Igor Bottin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Series 2021



Igor Botvin - Actor of the Russian Theater and Cinema, whose film driver can be considered an exception to the rule. Unchecked natives of Russian depths reach such heights and popularity, which is proud to speak with pride. He regularly replenishes his piggy bank, which includes films of various genres.

Childhood and youth

Actor Igor Botvin was born in a small village of Sarajevo, which in the Vologda region. In childhood, the boy about the creative profession was not thoughtful, as his thoughts occupied sports and communication with friends.

Almost immediately after the prom, the Botvin called to the army. Igor served in Moscow in the special purpose troops, where he continued to have reinforced training and the day of demobilization weighed about 110 kg with a height of 180 cm. The guy did not return home, and moved to St. Petersburg.

It is in the northern capital of Botvin for the first time visiting the idea to try himself in the acting profession. First of all, he goes to the theater studio, then enters the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, where he becomes a student of Professor Zinovia Corogo. Almost in the middle of the 1st year of the course, Igor is translated into the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art and ends the university in 2001.

While during the training, the young man managed to participate in several serious performances, including the observation play, where the novice actor one portrayed five characters at once. Igor also participated in the productions of "Uncle Vanya", "Othello", "Venetian".

Personal life

The private side of the life of Igor Botvin is very widely discussed by fans and themselves in numerous interviews. The actor is quite frank in matters of romantic pregnancy and is not hesitated to shock journalists with spicy details.

So, Igor says that the first love was a school teacher of mathematics, and the young man was jealous when adult "rivals" were trying to care for the teacher. Also, the Botvin also describes in detail how in his youth with friends traveled on motorcycles in neighboring villages on dating girls.

Personal life Igor Botvin has always been turbulent. At the actor, fleeting novels with partners on films happen, Igor claims that if he falls in love, it cares beautifully and romantic. Nevertheless, Botvin is still not married, he does not have children either.

Although sometimes Igor notices that I would like to create a family, but, apparently, until he met a girl, ready to become his wife, for which he will be ready to part with idle life.

According to media information, Igor Botvin met with a partner for the TV series "Counterfeit" Maria Kapustinskaya, but the actors themselves did not comment on such messages. Igor Botvin has no own account in "Instagram", but he created a personal site, where there is news from his creative life, personal photos and video works.

Theater and films

The first vocational frames of Botvin was the theater on the foundry, where Igor played the most favorite role of King Edip in the stage of the same name. In the same team, the actor fulfilled the roles in the classic performances of the "servant of the two gentlemen" and "Antigone".

Since 2008, Igor is part of the G. Tovstonogov G. Tovstonogov truth theater, where he receives roles in the "Don Carlos infant" in Friedrich Schiller, "Tavercarriers" in Carlo Goldoni.

To be filmed in the movie Igor Botvin began in 1999. The first work in the creative biography of the young artist was the popular series "Streets of broken lanterns", where Igor appeared in the 2nd season.

The first popularity came along with the criminal-sports project "Devoloic Strength", in which the actor recreated the image of the Mother fan of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" on the nicknamed Tyson, heading the grouping of football fans.

Igor's comedy-detective multiserial film "Agency NLS" about friends-organizers of the Agency for people in non-standard situations were presented even more popularity.

Also in 2001, the Botvin took part in the creation of the Russian-American historical project "Gladiatrix". The partners of the Russian actor on the film became the stars of the American magazine Playboy Karen McDougal and Lisa Dergan.

The shooting of the Russian criminal-biographical melodrama "Sonya - Golden Handle" directed by Viktor Merezhko and the historical militant "Alexander" were not less large-scale. Nevskaya battle, "where Igor starred with Anton Pampushny.

The next time the artist appeared on the screen only in 2008 in the film "Augusta ambassador" about the unofficial trip of Peter First to Europe, where Igor Botkin was transformed into a foreign military leader - Admiral Osborne.

In 2011, Igor Botvin played a major role in the Detective "Counterfeit", in which his partner in the workplace was Maria Kapustinskaya. In the criminal television film "Narcotrafik" the actor reincarnated in the arrow.

Soon the premieres of the Melodrama "General Snow", the criminal film "Culinary" and the Drama "Trap", in which the Botvin played the main characters. A successful artist career continued among the performers of the detective series Nyukhach. Igor reincarnated here in a negative character, which was infrequently happening in his filmography.

In 2017, Igor Botvkin got into the main acting film "Portrait of a Woman in Red" about the young girl Anna (Natalia Terekhov) from the province, which falls in love with the Metropolitan young man Dima (Andrei Gorbachev).

At the same time, the premiere of the detective series with the participation of the Arena for the Murder was held, in which Tatyana Cherdyntseva, Jan Tsaznik, and others, were starred. An interesting project for Igor was the film "Wings of the Empire". The artist gladly tried out the image of a historic character. But still the main genre for the performer remains militants - these are television series 2018 of the release of "Melnik" and "Sea Devils. Friend's frontiers.

Igor Botvin now

The acting activities of Igor now flows at several work sites.

In 2019, the "Kumir" and "Podkinysh" series came out with the participation of Botkin, and at the 2020th, the premieres of Diver and Casanova films were scheduled.


  • 2001 - "Deadly Power"
  • 2001-2004 - "NLS Agency"
  • 2001 - Gladiatrix
  • 2005 - "Favorite"
  • 2006 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2008 - "Alexander. Nevskaya battle
  • 2011 - "Counterfeit"
  • 2012-2013 - "Culinary"
  • 2016 - "Portrait of a woman in red"
  • 2017 - "Arena for Murder"
  • 2017 - "Hurricane wind is expected"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"
  • 2019 - "Kumir"
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"

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