Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021



Tatyana Shmeleva - Russian model, dancer and beginner actress. Known as a member of the 4th season of the romantic show "Bachelor" on TNT, as well as a person positioning himself like androging. Tatyana was born on June 28, 1994 in Nizhny Novgorod. When the girl was only 5 years old, her parents decided to divorce, and the family became incomplete. This event was very greatly influenced by a small Tanya: she remained on the upbringing of a mother who could not give daughter the necessary amount of attention, so the child felt unnecessary and abandoned.

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

In order not to focus on your problems, Tatyana Shmelev went to the sport - he was written to the pool and in swimming achieved quite good results, becoming a candidate in the master of sports. And the disturbing thoughts of Tanya poured on paper, making them in spiritual poems. At an older age, children's experiences together with a terrible incident, which will be told in the "Personal Life" section, influenced the worldview of the girl.

The fact is that it began to feel Androgin, that is, by a person who endowed with the signs of both sexes. This concept has nothing to do with transsexuals or to sexual orientation at all. Androgynov subculture is an idea of ​​external feedback, so to speak, unisex man.

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

Tatyana Shmeleva took himself a male pseudonym Nikita Krutov and began to act as a fashion model. In front of the cameras, it is most often appeared as Androging, although sometimes participates in photo shoots and in a purely female case. As a woman, she dances on the stage of the nightclubs, and it can afford quite frank and even causing dances. By the way, the pseudonym "Nikita Krutov" appeared not just like that. The name is taken from the film "Nikita" with Anne Pario in the lead role, since this fighter is one of the favorite Kinokartin Shmelieva. And the coolness is the male version of the name of one of the girlfriends Tatiana.

Recently, the girl tries himself and as a film actress. In the summer of 2016, a short comedy "Resort" should be released on the screens. Hope Provincial History, in which one of the roles got Tatiana. In addition, she starred in a large number of short rollers in the image of Nikita Krutov and went on the podium all in the same kinderlike girl.

Tele Show

In March 2016, the fourth season of the TV project "Bachelor" started on the TNT channel, in which Tatyana Shmeleva became one of the most ambiguous participants of the show. In front of the cameras, the girl made one sensational recognition after another and agreed not only by the main character of the project, singer and actor Alexey Vorobyev, but also all viewers. The most bachelor shocked recognition about the existence of Nikita Krutov, the male alter-ego of Tatiana.

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

During the roses ceremony, where the bachelor handed the flower to the participants like, no one expected to see among the candidates who had passed the first stage, the booty Tatyana Shmelev. Nevertheless, one of the scarlet roses went exactly to her, since in the personal conversation Tanya and Alexey found a similarity in musical preferences, as well as Vorobyev liked the motivation of the girl - try again to believe in the sincerity of men's words and feelings.

Thus, Androgin Tatyana Shmeleva went to the next stage of the project and, together with other girls, will go to Thailand, where it will continue to fight for the heart of enviable bachelor.

Personal life

When Tame was only 14 years old, in addition to her child psychological injury associated with the divorce of parents, a new trouble was added. She was raped, after which the girl completely disappeared faith in men as in the partners in life, which can be trusted. She found a male beginning in her own, becoming Nikita Krutov, and began to meet with different girls.

Tatyana Shmeleva - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

Tatyana Shmeleva is fond of poetry and literature, even herself writes poems. She also loves modern bright dances and engaged with choreography with pleasure.

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