Svetlana Bondarchuk - Photo, biography, personal life, news, her man 2021



Svetlana Bondarchuk - Russian model, actress, editor of the glossy magazine Hello!, The owner of the PR Agency. Fedor Bondarchuk's former wife. She is not just talented, the artist managed to turn the talent into success. Despite those tests that Svetlana sent fate, a woman managed to keep a positive attitude to everything that happened.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Ruda was born on December 17, 1968, lives in Moscow. Children's years have passed in the house on the Christmas boulevard, now it is the territory of the mansion. The girl was surrounded by historical buildings, among whom Svetlana loved to walk.

The future secular lioness is adultel in the intelligentsia environment. Her parents met when they studied at the metropolitan aviation institute. Early marriage completed the rapid divorce. The girl was barely turned 3 years old when her mother with his father broke up.

Soon a new person entered the family, Vladimir stepfather, who became a real dad for Sveta. Over the years, the girl began to communicate with his native father Vitaly. Svetlana Grigory appeared in his family, and Mom with stepfather gave her daughter to Sister Larisa.

As the star says, the delicious mind and officer restraint combined in their parents. There were many interesting people in their house, but the light was shy and closed. The girl was engaged in fencing, passed the standard of a candidate for the master of sports.

According to the actress, it was the sport that helped to form her character and taught an instant reaction. Svetlana's secrets trusted grandmother, she was the closest man for a girl. After school, Svetlana entered the Institute of Culture and received a specialty librarian, however, did not work by profession.

Model Career

In the model business Svetlana hit the grandmother. The girl shy his own appearance - High and thin, the light seemed to have too long legs. In his youth, her weight barely reached 50 kg with a height of 177 cm. When Burda Moden organized casting in Moscow, the grandmother persuaded his granddaughter to go to him. Overcoming shyness, the applicant appeared before the jury and passed the selection. At the Burda Moden competition Svetlana Bondarchuk won the main prize.
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Work in the model business helped the girl to believe in itself. In his youth, she traveled around the world, worked as a fashion model and participated in prestigious fashion shows. Then the career was a long break. Bondarchuk again became the model in 2007, when she was offered to become the face of the cosmetic brand "Oriflame."

In 2013, Svetlana Bondarchuk became a face in a series of photographs of Alexander Terekhov.


During the break in the model career Svetlana Bondarchuk switched to television. The actress participated in a talk show, often acted as a fashion expert. Moscow Bomond and today considers Bondarchuk a woman with an impeccable taste.

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Then there was a work on the "home" channel, where the artist became the TV presenter of the fashion vaccination program and "put his girlfriend". When the project "You'd Supermodel" was planned at the STS, Svetlana Bondarchuk was invited to transfer, and soon she headed the jury of the show.


Svetlana Bondarchuk was already popular when she was offered the position of chief editor of the magazine Hello!. In this edition, the celebrity works today.

For 2 years of work, Publishing in the publishing business, Bondarchuk decided on his own project. In 2008, Svetlana released an ICONS magazine focused on a narrow audience. The publication was in demand from the metropolitan party, but the decline in the economy made itself felt: the demand for a luxurious style fell, Bondarchuk had to close the magazine.


Svetlana Bondarchuk tried on his own and role film actresses. Debut work - short tape "Sleep in Summer Morning" 1989 release. The director of the film was spoused by the wife of Fyodor, graduate of Vgika. Both have played the main characters of the movie. Popular cinematographers were lit in the rest of the roles - the operator Mikhail Mukasy and the director Tigran Keosayan.

The next picture with Svetlana appeared in her creative biography of 17 years later. Such was the film "Heat", produced by Fyodor Bondarchuk. In this tape, the actress marked with a glimpse, as costumes. In the picture, it was about the summer pastime of four school friends - Alexey, Bones, Arthur and Timati (Alexey Chadov, Arthur Smolyaninov, Konstantin Kryukov, Timati), who after the long-awaited meeting in the root change the life guidelines.

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The secular lioness performed the main role in the comedy "Love with an emphasis" Rube Hygineisvili. The film also starred the stars of Georgian and Russian cinema Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nani Bregvadze, Nadezhda Mikhalkov, Anna Mikhalkova, Philip Yankovsky. The picture represented by the public in 2012 was a good cash desk at the box office.

A year later, one more work appeared in the filmography of the actress - a short-casting "touch", in which Svetlana appeared in the form of the Mother of the main character.

Personal life

With the future spouse Svetlana met when she was 16 years old. Young people first met when Fyodor Bondarchuk came from the army to the dismissal and looked at the school friend to visit. She had Svetlana. Bondarchuk and Ruda met in a year and a half in the hospital, where Fedor had hit the leg injury. When the guy, already in the ward of the hospital, opened his eyes, he saw Svetlana in front of him. The girl began to periodically visit Fedor.

Gradually, friendly feelings turned into love. Young, contrary to the will of the parents of the lights, escaped and began to live together in the apartment of the common friend Tigran Keosayan, Fedor's classmate. There began their joint family life. Bondarchuk's offer made his chosen on the set during the creation of a video clip on Sergei Mazaev's song.

Fedor and Svetlana lived together for more than 25 years. They have two children - Son Sergey and the daughter of Varvara. Sergey Bondarchuk - the younger decided to become a film director, studied in the United States. Now he has its own family. At the end of 2012, the granddaughter of Margarita was born in Bondarchuk, and after another 2 years - Vera.

Fedor and Svetlana called the perfect pair, despite the fact that the feelings of spouses were periodically inspected for strength. At one time, the marriage and public recognition of the singer Lika Star, who announced the novel with Fedor Bondarchuk. The family harbor then rested before the onslaught of rumors and gossip. It seemed that the relationship between the spouses was even stronger at the moment when the youngest daughter appeared, which turned out to be a special child.

For each wedding anniversary, the husband gave Svetlana Ring and favorite orchids. The news that Bondarchuki is bred, has become a complete surprise for fans. The sprout of the spouse was announced publicly by publishing an application on the official website of Hello! In it, Fedor and Svetlana thanked each other over the years who lived together, stating that this time was beautiful.

Today the ways of the former husband and wives did not dissuade - Bondarchuk stopped being a pair, but remain close people and friends. Civilized, without conflicts and mutual insults, this story ended. As Svetlana admitted Svetlana in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of Man", the novels on the side did not affect the decision. All relations with new chosenses each of the ex-spouses began after the divorce.

Svetlana's personal life has improved as quickly as the relationship of a former spouse with a new Passion Paulina Andreva. The celebrity began to lay out in the microblog "instagram" photos with young people. But such photo sessions were rather non-serious. In mid-2016, 2 months after the termination of the Four Bondarchuk, the Svetlana and her boyfriend Alexei Molchanova, the official makeup artist of the French cosmetic company Lancome appeared on the network.

Svetlana Bondarchuk is experiencing a new period of personal biography. In 2017, her new place of residence was the apartments at the Patriarch ponds, where the actress transported the paintings from a common house with a common house. On the canvases of the brush artist Aidan Salahova, whose photos Svetlana posted on the Internet, Bondarchuk is depicted on a semi-naked form.

In the same year, a loving mother for the first time decided to show the public photo of the daughter of Varvara, who was injured at premature birth. The girl is abroad on constant treatment, but it remains a cheerful and loving child. Svetlana expressed her own feelings for her daughter in concise comments to the image. In turn, the fans of the artist were pleasantly surprised by such confidence from the star.

Svetlana Bondarchuk continues to participate in secular events. In September 2017, the artist visited the wedding ceremony of the Eugene Plushenko and the producer of Yana Rudkovskaya, where she appeared in a frank outfit. Do not forget Svetlana and on vacation. Bondarchuk went on the coast of the Indian Ocean. In September, together with the girlfriend, the hoping of Obolentseva and other Sergei Tabunov visited the "Man of Year 2017" award from the GQ magazine.

Later the young photographer will be called the new chief chief chosen. Bondarchuk and her man spent a lot of time together. But the relationship has exhausted themselves. Svetlana's new beloved became Sergey Kharchenko, director of design studio projects Bestinspace Design Co. Today, the couple enjoys communicating with each other. Lovers often travel around the world.

Svetlana has always fifth sincere attachment to four-legged pets, so in the new apartment she had a dog nicknamed Fanny. This is a rare breed of Labradudl. In the spring of 2019, Fanny became a mom. This joyful news Bondarchuk reported from the personal "Instagram" page.

Svetlana Bondarchuk now

In 2019, rumors appeared about the immediate marriage Svetlana Bondarchuk. The woman has already demonstrated the signatures of his "instagram" ring similar to the wedding. And later the pictures of the couple appeared, where the lights and her chosen one Sergey Kharchenko at the wedding of Gigineišvili and the hopes of Obolentseva themselves kiss, without hiding from the surrounding senses. Under the frank photo, the woman left an ambiguous comment: "Gorky!"

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The assumptions of fans were justified: in August 2020 it became known that Svetlana again became a married lady. The luxurious dress of the bride caused many perekov - according to rumors the cost of the wedding dressed was 700 thousand rubles.

Now she is in full harmony with him. As a woman says, happiness for her - to live a real day, love and be beloved. Probably, therefore Bondarchuk even today amazes fans with their impeccable appearance. Her figure over the years has not changed, as evidenced by the photo in the bathing suit.


  • 1989 - "Sleeping in the Summer Morning"
  • 2006 - "Heat"
  • 2012 - "Love with an accent"

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