Eduard Trukhmev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The presence in the titles of the film named after Eduard Trukhmeyev is a sign that the plot is a cool mix of Superman's exploits, gentle feelings and brilliant humor. At the same time, the actor says that he has not played anything yet. Yes, the filmography is replenished with enviable regularity, but filmmakers for the most part want action, not character. Therefore, rehearsals in the theater - balm on the soul, there can be digging in psychology.

Childhood and youth

Eduard was born in June 1972 in Minsk. Mom Lyudmila Nikolaevna worked as a dining room, alone raised two children. Sister Alley and her husband, daughters and son now live in Lebanon.

In childhood, Trukhmev was little difference from the peers - football in the yard, bicycle races, a tagging from a slingshot on a moving target, with the exception of unusual dreams - to become an artist.

After the 8th grade Edik entered the technical school of light industry, the actor's profession seemed an unattainable zhuramb in the sky. Here the guy signed up in the theater studio, and after 3 years, she still passed the exams in the Belarusian Academy of Arts. Most of all, he was afraid of the reaction of Mom, who learned about the "exploits" of Son Postfakutum. But the choice approved.

Theater and films

The creative biography of Truchmenyev began on stage. He played at the National Academic Theater named after the Yankee Kupala, in 1998 he was admitted to the Toroupe of the Roman Viktyuk Theater, from there switched to Moscow Tyuz.

For the first time, the audience saw Eduard in 1996 in the painting "Birds without nests." After moving to Moscow, the actor starred in the episodes of films "24 hours", "Turkish March" and "Stiletto".

In 2005, Eduard played the namesque in the series Alexander Mitty "Swan Paradine" about a native of the Ural Town, which returns to a small homeland to start a new life. At the same time, a lyrical comedy "Sky" with his participation was released on the screens. In the melodraman "Union without sex" he, along with Mariana Vertinskaya, Victoria Isacova and Elena Panova received a major role.

What is Glory, Trukhmenev learned when he reincarnated in the hero of the militant "bodyguard". For greater realism, the actor trained with Alfa special forces, learned to hand-to-hand fighting, label shooting, excerpt and competent danger avoidance.

Then, Edward received suggestions from the creators of the detective series "Last Journey of Sinbada", the film about the FSB employees "SpecialGroup", the family saga "Yermolov", the melodrama "Winner". In the criticized drama "Ivan Grozny", filmed by Andrei Eshepay, ON appeared in the image of the governor of the Russian king. In the comedy "Lapushki" with difficulty, but used to distinguishing partners - Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts. In 2010, the painting "White Dress" came out, where the artist also received a major role.

At the peak of popularity, Trukhmenyev was after the premiere of the series "Margosha". With the director of the project Sergey Arlanov and Screen Colleague by Publishing House Anatoly Kotom, the actor studied at theatrical university. Edward times 10 reread the script before I understood what the essence of a man's reincarnation into a woman. The female 'is the personality of the Person Goshi - Margo - executed Maria Bersenev.

In the military film "Widow Steamer", the Character of Trukhmenhev is a kind of first guy in the village, a hearty, who conquers the most impregnable. A similar type with him in the series "The Wife of General" and the "Surprise for Love" melodrama.

The name of the painting "Forbidden Love" transfers the despair of the main character, who lost his own child and the established nurse in the family of a businessman. The role of the latter was fulfilled by Eduard.

In a detective, "Life, by rumors, one", shot on the very name of Tatiana Ustinova, the actor turns into a security guard and, together with a former client, investigates the murder of EE girlfriend. In addition, a woman suspects that a husband is involved in attacks. The spouses in the film played Ekaterina Tarasova and Anton Batyrev.

"Just a novel" is the essence of the relationship of the characters Edward Trukhmenhev and Natalia Antonova. No obligations, no deep feelings. True, a man thinks, whether it is correct when a woman has a connection on the side.

The heroes of the melodrama "Assistant", according to the audience, play whether the service novel is played, or a fairy tale about Cinderelves. The actor starred in the role of an unlike businessman-widower with strange requests. To remember how to handle the opposite sex, he asks a personal assistant to go to date with him.

Personal life

Eduard argues that he never became a Muscovite. Even the acquisition of its own housing has not turned Ego in the metropolitan resident, only in Minsk, the artist feels truly at home. The comfort and spiritual comfort appear when Trukhmev comes to her mother, which prepares the favorite Datra.

Personal life of the star of the screen - the "patient" theme is not so much for Eduard as for loved ones. The question "When will marry?" - One of the most frequently asked. Handsome man with a courageous appearance and, according to the interlocutors, the owner of an outstanding mind, charm and self-criticism while searching for a life companion.

Compulsory quality, which should be a girl - positivity.

"Any conflict situation is usually stupid and, if you look at it more closely, it is not worth the egg. And if you reduce its reason to the level of joke, everyone understands the absurdity of the situation and diverge with the world. No wonder they say that a person who has no sense of humor is in its kind disabled. "

From the hobby of the artist only cars and sports. For lack of time to go to the hall, the simulator ON installed at home and pays each free minute to maintain the form (Torukhmeyev's growth is 186 cm, the weight is 90 kg).

Creative news, photos and video, Edward shares on a personal site, on the "Facebook" pages and in Vkontakte.

Eduard Trukhmev now

In the fall of 2019, the premiere of the detective "Death in the Color Language" took place. In the center of the plot of the film, filmed by the novel Noman Ludmila Martova, is a mysterious killer leaving a flower crime.

The shooting area of ​​the project again brought together Edward and Tatiana Arntgolts. Elena Safonov, Sergey Porudov, are also involved in the acting ensemble.


  • 2002 - "Optical Materials"
  • 2004 - "Union without sex"
  • 2005 - Swan Paradise
  • 2006 - "Sky color"
  • 2007 - "SpecialGroup"
  • 2007 - "bodyguard"
  • 2008 - "Last journey of Sinbad"
  • 2009 - Margosha
  • 2010 - "White Dress"
  • 2013 - "Tasks of Special Importance: Operation" Typhoon "
  • 2014 - "Surprise for Love"
  • 2016 - "Forbidden Love"
  • 2017 - "Life, by rumors, one"
  • 2018 - "Assistant"
  • 2019 - "Death in the language of flowers"

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