Veronica Golden - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Titstok, Age, Hype House Rus 2021



Veronica Goldov - Belarusian blogger, tictoker and singer. The girl confessed in an interview that the whole consists of complexes and is inclined to depression, despite this, it is always aimed forward and not nostalgic in the past.

Childhood and youth

Veronica Goldov was born on December 11, 2002 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, Sagittarius on the sign of the zodiac. Grew up in a secured family along with the younger brother Alexander. Parents sought to give children all the best, bought the most expensive toys, gave gifts, while traveling stayed in luxury hotels. Subsequently, the mother of Ticotque Tatiana complained that the girl grew ungrateful and never said thank you, and she shrugged in response: they themselves raised.

Veronica Golden in childhood without makeup

In childhood, gold tried to learn at least on the fours, but in high school began to walk school. She had a conflict with a teacher of mathematics, which raised her clagging classes and once the only one of the whole class was poured on the exam. Although other students, according to Veronica, also did not like the teacher and signed a petition about her dismissal.


He started gold with the performance of other people's songs on the Yutiub-Channel, in Tiktok, Instagram and Vkontakte. She sang "Finnish Polka", "Do you know" Maksim Duet with Vlad Schudayiko, "Wet Crosses", "I will no longer write" and "Trains" of Tima Belarusian, "Portwine" Alena Shvets. Some celebrities, like Alexey Vorobyev and Jony, praised the version of the blogger in social networks.

Veronica gave advice and told stories from his own biography, brought interesting facts, for example, that two of the 5 people marry the first love, and the most noisy animal in the ocean - shrimp. There were also humorous videos, like "when one house", where the daughter without parents calmly taught lessons, and they were afraid that she called friends to a party and spread all things around the apartment.

In the end, the gold came to the composition of his songs, the first part of the "Papik" was the first. Veroniki's school friend said that he was found with an adult man, a pilot, and he allegedly gives dear gifts. Then it turned out that it was a lie, but the idea already arose.

In July 2020, the tictoker moved to Moscow and settled in Hype House Rus. After that, the accusations began that gold is copied by Karnival's currency and Katya Golyashev, although she graduated from a music school at a young age and sang better. Veronika was on the project of the youngest and was afraid of traffacent, but they were well referred to and always supported in endeavors.

Personal life

Golden admitted that her personal life was not easy, and young people were always the first to break the relationship. The first kiss happened to the fifteen years. Then there was a guy for which the girl did intimate photos, they met for 3 months. When they broke up, Veronica fell into depression, it seemed to her that life was over.

Once, the singer acted as the role of deliberate when the young man was driving from a long serious relationship. One of the boyfriends worked in the Mediasfer, in 2020 he tried to return Golotov, somehow managed to come to Belarus during the coronavirus pandemic, but she refused. There were rumors on the Internet, as if Veronica met with Herman glans and Pavel Poleela, but in fact there was nothing but friendship and mutual respect.

Despite the failures, now the tictoker believes that somewhere she is waiting for a fabulous prince on a white horse. Speaking about men, Veronica emphasizes that the chosen one must be able to decisive actions, and not just speak beautiful words.

Celebrity growth 164 cm.

Veronica Goldova now

In 2021, Veronica presented to fans of new tracks "Kimono" and Rainy Day, also performed the song "One House" on the "Heat Kids Fest" and spoke at Big Love Show. In his free time, the girl traveled, for example, visited Egypt.

Veronica Goldov and Herman

June 26, 2021 Golden, Valya Carnival, Dimas Blog, Anya Pokrov, Liana Suleimanova and other tickers congratulated Julia Gavrilin on his birthday. The festive event was held in one of the metropolitan bars, Violetta Chikovani performed the lead. Among the gifts is a birthday who came in a stylish golden dress, there were several skateboards, guitar, dress, branded glasses and even a small church. The cake was decorated with an edible figure of Julia.

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