Natalia Gorozhanova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Bachelor" 2021



Part of the users consider Natalia Gorububean hardly by the most honest participant of the Show "Bachelor". Passing a lot of tests, during which she kept the distance with the main character, the girl directly stated the singer's satellite and actor Alexey Vorobyev, which does not like, did not suit the tear scenes. As a result, for the first time in 4 seasons, a young man remained alone, since the second finalist is also rejected.

Childhood and youth

Natalia was born in March 1989 in the Kemerovo region, in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Sharing the elements of the early biography, she avoids mention of parents, it is recognized only that the tragedy occurred. Relatives who would take on the upbringing of citizenship with the younger brother, not found, and until the 9th grade, a girl lived in an orphanage, then moved to the women's gymnasium. From the early years, Natalia was artistic and mobile.

"I did not feel disadvantaged, unhappy. I tried to absorb as much knowledge as possible we were given. Of course, I did not have enough maternal care that was at home children. But at the same time, others did not have what we had - many nannies, educators who have sought a lot to invest in their pupils. There were also various sections, mugs - I went to everything. "

At 16, Gorodeanova entered the Kemerovo State University. For money, relying graduates of orphans, the first thing I bought a cell phone and called the model agency. Bright appearance allowed Natalia, who dreamed of becoming a beautiful, try the strength on this field. The girl was noticed, and soon she conquered the first model peaks. In 2008, I won the Krasbass Krasbass Regional Competition, next year she became a member of the "Beauty of Russia", where he took 2nd place.

Having received a higher legal education, Gorodeanova first moved to Novosibirsk. Having lived there for some time, went to conquer the capital. In Moscow, Natalia continued the model career already on a more serious, professional, level.

To make money on accommodation in the capital, the girl settled by the administrator in the Elite Motor Show Bentley, and in his free time, attended castings and shooting. Shortly before participation in the 4th season of the Show "Bachelor", Kemerovchanka quit from the previous place of work.

Model Career and Television

In the 4th season of the popular television show "Bachelor", which was broadcast on the TNT channel, the location of the main character took a popular singer and artist Alexey Vorobyov. Gorozhanova also decided to compete at the heart of enviable bachelor. Realities immerses into a non-standard situation in which a person hopes for a miracle, and in the life of Natalia, as she admitted, miracles abound.

The girl had every chance to pay attention to Alexey's close attention. Natalia looked impurious, I knew how to support the conversation on any topics and perfectly danced. Slender figure (weight 56 ​​kg, height 174 cm) and the love of sports will also accompany success, considered the audience of the program.

Natalia was the first of 20 contestants received the "first impression" rose from Sparrow, which guaranteed the preservation of the place in the project at least a week, but only the seventh went on a date. As the singer then explained, he had fewer questions to the town, because she did not build anything "from herself" and was natural. Moreover, Alexey believed that with Natasha could meet immediately in the final.

"The best way to solve controversy is to respect the balance, to something indifferent to something, ignore. It is infinitely loudly shouting - it's only to spend your strength, nerves and energy. And the strongest against the one who attacks is calm, it will be greasy. "

With such a position, the girl reached the end of the show, but understood that the artist was not going to hand her ring, and did not upset. Perhaps Gorodeanov herself pushed his statement that he was looking for a decent man, and Alexei's question was worthy of whether he did not answer.

But thanks to the "bachelor", Natalia looked at the world with other eyes, realized that it was necessary to clearly show feelings. In relation to Vorobyev, she experienced a light love, and at the end of the show was glad that now jealousy, sleepless nights, "Mind Flies" behind.

Realities added a citizen popularity. The media wrote that the model, and to the "bachelor" did not complaining about the lack of work, received several new contracts, and pages in social networks flooded posts with advertisements.

Personal life

Close to ideal Men Natalia considers Aktera Keanu Rivza. The girl loves the attributes of an expensive life - branded bags, clocks, cars. On its page in "Instagram" many photos of things of prestigious brands. There are also pictures of beauties in a swimsuit and sophisticated outfits. Follovier suspects that the bright appearance of the city-axis is obliged not only to make a right makeup, but also plastic surgeons. I supposedly corrected the cheekbones, the nose and lips, increased the chest and worked over the teeth.

Personal life model - closed theme. The first guy from Natalia appeared in Kemerovo. But the relationship did not develop, and then she decided that instead of love would plunge into work, and went to Moscow. According to the girl, Alexey Vorobyov hinted to continue the relationship after the "bachelor". But the actor himself said that he deliberately stopped contacts with all participants so that they quickly looked off from the teleproject format, realized that life was not a show, and met real love.

Gorozhanov, on rumors, began to meet with a young man who seemed to be kindly kind and engaged in professional video filming. He made a proposal model, but before the wedding, the case did not reach - the pair broke up at the end of 2018.

And in 2020 it became known that Natalia gave birth to a daughter. The girl was given a beautiful name of the evangeline. The name of the child's father was a secret for some time for fans, but in the end, Gorodeanov revealed this secret. Its chosen was the former husband of the actress Ravshanov, Kurkova Stanislav Rumyantsev.

Natalia has a dog nickname. The girl does not have bad habits, fond of painting and snowboarding, cars and auto racing.

Natalia Gorozhanova now

In early 2019, journalists again remembered Natalia. The girl was attributed to a novel with a member of another show, similar to "bachelor", but in a mirror format. In "marrying Buzov", Alexander Greenov fought for the heart of the TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova. True, a reputation for a young man is far from positive: Telegram Channel "Exposing" Marry Buzov "" wrote that a man - Alfons, in a closed mode published photos and video of the scabing content, taught the pickup meals.

Olga in the "name" show chose Denis Lebedeva Denis. The guy later turned out, was not alone - he met with Alla Lagutina. The girl competed with the townspeople in the "bachelor". Natalia and Alexander's novel stopped being a secret when Green Enginee published video from the party on the occasion of the presentation of the new book by Alla. The couple behaved, did not doubt the presence of gentle feelings.

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