Denis Lebedev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, mayor of Kolomna, "Instagram", age 2021



On July 1, 2021, the mayor of Kolomna Denis Lebedev with habitual activity placed posts on social networks, and the next day he was found dead in his own apartment. A 46-year-old official brought bills with life, not having time to realize the voiced plans for the improvement of his hometown.

Childhood and youth

Where was born, and came in handy there - this folk wisdom was embodied by the mayor of Kolomna Denis Lebedev, whose biography is closely connected with their hometown. There he was born on October 17, 1974, he studied in school there, without delivering to her parents care and behavior. From an early age, the future official loved to read, was fond of history and demonstrated a tendency to humanitarian disciplines.

The young man did without any problems in the local pedagogical institute, whose historical faculty graduated with honors in 1997. In parallel with study, Denis worked at the Security Agency "Pantan" and by the 1998th reached the Deputy Head of the Security Service. Two years later, Lebedev was already deputy director of the agency.

The career of a young man went up, while he continued to take care of further education. He received it in Moscow, in the open Humanitarian University. V. S. Chernomyrdin, from whose walls in 2003 came out with a red lawyer's diploma.


Host to get experience in leadership posts in the youth, Lebedev continued Promotion. In parallel with the professional career, Denis Yuryevich built and political. He entered the party "Fair Russia" and by 2008 already became the chairman of her Kolomna branch.

Before becoming a government official, Lebedev managed to visit leadership posts in the firms "Coninudy" and "Kolomna builder." However, the political career was leaving much more prospects. Already in 2011, the representative of Kolomna passed to the Moscow Regional Duma, where he was engaged in issues of economics, entrepreneurship and investment policy.

In 2014, the Deputy of the Duma first entered a major administrative post - headed the Ozersky Municipal District, located in the south-east of the Moscow region. The well-being of the city of Lakes with a subordinate territory was its responsibility zone until 2016.

In the fall of 2016, Lebedev returned to his native Kolomna, becoming the head of the urban district there. Despite the experience of leadership by the municipal district, the official encountered new problems. If the Ozersky District was among the most unclosed in the Moscow region, the number of Kolomna residents exceeded them by 3.5 times. In addition, the type of management in these territories was different: the lakes were considered an agrarian district, while Kolomna's economy relied on industrial enterprises.

Denis Yuryevich promised to rebuilt in the shortest possible time and familiar with the problems of the city entrusted to him. In addition, on his own experience, he predicted that they would mostly be all the same: housing and communal services, roads and money.

The mayor took up issues of improvement, construction of playgrounds and equipment of parking spaces, the disclosure of the tourist potential of the city, the repair of roads and the resettlement of residents from emergency housing.

Personal life

Most politicians and officials do not seek to share the details of personal life with the public. The same tactics adhered to Lebedev, who led social networks, but devoted them to workers. Improvement of the city, the fight against the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the success of Kolomna graduates - these topics were regularly covered on the pages of "Instagram", "Vkontakte" and Facebook. But the photo of children and wives mayor Kolomna sought to keep away from prying eyes.

It is known that two sons were brought up in the family of Lebedev.


On July 2, 2021, the mayor of Kolomna did not wait at the workplace. His firearm body was found at the place of residence. According to the investigation, the cause of death was suicide. It was reported that Denis Yuryevich committed suicide with him, shot from a gun, which was discovered next to the killed. In the apartment, locked from the inside, besides the official, no one was.

The actions of law enforcement agencies took control of the governing persons of the Kolomna and the Moscow Regional Prosecutor's Office. The Investigation Committee put forward the assumption that the mayor was brought to suicide, and therefore a criminal case was established. At the same time, they were talked about family problems of Lebedev, which for several days to death regularly used alcohol.

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