Vasya Oblomov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Vasily Goncharov, known under the pseudonym of Vasya Oblomov, is the Russian musician, poet and composer, founder and leader of the Cheboz Group.

Vasily Goncharov - He is also woven

He became famous in the middle of 2010, when he wrote a satirical song "I'm going to Magadan", which became a business card of the singer.

Childhood and youth

Vasily was born and grew up in Rostov-on-Don in an intelligent family. Father - Candidate of Technical Sciences, later founding his own, fairly profitable enterprise. Mom is a philologist. Her efforts of the Son acquired the experience of the first poetic experiments.

Musician and singer Vasya Oblomov

Parents sought to give you good upbringing and education, so I defined the boy in high school with an in-depth study of English, as well as to the music school in the piano. By 15 years, the young man was able to play not only on the keys, but also on the guitar, drums and some wind instruments.

In the 9th grade of Goncharov, it is based on the first musical team called "Cheboz." Together with classmates, the young man plays sentimental songs in the style of British pop music and enjoys success on school discos.

Vasya Oblomov

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Vasily Goncharov, who has long since dreamed of becoming a famous singer, enters the historical faculty of Rostov State University. A completely unexpected choice. The young man and parents understand that this profession will not be the life paths of Vasily. It is even more wonderful that Vasya receives the second formation in a completely different industry: almost in parallel with the world history of Goncharov, he studies the jurisprudence.

And only receiving two diplomas about higher education, the young man leaves in St. Petersburg and begins to do what the soul was lying - music.

Music and creativity

In St. Petersburg, a young man meets a countryman who helps to embed into the dense ranks of show business workers. Vasily Goncharov produces a new album "Model for Assembling" of the legendary rock musician Vyacheslav Butusov, and a year later, the song "All empty", which Victor Reznik wrote specifically for Mikhail Boyarsky. The musician also participated in the shooting of the clip "such a feeling" of the Casta group.

In the same years, Vasily takes himself a pseudonym of Vasya Oblomov, who brought the artist grandiose popularity. The appearance of the new name is quite natural: the popular character of the Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, the namesake of the musician, the name of the Oblomov. The first performing experience had some success. The song-parody "Vasilki" was, in fact, with a reservoir of the famous Hita "Stan" American Raper Eminem.

But in May 2010, success was already stunning. A new period began in the creative biography of the author-performer. The composition "Food in Magadan" appeared on the Internet as a drawing video clip and became a parody of the modern Russian chanson. The song received all-Russian popularity, so there was a story on television about her and the author. In addition, "Magadan" wins in the video program "Video Victory", becomes a soundtrack for the comedy Timur Bekmambetova "Trees".

The song Vasi Oblomov and Cheboz Group sounded on the New Year's speech "20 best song songs", which was broadcast on the first channel on January 1, 2011. This year, Oblomov presents a full-length album "Stories and Stories", which also included the tracks "Head" about the head, saving on the salary of employees, and the "letter of happiness" about the video of the simple people to the head of state. After the premiere of the disk, fans no longer have to wait for new creations for a long time: since then, Vasya pleases the guests the next record annually.

At the same time, a solo concert of the musician was held, which sounded the album's horses "Stories and Stories". In the middle of the year, the Clip on the song "UG" blew up a network: in the first hours of video appearance on the hosting Youtube, the number of views was 100 thousand. For shooting in the video, Actor Mikhail Efremov was invited. The popular artist soon became co-author of the project "Citizen Poet", the music to which Vasily Oblomov also wrote the music. Later, the singer will perform in the final issue of a music-poetic project with the number "Gogol Rap about Tymoshenko".

To record the song "Letter of Happiness", the singer again invited colleagues in the workshop - Raper Noggano (Basta), actor Maxim Vitorgan. The writer Sergei Minaev also got into the video. And a year later, a video appeared on the hit "So far, a bear!", In which Ksenia Sobchak's television stars littered and Leonid Parfenov.

Soon there are new compositions performed by Vasi Oblomov - "Who wants to become a policeman?", "What is the homeland" and "from the soul". The last song, as well as a little later, "truth", Vasya sings together with Sergey Shnurov, the frontman of the Leningrad group. Like "Magadan", these hits again ridicule the tastes of Russian citizens.

In 2012, Vasya began cooperation with the director of the Gogol Center, Kirill Serebrennikov, arranged in the creative center "Vinzavod" the evening called "Vasya and scumbags. The songs of the revolution ", on which artists of the Teps Serebrennikov and the musicians of the Ceboz group made a revolutionary songs.

Vasya Oblomov collaborated with Kirill Serebrennikov

In November, the release of the solo disk of the musician "Stability" took place, which brought the songs of "GDP", "True", "the people roaring us". The first week the album was held at the second place of the iTunes musical rating, and then sank to fifth.

In 2013, the singer was pleased with the fans with the next solo album - a plate of "breaking", which included musical compositions of the "Mr. Good" project, in which Vasily Oblomov participated. Initially, the songs sounded on the rain radio station. In the same year, the next concert of the author-performer "For the benefit of all Russians" was held on the scene of Gogol Center.

It is worth noting the importance of creativity Vasi Oblomov for modern cinema. In addition to the painting "Christmas tree", several other film directors took the work of the musician to their own projects. In the filmms of Romanov, Sergei Minaev, with whom Vasily is in friendly relations, the compositions of the "Rhythms" and "Memento Mori" sound.

Songs Vasi Oblomov became tracks of popular films

In the Duhuless film, the song "Rhythms of the windows" becomes a capital track. Posted by Oblomov and the main song to the new film by Alexander Varta Ghost, and Fedor Bondarchuk and Semyon Trescunov, who played the main characters.

In 2014, the musician released the fourth album - "Multiple!", Which consisted of thirteen compositions on Sergey Yesenin and Joseph Brodsky. In the ranking of the best songs of the year, the album took the third position from publication "Kommersant". Songs of the "Good" song, "kindness", "Rady" are particularly popular. The track "fucking shame" of Vasya Oblomov recorded together with Garick Sukachev.

Despite several non-format genre of his own creativity, Vasya Oblomov has repeatedly become the owner of honorary awards. For example, MAXIM magazine handed the singer "Golden Joker" as a better musician, and in 2013, Vasya became the winner of the premium "Made in Russia", overtaking in this nomination Zemfira.

In 2016, Vasily Oblomov presented the first living album to fans - "Lively all alive." In the same year, work was completed on the series Pavel Bardine "Salam, Maskva", in the filming of which Vasily participated. The singer played the episodic role of a policeman and created a musical material for the film, the premiere of which was held on the air of the first channel. The film was marked by the main Russian cinematic award "Nika" in the nomination "For creative achievements in the art of television cinema."

On account of Vasi Oblomov five music discs

At the end of the year, there were reports on the Artist's page in Twitter that Vasily is working on the fifth album of solo discography. The operating name of the record is "in sin." In 2017, the premiere of this disk took place, but with a changed title - "Long and unhappy life." The album includes the songs of "Farewell", recorded together with Pavel Chekhov, "carry garbage", in which the rows of political satire sounded. In a video on the second song, a popular Internet observer Yuri Dowe was starred. On the musical composition "Livi", which previously became a soundtrack for the film "Ghost", Oblomov released the clip.

After the release of the disk, Vasily Oblomov left with a tour of the country. In October, the singer became the chadliner of the next release of the program "Music on" Freedom ", which Artemy Troitsky leads.

Despite the fact that Vasily creates musical compositions in the style of rap, it holds apart from other representatives of this subculture. It does not welcome the idea of ​​holding rap-battles, where in large quantities there is an abnormative vocabulary. The artist negatively reacted to the fact that in August 2017, Rap-Battle became one of the most discussed events between the oximiron and the glory of the CPSU.

Vasily Oblomov explains its popularity by the fact that it acts primarily not against Russia, specific politicians and public figures, but against nonsense, cosupiness and indifference.

Vasya Oblomov is attributed to friendship with Russian oppositionists

Thanks to the social orientation of Creativity, Vasily Oblomov, his musician is often associated with an opposition movement. He is credited with friendship with Alexey Navalny and Ksenia Sobchak, but Vasily does not confirm this information. With the famous TV presenter, his cap acquaintance is associated with a public figure, the artist supported during the elections to the mayor of Moscow, expressing the sympathy of his election program.

Musician Vasya Oblomov

In an interview with Vasily Oblomov, with regret, spoke out about the elective system that exists in Russia, that the same persons enter the pre-election race for years, the absence of political competition in the country. Commenting on Ksenia Sobchak's candidacy, Vasily Oblomov was surprised by the initiative of the TV presenter.

Personal life

The first great feeling of Vasily experienced in high school. The beloved was called Katya Berezina, the girl studied in a parallel class. The guys met for several years, but when the girl went to study at the actress in another city, the relationship stopped.

Vasya Oblomov with his wife

Soon the personal life of the young man began to stand again. At the University of Goncharov began to meet with Olesya Serbina. The girl studied with him in the same group and was a classmate of the previous girl, so Vasya and Olesya were familiar to a long time ago. Father Serbina is a famous painter whose paintings are exhibited in Russia and in Europe.

In the last courses of the university, Vasily Goncharov and Olesya Serbi got married, but for some circumstances are trying to hide this fact and even on vacation do personal photos of apart.

Vasya Oblomov Now

Vasily Oblomov continues to produce socially significant videos on his own "YouTube" -Kanal. In the spring of 2018, there appeared a video on the song "Life is established." The musical composition is devoted to future generations, while in the clip there are references to the work of the writer George Orwell.

Soon the release of the new song "City-ass" was followed, in the clip on which the frames of the Soviet Chronicles and the Black and White Films of the Stalinist era were used. On the eve of the world championship, the singer released the video on the track "Sports". The main idea of ​​the song - disputes in the comments after each match, in which the Russian national team participates.

Now Vasya Oblomov is preparing for a large solo concert, which will be held in Moscow in mid-September 2018. The program of the speech is called "Life is settled". The event artist announced on a personal page in "Instagram".


  • 2011 - "Stories and Stories"
  • 2012 - "Stability"
  • 2013 - "Breaking"
  • 2014 - "Multiple!"
  • 2017 - "Long and Unhappy Life"

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