May Egorova - Biography, "Voice. Children", Song "I'll be back" video and photo 2021



Talented and charming 13-year-old girl May Egorova was born on April 25, 2002 in the small Chuvash town of Civilian. Parents counted on the appearance of her daughter in May and even invented the appropriate name, but the baby decided to appear somewhat earlier. Dad and mom, who was already accustomed to the thought that they would have a daughter of May, they decided not to change the liberated name.

May Egorova - Biography,

The girl began to sing in 3 years, and in 6 she no longer imagined her life without music. Talent for singing and music went to May from Pope Alexey Egorov, a military retired. He also sings perfectly well and has a musical education in the class "Piano, Guitar, Violin". It was the dad to first drew attention to the ability of his daughter, and when she turned 6 years old, Mai divered into a music school. Here she learned to play piano.

From early childhood, the creative biography of Mai Egorova is inextricably linked with vocals. Girl multiple winner of many international and all-Russian competitions and festivals. The little singer has developed its abilities in the professional studio, doing vocals at least 2 times a week.

In 2015, the Egorov family moved from Civilian to the capital. May received a proposal from one of the metropolitan theaters to sing in the musical "Ballad about a small heart." But for this it was necessary to constantly live in Moscow. Mai parents immediately agreed to move, because music is the most important daughter in life. Now the girl performs in the musical.

May Egorova - Biography,

But May Egorova is not only a talented vocalist. Girl versatile talented. It is inlent into English. And also fond of sports, choosing swimming, figure skating and cycling. There is a Mai and Hobby: she loves to weave the beads, draw, simulate and sew clothes.

"Voice. Children"

Get to the popular project "Voice. Children "May dreamed of a long time. Two attempts were not crowned with success. And only at the beginning of the last summer of May, Egorova with his parents filed a new application for participation in the show. In October, she was invited to the main casting.

May Egorova - Biography,

The song, represented by May at the stage of "blind listening", was difficult, because the slightest flames in it is heard instantly. Ani Lorak's composition called "I will return" a young singer managed to sing so that the judges, and the whole hall, froze from admiration. The pure and gentle voice of MAI, as well as the fulfillment, turned out to be flawless.

Unfortunately and universal surprise, neither Pelagia, sincerely admired by the wonderful tembol of the girl, nor Dima Bilan, nor the sensitive Leonid Agutin turned to May during the execution. On the last notes of the song of May, Egorova was not kept, and tears appeared in her eyes. They appeared in the eyes of many people present in the hall.

It seems that the judges felt their guilt, and the growing indignation of the audience, instantly turned into fans and fans of Mai Egorova. The indignation and misunderstanding of the behavior of the mentors who did not want to vote for the talented performer, literally blew up the Internet. Hesteg # Vernithemey became the leader of the tops in social networks. However, the rules are rules. The girl was suggested to certainly come to the next season show, and May Egorova promised to return.

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