Olga Golodets - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation 2021



Olga Golodets is a famous figure among Russia's political elite, which plays an important role in the country's social and retirement policy. The positions of the statesman in society are high, as Olga oversaw issues related to the formation and health care, the development of science and culture, demographic, youth and pension policy in the Russian Federation. From 2018 to 2020, she held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government on Culture and Sports.

Childhood and youth

Hungts Olga Yuryevna was born on June 1, 1962 in the capital of Russia in the family of the teacher of the Institute of National Economy. Plekhanova Yuri Solomonovich and Valentina Grigorievna, who worked in the restaurant business. Olga has a sister Tatyana, born in 1969.

Biography Olga Golodets since childhood Pepit labels "The Best". The girl was listed the first student class, as she studied perfectly and was obedient. With a gold medal from school, the future Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was easily enrolled in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics, where he also became the best student, each session of which surrendered to excellent.

At the end of the university with a red diploma Olga Yurievna entered the graduate school of the USSR Research Institute. The girl continued to correspond to the image of the best student and defended her thesis, becoming a candidate of economic sciences in 1990. The next 7 years of Olga devoted to the work at the Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and then continued his career in the "Reformugol" structure, switching to the problems of miners after the collapse of the Union.


Jerk in Olga Golodets career, whose biography in youth was associated with social politics, made in 2001, when he went to work at OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel. " Under the leadership of the Metallurgical Magnate Mikhail Prokhorov, the Golodets headed the management of social policies and personnel in the company where he received experience and has passed a serious school of life.

In 2008, Olga Holodets left the company and took the position of Executive Director ONEXIM, who was also an investment fund of Prokhorov engaged in the areas of metallurgy, energy, media and nanotechnology. In the same period, she headed the Board of Directors of the Insurance Company "Consent", which was erected to a new level than impressed by the leadership.

Olga Golodets and Vladimir Medinsky at a meeting of the Council under the President of Culture and Art

Since 2010, Olga Holodets has been engaged exclusively by the public service. At first, the politician was appointed to the position of vice-mayor of Moscow on education and health care. In 2012, Olga Yuryevna went to an increase and became part of the Government of the Russian Federation, having received a portfolio of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on Social Affairs.

During the years of the vice-premiership, Olga Golodetts held a job in the directions that fell into her prerogative. The minister has made funding for the promotion of Russian universities in world ratings, launched the process of reforming the Academy of Sciences, and also seriously initiates the restoration of pensions in Russia in terms of inflation in order to increase and improve people's lives.

In 2016, Olga Golodetts made a report on the state of the revenues of the population of Russia in the Russian business week, which was held in Moscow at the end of March. The statesman noted the fall in the purchasing power of compatriots, as well as an increase in the number of Russians with income below the subsistence minimum.

In the same year, the Deputy Prime Minister of Social Policy at a meeting of the board in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation announced the creation of a new management system in the medical care device, thanks to which the average life expectancy of Russians to 75 years should be reached. For 2015, this data was 71.4 years.

In the fall on the Coordination Council on the introduction of a national action strategy for women adopted for the period from 2017 to 2022, policies made a statement about the existing gender inequality between women's salaries and men. This difference over the course of the age of 12 was 60-73%. At the same time, relative equality is observed in the spheres of science and education.

In early 2018, Olga Golodetts was supported by the abolition of the regulatory act of the Ministry of Labor on the exclusion of age-related buses used in child tourism. Vice Prime Minister in the problem of higher prices, and in the future and disappearance of children's tourism. According to experts, the age of buses does not affect the quality of transport, since the most important thing in this matter is the conditions of careful operation and regular maintenance of vehicles.

After the election of the President of Russia 2018 and the formation of a new government of the Russian Federation, Olga Golodetts retained the position of Deputy Prime Minister in the culture and sports industry. The post of Deputy Chairman of the Government on Social Policy Instead of Olga Yuryevna, Tatyana Golikova took.

Olga Golodets in the first days of his destination met with the team of the Ministry of Culture, which was presented to the head of the department of Vladimir Midage. Olga Yuryevna emphasized that in the field of culture, Russia occupies a leading position in the world.

On May 21, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation presented the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkova at a meeting with the Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation. According to Olga Yurievna, the main task assigned to the department is considered to be an improvement in the development of mass sports, while engaging in a sporting life to 55% of the country's population.

Personal life

The personal life of the Minister, as many influential women in Russia, is hidden from the public. In open sources, it is indicated that the head of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was the director of the Federal Resource Center for the organization of management personnel training under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Mrdulyash Pavel Brunovich. Olga Golodetts does not advertise private events in front of the public, therefore it is not to find her family photos on the network.

Also known that Olga Golodets is the mother of two children, the daughters of the twins Anna and Tatiana, who went to the footsteps of the mother and also graduated from Moscow State University. Anna received the formation of Oriental, remained working in Moscow, Tatiana became a lawyer and moved to Geneva. She later received the position of deputy general director of the Tretyakov Gallery.

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The income of the Deputy Chairman of the Government, according to the official declaration for 2014, amounted to 15 million rubles. In 2016, this amount reached a mark of 15.6 million rubles, which made Olga Golodets the richest official in the top 10 list from the Forbes.

In 2017, the annual salary of the Holodets amounted to only 11.4 million rubles. Olga Yuryevna belongs to 3 apartments with an area of ​​238 square meters. m, half of the cottages in Switzerland with an area of ​​220 square meters. M and a third of the 250-meter apartment in Italy.

Olga Golodets attracts the attention of the press with his impeccable appearance. Politician uses business style, minimal number of jewelry and strict hairstyle. Often, the costumes of the State Department become the topic for discussion in "Instagram".

Olga Golodets now

In mid-January 2020, the head of the Russian Federation made an annual message to the Federal Assembly, which marked a number of strategic decisions. According to Vladimir Putin, there is a need to change a number of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the expansion of the powers of the State Duma, the Council of the Federation, the State Council, as well as the more rigid social policy in order to increase the welfare of population.

After the speech of the head of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev made a statement about the resignation of the government. Olga Golodets entered from their post. Publications remained at their places on the executing responsibilities before the formation of a new Cabinet of Ministers. The news was also the appointment of the new chairman of the government. Mikhail Mishoustin became them, the former head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The President also noted that government figures should not have double citizenship. In this regard, the position of journalists appeared questions to Olga Golodets: its possession of real estate abroad is a well-known fact. This is in the press service and. O. The Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation responded about the lack of residence permit in Europe.


  • Laureate of the ARISTOS Prize in the nomination "The Best Personnel Director of Russia"
  • 2014 - 4th place in the ranking of the "100 most influential women of Russia" magazine "Spark"
  • 2015 - Commander of the Order of St. Carla

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