Yier Workova - Biography, "Voice. Children", Personal Life, Father, Photo and Latest News 2021



In March 2016, Ivena, the work, a girl born in Sunny Bulgarian Plovdiv, will be 11 years old. But she has already held an artist. So consider the surrounding adults, professionals.

Sing Yves workov began, barely learned to talk. Such is her heredity. In the family work sing everything. But especially succeeded in this dad. He plays perfectly on the piano and "breathes" with music. Not wonderful that the daughter went on his footsteps. Mom, the teacher on vocal, it remains only to maintain his most expensive people and to hurt with the whole soul for their successes.

The creative biography of Weshen's work began on the stage of the Theater of the Russian Army in Moscow, where the family moved from Plovdiv. Here, a young singer and actress for the second season in a row plays in the world in the world in the world made in 3D-format, called "Paul Negri". Little Iven viewers saw in the role of political. The girl was so fascinated by this work, which is ready to spend in the theater for a day. Here is its second home and family.

Yier Workova - Biography,

Yier work, despite the very young age, he has long known, who will become. Of course, the singing actress. And parents in this support the daughter with all their might, investing in the girl existing knowledge and their own experience. They see that the daughter of those gifted children who are one hundred percent belong to art, "breathe" them. Yier's herself says that "Music is the one friend who always knows your mood and can find the necessary words."

"Voice. Children"

In the 3rd season show "Voice. Children "Ivena Works got a few months after in the same project, only for adult performers, her father was visited, 32-year-old Konstantin work. For the first time, the girl was noticed behind the scenes of an adult "voice," when she came to support the Father. So what appeared on the project "Voice. Children »Yvesh Many fans of the television show seemed familiar.

Yier Workova - Biography,

For "blind listening", IVENA workova chose a rather complicated jazz composition "WHO'S LOVIN 'YOU". The girl dreamed of repeating the success of the dad and "turn" to all three troops. And she succeeded. The daughter is no less than the father, managed to hit strict judges. After all, so masterfully sing jazz at 10 years old is an incredibly difficult task.

All this time, the sides of the parents were stayed behind the scenes, listening to each note with a dying heart, a sudden daughter. As Konstantin works, Konstantin works were admitted, to observe the speech of the child, he was a hundred times more difficult than acting himself.

Leonid Agutin turned to Jvet the work first. On the last seconds, Dima Bilan and Pelagia pressed on the red buttons. The girl at first did not even believe in such a deafening success. Emotions broke out with tears. For a few seconds, the contestant could not believe that it was not a dream, but a reality. Mentors did not spare for a talented girl of admiration.

"This is enchanting," said Leonid Agutin, so briefly commented. Pelagia was also laconic, stating that the girl sang very originally and very interesting, because she managed to fulfill this composition, not imitating anyone, completely in its own way.

Dima Bilan in his assessment heard beat the surname of the Bulgarian stars: "Yier work, you worked so much! Or rather - served

Art! Excellent performed the thing. "

Yier is quite quickly determined with the choice of a mentor. She called the name of Dima Bilan, which he himself was very happy. Get into your team such a strong performer is a real luck. Now Ivena Works will prepare for the next rather complicated stage, "fighting".

Yier Workova - Biography,

Personal life

The young Bulgarian singer almost all free time goes to class classes and performances on the scene. So the personal life of Ivena work is music. But the girl is very sunny and sociable, it does not represent life without communicating with the peers.

She has a wonderful friend Valery Berkovskaya, who also sings and is going to take part next season of the show "Voice. Children". Lera watched a friend's speech with her parents, burning from impatience and excitement for the scenes of the show.

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