Georgy Garanian - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, big bend, melody ensemble, orchestra



Composer and conductor George Garanian called Sax symbol of the Soviet Union. For writing an album in Moscow In 1999, the musician was nominated for the Grammy Award.

Childhood and youth

The future jazzman was born on August 15, 1934 in Moscow, exactly 3 years after the composer Mikael Tariverdieva, and, like the author of the music for the TV series "Seventeen Moments of Spring", had Armenian roots. The paths of the creators crossed when creating musical accompaniment to the film Edidar Ryazanov "The irony of fate, or with a light steam!". Tariverdiev wrote melodies, and Garanjan conducted an orchestra who performed them.

Father Georgy Aram Georgievich, a 13-year-old teenager fled, fleeing the genocide, from the Turkish city, which is now called Shanliurf, to Central Russia. Mother Vera Petrovna Kin was born in the Tverskoye village of Võruprovsk, in which 500 people now live.

George Garanian in youth

George's parents were Soviet intellectuals. The father in his youth learned to the engineer on the trout of wood, and the mother worked as a teacher of primary classes. In Armenian, the composer could pronounce several expressions, but did not own the tongue. Aram Georgievich and Vera Petrovna talked in Russian, and when the Father decided to introduce his son to the ancestors, war began.

In 7 years, Zhora first heard "Serenad of the Solar Valley" Glen Miller and fell in love with jazz forever. Azame Games on the piano of the boy taught a neighbor - a teacher of music with which Vera Petrovna paid the laundry laundry. However, Zhora was in a hurry to master everything and immediately that without the knowledge of the teacher began to learn complex essays and, as the musicians call, played his hands.

Garanjan did not study at the music school, and when it was time to be determined with the profession, at the insistence of the Father entered the Moscow Machine-Planting Institute. During the receipt of higher education, the young man played in a amateur musical ensemble, where he mastered the saxophone independently.

By the end of the Institute, the mechanical engineer of a wide profile of Garanian was already headed by a group of saxophonists in the youth orchestra of the central home of art workers who were led by Yuri Saulsky. In 1957, the team was awarded the silver medal of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. Conductor courses at the Moscow Conservatory Georgy Aramovich Externus graduated from 34 years old, being a mature musician.


Garanany had a chance to play with Oleg Lundstrema and Vadim Ludwikovsky orchestras. After the overclocking of the second of these teams, Georgy Aramovich, together with Trubach, Vladimir Chizhik, created the "Melody" ensemble, whose business card was the fulfillment of the music of Soviet composers in jazz processing. The experience of transformation and enrichment of the Melodies of Garanian outlined in the textbook "Basics of pop and jazz arrangement". It is with the "melody" Vladimir Vysotsky recorded two records of his songs.

Georgy Aramovich succeeded and as a composer. He wrote music to the film Mikhail Kozakova on the play Leonid Zorin "Pokrovsky Gate", in particular, became the Waltz Wang. A tribute to the national roots of Garanian gave in the instrumental plays "Lankaran" and "Armenian rhythms".

In the 70s of the 20th century, a certified mechanical engineer conducted a state symphony orchestra of the USSR cinematography. It was under the leadership of Garanian that music was recorded to such films as "their among others, someone else's among their", "Adventures of Buratino", "Raffle" and both filmmakers "12 chairs" - Leonid Gaiday and Mark Zakharov.

Until the last days of the life of Georgy Aramovich, he led by two big bendes - Moscow and Krasnodar, and the question of which between them the difference was answered:

"The Kuban team is a coordinated car, and the Moscow - the Orchestra of the Soloists."

In the fact that the musicians of the capital Big Bend acted in turn, you can make sure when viewing archival records, in particular, "Popourry from the music of Alexander Zatsepina to the film" Diamond Hand ".

Personal life

Georgy Aramovich came into an official marriage four times, but argued that he was modest and shy in his personal life, and it was because it turns out to be in the registry office. In the first family union of the composer, Natalia's daughter was born, who became a clinical psychologist. The second spouse Irina repatriated to Israel and continued to call Garanuan with her husband when he registered alliances with the third and fourth wives.

The third chosen name of Jazzman is a vocalist of the Akkord Ensemble Inna Myasnikova - in 1988 I emigrated in the United States to the daughter of Karin's daughter who had left earlier. The grandson Dmitry was born already in America.

To help an emigrated family, Georgy Aramovich passed a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow, and he lived in a removable one-room. During this period, Georgy Aramovich became close to the fourth elected - the Moscow journalist Nelli Zakirova. Her daughter Veronika musician conquered erudition: I unmistakably found out the photo of all Russian writers from the school textbook and solved the tasks of mathematics. Now Padder is headed by the Foundation George Garananyan, and Nelli holds a festival for Kroash Jazz musicians.

Jazzman loved to pump the brain: in 40 years he independently learned English, and in 70 on the textbook restored knowledge of differential and integral calculations. Georgy Aramovich could not stand on vacation for more than a week and practically did not attend other people's concerts and musical performances - Jazzman knew that he would begin to professionally disassemble each of the chords and get upset because of errors. Garananyan loved to restore the old record technique and his own recording studio itself.


Soon after the New Year holidays of 2010, Georgy Aramovich fell into the hospital for emergency medical care in Krasnodar. January 11, jazzman died. The cause of death, according to forensic medical examination, became atherosclerotic heart disease and hydronephrosis of the left kidney.

From the capital of Kuban, where Garanian came to give joint concerts with Michelem Legran, the body of the Soviet king Jazz was taken to Moscow. George Aramovich was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.



  • 1969 - "Calif-Stork"
  • 1969 - "Golden Boy"
  • 1970 - "Well, wait!" (Issue 2)
  • 1972 - "Residence permit"
  • 1980 - "Evening Labyrinth"
  • 1981 - "Eastern Dentist"
  • 1981 - "... Three blue-blue lakes of raspberry color ..."
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1983 - "If you believe Lopothin"
  • 1983 - "Unexpectedly Negadno"
  • 1983 - "Shell"
  • 1983 - "Recipe of her youth"
  • 1984 - "Itchs, you are fired!"
  • 1984 - "Right to the Choice"
  • 1985 - "Constellation of Love"
  • 1986 - "Creek Dolphin"
  • 1987 - "Island of the dead ships"
  • 1988 - "Love for the Middle"
  • 1989 - "Ruan Virgo on Nickname Push"
  • 2000 - "Game in Love"



  • "Ghosts" (artist Vladimir Presnyakov)
  • "Red Clown" (artist Nikolai Karachentsov)

Tool Pieces:

  • "Lankan"
  • "Whirlpool"
  • "Birds on the window"
  • "The globe"
  • "Epilogue"
  • "Ballad"
  • "Festival Blues"
  • "Divertiment for orchestra in three parts"
  • "Armenian Rhythms"
  • "Terem Teremok"
  • "Etude for Orchestra"
  • "Music hello"
  • "Mascot"
  • "Russian"
  • "Attention - start!"
  • "Between the time"
  • "Moon light"
  • "Star Horovod"
  • "Blues" Moscow-67 "

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