Alisa Vox - biography, personal life, photo, news, group "Leningrad", undressed on stage, clips 2021



Alisa Voxa is the Russian singer who received popular recognition as a vocalist of the Leningrad group. But thanks to a bright appearance and a strong voice, she retained popularity even after deciding to leave the team and start the solo career.

Childhood and youth

Alice Mikhailovna Kondratieva was born and grew up in St. Petersburg. Yes, when the future star was a child, it became clear that she was a born artist. The girl loved to climb on a stool and sing, presenting herself on stage.

But Mom Alice hoped to realize their own ambitions in his daughter, so he recorded her on choreography. To engage in the Ballet Studio at the Palace of Culture, Kondratyeva had to adhere to a strict diet. The experience did not leave pleasant memories, the girl always felt hungry.

But it was not destined to become a great ballerina with an artist: she was too active and unreasonable, to obediently stand at the machine. Therefore, she was soon transferred to the Music Hall Studio. There she had a talent for vocals.

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The girl performed a major role in the play "New Year's Adventures of Alice, or the magic book of desires" directed by Andrei Skvortsov, and also sang a lot and danced in other children's productions. But due to the dense schedule, there was no time to study.

Parents had to pick up a daughter from the studio, but she continued to engage in vocals. In addition, the singer was a member of the dance sports Federation and represented the area at urban competitions. But the joy from the victories of Kondratyev did not feel, perceived them as due, knowing that in the case of the defeat would have fallen.

Mom has never praised her for progress, considering them only by their merit, and in the event of failure could resort to physical punishments. Later, the star called their relationship toxic and admitted that in the early years, the biography was a victim of manipulations.

After graduating from school, the girl decided to leave the parent home and went to Moscow to enroll in Gitis on the pop department. The teacher Kondratyeva became Lyudmila Afanasyev, who elated not one celebrity.

During the years of Student, Alice had to work out, speaking in karaoke bars. But later she took the documents from the metropolitan university and returned to his native St. Petersburg. There the star graduated from the University of Culture, where he studied at the separation of pop-jazz vocals.

Having received a diploma, the girl worked as a vocalist in the restaurant-cabaret "NEP", as well as leading on corporate parties and weddings. The first success came when she spoke at the Duhless Club. The singer improvised on stage, singing lines from famous songs under the electronic bit of DJ. Soon this direction that received the name of Vocal Hosting was in demand, and Alice began to learn and invite to performances to other entertainment facilities.

Group "Leningrad"

In 2012, the singer heard Casting in the popular group "Leningrad", the work of which she was interested in school years. The team required a new vocalist - a session musician, as Julia Kogan went to maternity leave. On listening to Alice, he behaved confidently and was able to like the leader with a gray cord.

Going around 300 competitors, the actress was adopted in the group. Moreover, first, she performed the duties of the studio helper, then since the fall of 2013, it was already on the stage as a full-fledged collective soloist. Thanks to the participation in the creative life of "Leningrad" Alice became known to the public under the pseudonym vox.

In the group, the performer recorded many songs that were superhitis. Particularly loved by the listeners of the Song "Exponate", known on the line from the chorus "on Labuten" and presented a new life to the team. After her release, Alice became a star, hardly inferior in popularity of the cord.

But on the wave of success, the artist unexpectedly announced care. At first, it seemed that Alice was spreading to "Leningrad" peacefully. She thanked other participants for working together and stated that he decided to continue the way as a solo performer.

After some time, the press began to appear in the press, which contradicted the singer said. He hinted that Alice picked up "star disease", and because of this, she decided to stop cooperation.

The vox was not silent and told about the tense atmosphere in the team. She stated that recently the leader often fell on her, bringing to tears. I remembered the actress and about the scandalous incident that happened in 2014. At one of the concerts of Alice, it was undressed on the stage, after which it was long discussed in the network for a long time.

The actress accused the cord that he manipulated it to do it. In those years, the group experienced difficult times, and Sergey assured Alice that provocations would help attract the attention of the public. Vox tried the leader, but it turned out to be not ready for what happened. She regretted her act and could not come to himself for a long time, having lost his voice because of the spilled tears.

But I liked the cord what happened, and in the future he increasingly involved it in provocations at concerts. Alice was not able to endure it and decided to leave. Later, Sergey himself admitted that the soloist left the team voluntarily. It happened during the interview to blogger Yuri Dudu.

Solo creativity

After becoming a solo performer, Alice decided to abandon the image in which she was accustomed to see the fans of Leningrad. Some listeners were perceived negatively, but over time, the singer appeared connoisseurs of her talent.

In 2016, the Vox released a debut album, which contained a cable version of the songs of the Ukrainian Scriabin group, among them "ships" and "about love". He got the name "herself", but was accepted ambiguously. The money reversed from the sale of the disc, the singer decided to convey the family of the late leader of the team.

He entered the track list of the plate and the song "Keep", the clip to which was predominantly negative reviews. And the video to the composition "Kid", released outside the album, and turned out to be scandalous. The artist was accused of released a video within the framework of the State Translation. Later the star had to remove it.

The next release, "New Alice Vox," was adopted warmer. During this period, the performer practiced an unusual format of musical performances: she collaborated with the Circus of the Brothers Edgard and Askold Pastoshnaya. Back in 2014, the singer recorded a soundtrack for their system "System", and 4 years later appeared in the show "Epicenter of the World".

In the summer of 2019, Alice replenished the solo discography with the next job - the album "Pop", which included 8 songs. For 7 tracks, music and words wrote the performer itself, the music composition "sleeves" was created by Vladimir Matec. But the Prada track was the decoration of the record.

During the Pandemic period, the coronavirus singer also did not leave fans without hits. She pleased them with singles "Queen of Tinder" and "big love."

Personal life

Vox married even before I gained fame, she was 22 years old. The spouse of the singer was a professional photographer Dmitry Burmistrov. They lived together for 8 years, but in 2015 it became known about their parting. After that Alice plunged into creativity, and personal life went to the background.

In 2020, the singer gave a frank interview for the Yutiub-Channel "Writing. women". In it, she told that at the age of 17 she became a victim of sexual harassment by the director of Maxim Demchenko. Vox was filmed in his series "Obzh". In the same place, she noted that jokes in the Leningrad team were often balancing on the verge of Harassment.

Alisa Vox now

Now the performer continues to create. She is divided by news on the upcoming concerts on the Instagram page, where publishes video and photos.

In 2021, it became known that Alice decided to submit to Sergey Shnurov. The singer claims that 39 songs from the repertoire of "Leningrad" were written in collaboration with her, but the cash deductions receive only the team leader. Vox estimated that the former colleague should have it about ₽ 20 million.


  • 2016 - VOX.
  • 2016 - "Same"
  • 2017 - "Stars"
  • 2018 - "New Alice Vox"
  • 2019 - "Pop"

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