Daria Shashin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Daria Shashin is a popular singer, an ex-solicist of Gerlz-Band "Silver" and gaining fame Instagram-blogger and video block.

Daria Shashin, familiar to the fans of Russian pop music as one of the soloist of the Silver group, was born in September 1990 in Nizhny Novgorod. In the family in which Dasha grew up, the music sounded constantly. Grandmother Darya Shashina worked as a concertreaster at the local conservatory. This educational institution graduated from Dad, Egor Shashin, subsequently became an arranger and composer. Mom Dasha, Alexander Kovtyreva, was a violinist. At one time she graduated from a music school. So a good musical rumor and a wonderful voice went to Darya inherited from two generations of relatives.

Singer Daria Shain

When Dasha turned 2 years old, another girl was born in the family, Tatiana. And after 5 years, parents divorced. Daria and Tanya stayed with her mother.

Dasha, like her parents, graduated from a music school. She studied at once in two classes: piano and violin.

After some time, Alexander Kovtyreva married the second time. Her husband became Englishman David Chatterton. Great Britain worked in Nizhny Novgorod under the contract. The family went to England. There, Daria Shain lived for a while.

According to some information, the marriage of Alexandra with David Chatterton lasted for a short time. Woman returned to Russia. Now she lives in Moscow.

Daria Shashin

As for Dasha, the girl upon returning to his homeland entered the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory named after Mikhail Glinka, where her grandmother and father remembered well. Here the chashin was held by 4 courses and, after passing 2-year training on a special program of the local Institute of Foreign Languages, in 2012 went to the United States. The girl had long dreamed of moving home his favorite jazz.

In America, Daria continued learning in vocal and linguistic courses. To make money on life, a young vocalist worked as a fashion model and sang in one of the restaurants on Brighton Beach.


The creative biography of the singer could go on a completely different path. Dasha Shashin was not going to return to Russia. But one day, accidentally learning about the declared casting to a new soloist of the Silver Group, the fan of which the girl was, the singer came to Moscow.

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Darya wanted to try his strength and get into the popular group. Happiness smiled at the singer: she successfully passed the casting and was adopted in the project by its producer Maxim Fadeev. The girl replaced the spent soloist Anastasia Karpov.

As part of the team, where Olga Seriabkin and Elena Temnikov, Daria Shashin began to perform from October 2013. The girl starred in 6 clips "Silver" and took part in creating a new album under the working title "925". Subsequently, the recorded material for the new album was abducted, and the official output of the plate was postponed. A year later, the group announced the yield of another album, which was called the "Three Power".

The first appearance of the girl in the group was the premiere of the clip on the joint with DJ M.E.G. Single "Ugra". Daria starred in the clip, and also overwriting the vocal batch, which Anastasia originally performed.

Together with the group "Silver" Dasha recorded several hits, among which "I will not give you", "no need more painful," and "confused." Shashin participated in the recording of clips on the named compositions. The composition "I will not give you" became the first track, originally issued by Darya.

In addition, this song has become the only composition recorded by the trio of Seryabkina, Darkovaya and Shashina. In 2014, Elena Temnikov left the group. The singer stated that he wanted to do the family and give birth to a child, and an entry appeared on the official site that the soloist was gone for health. The new participant of the group was Polina Favorskaya.

On April 29, 2015, the Group released a new single "KISS". The song was designed for an English-speaking audience and promoted the upcoming album abroad. With this song, the group "Silver" spoke at Coca-Cola Summer Festival.

The last Russian-speaking single in support of the new album was the Track "Let me go." In 2015, clips were released on the composition "Kiss", "confused" and "let me go."

At the end of March 2016, it became known that Daria Shanis left the group. The cause of the singer named itself: serious health problems. This girl told fans on their pages in social networks.

Everyone who carefully watched Dasha's career and for the speeches of the singer, not so long ago noticed that the singer recovered and began to move less on the stage. With a rise of 164 kg, the singer was originally weighed 52 kg, which corresponded to the conditions of selection into the musical team. As Maxim Fadeev, the weight of Silver Soloisk must be up to 55 kg, and age up to 26 years old. Daria recovered to 55 kg, and the weight of the singer continued to grow.

Everything became clear when Shashin told about his illness. It turns out that the soloist for about six months ago began to hurt the knee. Over time, the pain intensified, it became increasingly harder to move. When Daria turned to specialists, the singer heard a disappointing diagnosis: congenital dysplasia knee joints. Because of the huge loads that the singer moved lately, the disease began to progress. In early March there was a misfortune: Menisk broke out in the right knee.

Daria Shashin reported that the doctors recommend not to move and make an operation. Dasha not only can not go on stage, but even climbing the singer's stairs is prohibited. Daria awaits an answer from one of the clinic of Israel, where on the advice of Max Fadeeyev, she sent a picture of MRI. The producer hoped that the girl would not have to leave the group, but the doctors insisted on operations and calm mode.

The Silver Group first performed in abbreviated composition, then a new soloist came to the group - Katya Kishchuk, who replaced Daria Shashin and supplemented the trio.

Daria Shashin and Katya Kishchuk

In 2016, the group presented the album "Three Power", which became the last joint album of Daria and Group. The songs of "Three Forces" are recorded as part of the trio of Olga Seriabquina, Polina Favorskaya and Darya Shashina. The only song, in which the wrong chain participated in the record, and the new soloist, became the "Chocolate" track. The plate included 16 tracks, including a number of singles released in advance in support of the album.

Due to the scandalous story with the materials for the album "925" it turned out that the "Three Power" plate, which was based on the same records, was in the work for three years that fans were also recognized as symbolic. Also, the "Three Power" became the first album of the group, which was not released on the CD.

Singer Daria Shain

The disc was awarded the "Real Award MusicBox" as an album of the year, the music online portal Yandex.Music also called the record the best album of the year.

Personal life

Personal life Daria Shashina in sight of the fans. Because of great amusement, Dasha has not turned novels for a long time - the girl constantly worked. Tours, shooting, rehearsals - these classes "eaten" leisure and did not allow to be distracted by something else.

Daria Shashin

It is known that the girl supports relations with his native father. Egor Shashin also moved to the capital and as an arranger and composer cooperates with such stars as Philip Kirkorov, Irina Allegrova and Stas Mikhailov.

In 2011, Daria starred in the clip "She", written in the song of Egor Shashin.

Daria Shashin now

With the leaving of the group, the life of the singer did not end. In early 2017 it became known that Daria Shashin marries. The proposal of the hands and hearts by the girl made an ex-participant of the show "Voice-3" Ivan Chebanov. In August 2017, lovers got married. The wedding of musicians took place near the city of prominent Moscow region, in the manor Sukhanovo.

Wedding Daria Shashina and Ivan Chebanova

The singer does not regret the departure from the group and does not support communication with the former colleagues. Daria did not start the solo career, as expected from leaving groups of vocalists. Fans who regularly ask such questions, the girl reminds about problems with legs.

Today, Daria Shain is gaining popularity as a blogger. The girl leads a page in the "Instagram" on which 450 thousand people signed, and YouTube Vlog, which is watching 200 thousand people.


  • 2014 - "I will not give you"
  • 2016 - "Three Power"

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