Alexey Lobanov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021



Alexey Lobanov is a Russian theater actor, in 2014, starring in the militant "Professional". The future artist was born in the late 1970s in Siberia. Back in the school years, Alyosha demonstrated congenital artistic abilities, and therefore no one surprised his decision to become an actor.

After graduating from grade 11, Lobanov enters the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts on the Theater Faculty and, after 5 years, receives a specialty "Actor of Dramatic Theater and Cinema".

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The first labor area of ​​the beginning artist was the Irkutsk Regional Theater of the Young Spectator named after Alexander Vampilov. In 2000, Alexey Lobanov, on the initiative of the director Anatoly Streltsov, passes into the troupe of the Irkutsk Academic Drama Theater named after Nikolai Okhlopkov, where his climbing on the ladder of success begins.


By and large, all adult professional life Alexei Lobanova is connected with the Irkutsk Dramatics. Here he played his best roles and received his deserved awards. One of the first roles of the actor was a large-scale and significant role of Klezlekov in the play on the play of Gogol "Auditor". Moreover, Alexey managed to go beyond all the studied character and demonstrate the psychology of a small man, which because of the stupid mistake of society from a meaningless person becomes the center of the city elite. This role allowed Lobanov not only to believe in his own strength, but also gave a huge impetus in developing it as an actor.

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Later he played in the play "Dreams of Yermola Lopakhina", staged by A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" and production "Dear Pamela or how to sew an old woman" made on the basis of the play of the American playwright John Patrick. For his most beloved role, the actor calls Marat from the play "My Poor Marat", who wrote Alexey Arbuzov, as Lobanov likes to demonstrate psychological cultivation of the character in a short time, and in addition, he impresses the net youth friendship and the sense of debt that is inherent in the war generation.

One of the work of the actor, namely the performance "Exodus" based on biblical stories, was highly appreciated by experts, for which he in 2002 became the owner of a special prize of the jury at the Siberian Transit Festival.


In 2014, Alexey Lobanov, for the first time in his career, received an offer to play in the movie "Professional". Moreover, he immediately got the main character - Scout Andrei Zubov, who undeservedly spent more than 10 years in captivity and after entering freedom, entering into a dangerous struggle against the criminal system.

Alexey says that after the theatrical scene he had to be rebuilt under a short time under another rhythm of work, to get used to and learn a lot about the specifics of the set. But thanks to the support of the director, the paintings of Alan Dz Ciro and especially the producer of Adda Staviski actor managed to quickly cope with all the difficulties and greatly enter the image.

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After the militant exit on the screens, many people noted that Lobanov holds the viewer in a state of stretched string throughout the 16 episodes. And the screenwriter of the film Maxim Esaulov called the work of the actor impeccable and characterized the impression produced by the character of the film, the "charm of the gladiator". He was pleased with the first movie and Alexey himself. True, he, as a humble person, tells more about those unforgettable impressions that the Caskaders team left him, which submitted the actor in complex dubs.

For the first time, the militant was demonstrated in November 2014, and in March 2016, the Russian lovers of cinema were finally able to get acquainted with him.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Aleksey Lobanov's personal life is not known anything. He is not too often communicating with journalists and rarely gives an interview, but even in those episodic cases when this happens, prefers to talk about its theatrical activity and the first experience in film filming.


2014 - Professional

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