop stars. For each of them, these compositions were the best, because these songs immediately became hits. Sofia Rotaru, Joseph Kobzon, Anna Herman, as well as Vadim Muleman, Alexander Serov, Eduard Hil - Here are just a few names of famous performers who were happy to cooperate with the composer.

Personal life

Evgeny Martynov married when he was already 30 years old. Evgeny Martynov's personal life has been happy. Kievwoman Evelina, who became the spouse singer, gave her husband Sergei's son.

The pair called the boy in honor of two Sergeev - Yesenin and Rakhmaninov, whose creativity in the family of the musician adored. A few years after Martynov's death, Evelyn married the second time. Together with the son and new husband, a woman immigrated to Spain.


The life of the famous pop artist and the composer broke out for 43 years. The fans did not immediately believe, having heard about the sudden death of the young and fulfilled forces and creative designs Evgenia Martynov. The cause of death was acute heart failure. The end of Evgenia Martynova overtook a variety of rumors. Set now, which of them had to be, impossible.

Eyewitnesses that happened said that Martynov was bad when the musician rose in the elevator. Medical care arrived too late. Part of the fans believe that the singer could be saved if Martynov had a qualified medical care in time, but doctors do not confirm this theory.

Evgeny Grigorievich Martynov found the last shelter on the Kuntsevsky cemetery of the capital. The last song performed by the musician was performed on August 27, 1990 on the "Song of the Year-1990". It was "Maryina Grove", the last hit and a farewell gift to fans from the composer and singer.


  • 1975 - "Sings Evgeny Martynov"
  • 1975 - "Sings Evgeny Martynov"
  • 1976 - "Evgeny Martynov sings their songs"
  • 1977 - "Evgeny Martynov sings their songs"
  • 1980 - "Evgeny Martynov sings their songs"
  • 1982 - "Songs E. Martynova on the poems of Mikhail Danzkovsky"
  • 1982 - "Clear / Do not Nadya"
  • 1983 - "Song in which you"
  • 1986 - "Evgeny Martynov sings their songs"
  • 1989 - "And the love of law. Songs Evgenia and Yuri Martynov "

Best songs

  • "Swan loyalty"
  • "Father's house"
  • "Apple trees in bloom"
  • "Alenushka"
  • "Seagulls over water"
  • "Start from the beginning"
  • "I'll give you the whole world"
  • "Natalie"
  • "Mamina Eyes"
  • "Nightingale sing, poured ..."
  • "White Lilac"
  • "Tell me, Cherry ..."

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