Maxim Drozd - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV series, main roles, children 2021



Maxim Drozd is the Russian actor and movies, which is known to the public with the roles of charming villains, cynical millionaires and simple workers. The artist calls the brutality with his defense. In life, it is much more calm and even too early, therefore it has long been thinking about the change of the role for the sake of an interesting project.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born in Odessa in the family of Artist Georgy Drozda. The actor's actor belongs to his mother - theatrical actress Lyudmila Speedtnik. The family often moved. The future actor in Kiev grew up, but I had to live in Riga, and in Moscow.

By the way, since in the capital of Ukraine, the boy lived not in the most prosperous area of ​​the city - Shulavka, he signed up in the boxing section. In this sport, he achieved tangible results - became a master of sports and could well continue to develop a sports career, but he chose art.

After school, Drozd decided to go in the footsteps of the parents, but from the first attempt to pass the entrance examinations, he failed - the applicant filed documents to all Moscow theatrical universities, but I could not go further on the third round. Mandatory at that time, the military service for 2 years rejected the young man from her usual life, but the hardening, obtained during his stay in the airborne troops, helped Maxim in the future.

After demobilization, the guy returned to the idea of ​​receiving the profession of the actor, went to Moscow and, on the advice of Roman Grigorievich, Viktyuk entered the MCAT Studio School. He studied at the famous master of avant-garde Leontyev, and His classmates were Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Dmitry Shcherbina and Egor Pazenko.

After the final exams from the Mkat Studio, the novice actor was invited to the theater named after Maria Yermolova, but there he did not stay for a long time, leaving the cinema, periodically appearing in Rerezé. For example, in 2015, the entrepreneurial setting of the Moscow State Theater Theater "married, but alive" was greatly successful.


In the movie, Drozd began to appear in student years. In 1992, he starred in the militant "Afghan", and then took part in the dramatic picture "What a wonderful game" and the criminal tape "Golden bottom". Unknown why, but in his youth, the actor left the profession. For 5 years, he was engaged in business and only in 2000 in the moral support of his father managed to return to the movies.

He had to conquer the authority again, playing not the most noticeable roles in detectives and criminal series. In those years, he starred in the "gangster Petersburg", "style", "citizen of the boss", "Moore is Moore" and other similar paintings.

Mostly, the actor was playing military, policemen or criminal authorities, it was promoted by courageous appearance, army preparation, high growth (187 cm with weight of 92 kg) and scars on the body, which, by the way, are natural, and not work of the make-up.

Maxim Drozd and Ekaterina Klimov in the series "Women's Lovers"

A real breakthrough in the career was for the thrush of 2007. He participated in a very successful historical and detective series "Liquidation". Years of life in Odessa and knowledge in Norivsky jargon allowed Maxim to successfully pass the samples and get into the team with such stars as Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Vladimir Menshov.

The artist remembered the audience the role of the head of the guards of the brotherhood in the Criminal Drama "Damned Paradise", although Maxim himself calls the series by the "places by Halurs and Vulgar". According to Drozda, in love scenes with the mistress of a brothel, which Evelina Bledans played, he "basically did the fact that she covered part of the body of Evelyn."

No less bright were erotic shots with Catherine Klimova in a melodraman "Women's lovers." The actor admitted that she does not like bed scenes, for him "better run to run with a gun." Therefore, in the artist filmography, there are many militants, such as "cool", "lonely wolf", "foundry", "according to the laws of military time", where he equally harmoniously plays both criminals and representatives of the law.

Maxim Drozd - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV series, main roles, children 2021 20024_2

In 2016, the actor appeared on the screens in a psychological detective "Consultant", based on the real story about the crimes of the serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. A partner of Bragin's investigator performed by Drozda was the consultant-psychologist of the Shirokov, which was played by Kirill Kyaro. The tape received a premium apkit in the nomination "Best Scenic Work" and 2 awards at the International Telekinophor "together".

The story was continued in the form of the 2nd season called "Liche Times", which was devoted to the birth of Russian show business. For the criminal series, 6 compositions were recorded in the Stylistics of the early 90s, who performed Julia Harutyunov, she also played a soloist of the musical group. Drozd also recorded the soundtrack to the TV series.

Personal life

Drozd was married three times and has four children from these marriages, but now she has been idol. In 1991, at the age of 20, the artist for the first time went under a crown with a former classmate Lilia Fomina, who worked as choreographer and balletmaster. They had a daughter Daria, who became the champion of the world on table tennis.

In 1997, the Mother of Artist went to the monastery, and his father married the actress Anastasia Serdyuk-Bunina for the second time, and Maxim had a sister of Claudia.

Drozd lived with the first wife of 11 years, after which the spouses broke up. Daughter stayed with her mother, now they live in Riga.

A year later, he married Anastasia Brovnaya, who had even gave birth to Him from him before him. Already after the wedding, Maxim and Anastasia had a daughter of Maria, but shortly after the appearance of a girl on the light, parents broke up. Despite the divorce, Drozd continued to see children: their joint photos appear on the Actor page in "Instagram".

With the third wife - actress Victoria Politork, the artist met on the filming of the TV series "Damned Paradise". Officially, they signed in 2010, when the spouse made Maxim by the Father for the fourth time, giving birth to the daughter of Sofia. But later and this marriage collapsed.

In 2015, the actor lost his father - Georgy Ivanovich died after a long illness.

After 2 years, the press appeared information about the new chosen. According to reporters, He became Anna Ardova, which for the sake of Maxim even broke up with her husband with whom he lived 20 years. Rumors about this novel went for a long time, but the actors tried not to advertise a personal life. Later, Drozd commented on this situation, explaining that only working relationships are associated with Ardova.

Also, Maxim was attributed to Roman with Evelyina Bledans. At one of the parties, the artists behaved relaxed, although the fans are confident that the stars played the public.

In October 2019, Drozd became the hero of the transfer "in fact." A resident of Taganrog Marina Katerinets turned to the editorial office, which reported that she was united by a romantic relationship and the birth of a child.

This news was surprised by the artist, on the air he denied the approval of a woman. The words of Maxim confirmed after checking on the lie detector. It turned out that Marina tells a lie - her 6-year-old son was born from another person, and she had no intimate relationship with an actor.

Maxim Drozd now

In 2021, the creative biography of the actor replenished the action movie "Reserved Special Forces". Drozda got the main role in the film - he played a special forces who leads war with poachers. All tricks in the ribbon artist performed independently. He even passed the accelerated course of driving a motorcycle, but in one of the doubles received a serious injury - she crashed into the fence, and a heavy motorcycle fell on the actor's leg. But the wolf, the Bear and Lynx, according to Maxim, on the site during the filming behaved perfectly.

At the theater scene, the premiere of the entrepreneurial play "In Search of Happiness", in which Dmitry Isaev became a partner of Drozda.


  • 2005 - "Nine Unknown"
  • 2007 - "Damned Paradise"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "Good guys"
  • 2009 - "Two Love Stories"
  • 2012 - "Lone Wolf"
  • 2013 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2015 - "Two plus two"
  • 2015 - "And the dawns here are quiet ..."
  • 2016 - "Penalty"
  • 2016 - "Consultant"
  • 2016 - "Husband with home delivery"
  • 2017 - "Mother's Commander"
  • 2017 - "Youth"
  • 2018 - "Nurse"
  • 2019 - "Butterflies and Birds"
  • 2019 - "Lighthouse Career"
  • 2020 - "Give your life"
  • 2021 - "Reserved Special Forces"

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