Nikita Tezin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife Lyubov Bahankova 2021



Nikita Tezin fulfilled the wish of Fyodor Dobronravov, a senior comrade for the series "Kremlin cadets," not sick with stereo disease. Restrained, not a partner, unwind on an interview - the task is not simple. If it turns out, the actor keeps a personal life secretly, even about creative plans it is rare. Yes, and Nikita characters often get those who prove the case, and not in a word.

Childhood and youth

Nikita was born in the height of the summer of 1987 in the sunny Sevastopol. In a family that is not related to artistic art, the guy dreamed of movies and scene. Like most of the peers, Tezin played football and bought in the sea. But every time he sat at the TV screen or came to the cinema, represented at the site of his favorite heroes himself.

Natives supported the Son when he announced a decision to enter the theater university. Only the father initially expressed discontent, as it believed that a man needs a serious specialty. In 2004, Nikita went to Moscow, where carefully prepared for the exams and did not allow the thought that the introductory tests would not pass.

Perseverance and purposefulness were rewarded. The Tezin on the first attempt was the student of the school named after Boris Schukin, did not even have to write an essay and pass the story. For 4 years, the future star was trained by the secret of acting skills in the course of Yuri Pogrebnichko and was preparing for a rapid climbing on a career ladder.

The artistic director has noticed a capable student, after the presentation of the diploma, Yuri Nikolayevich received a graduate in the troupe of his theater "near the house of Stanislavsky". Here Nikita and his debut as an artist.


The cinematic biography of Tezin began much earlier theatrical. Nikita began to invite to be filmed in the series still in student years. And let the roles were small, but the paintings in which a novice actor appeared was successful. The audience remembered the Kulagin and Partner tapes and the Autumn Detective. The guy got a job in the popular Sitkom "Daddy's Daughters".

A dream to wake up the famous came true for the young Sevastopol after the release of the series "Kremlin cadets", the continuation of the youth film "Cadet". Here Nikita Tezin was filmed for 2 years in the form of a few Kadeta-Tikhoni Koldansky Kattovsky, nicknamed by classmates speaker.

The rating project immediately made an artist recognizable and brought new proposals from directories. Although at first the Tezin did not burn with the desire to film. But after the fallen popularity, I realized that I had no reason to consent. Next Nikita was offered to play in 2 dramatic ribbons - in the action "Escape" with Vladimir Epifantsev and Yuri Chursin and in the Black Tag Melodrame with Maria Mashkova.

Reason to speak again about the actors of the audience received in 2011, when the star appeared in the movie "Match". The picture is devoted to the football "death match", which took place in the occupied by the fascists Kiev in 1942. The main role in Drama went to Sergey Bezrukov. Nikita played his friend. Fearing that they will remove from work, Tezin did not say about the foot damaged on the set and, grieving his teeth, suffered pain.

Nikita Tezin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife Lyubov Bahankova 2021 20002_1

The following year, the film "Life and Fate" was published on the novel of Vasily Grossman's novel. The author of the project Sergey Ursulak, though he called such professionals as Sergey Makovetsky, but in an interview with the newspaper "The beep" told: "I tried to prevent the situation when People's Artist of Russia will come out of every troop. Nikita embodied the bright image of Lieutenant Anatoly Sturm, who liked the audience, and the director and film critics noted the skill of the game Tezin.

Slender and tall artist (height 181 cm with a weight of 78 kg) in general looked in military or police uniform. The officers of the army and law enforcement agencies Nikita played in the "Battle of Sevastopol", melodrama "Thresholds" and "Beauty", the Thriller "Inquisitor" and a detective "Choknutoye", where I portrayed a convention.

After "life and fate", Tezina again piled off suggestions. Nikita starred in the romantic picture of "Andreyka" and in the fantasy tape "Dark World: Equilibrium", a consistent version of the work of Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Signs and symbols, creators paid special attention to: Director Oleg Asadulin personally aparted actors in mysterious hieroglyphs.

In the summer of 2014, the Teesina filmography was enriched with the new TV series "Letters on the glass", in which Nikita got the main role. The next year was no less successful for the artist. The celebrity starred in the screening of the novel by Alexander Fadeeva "Young Guard", where she embodied the next starry and Victor Trejijevich, the organizer of the underground in the canonical picture of Sergei Gerasimov.

Nikita Tezin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife Lyubov Bahankova 2021 20002_2

The most difficult for Tezina was to learn to play a violin, more precisely, to keep the instrument correctly and drive barefoot on the motorcycle. All tricks, by the way, the actors performed themselves. Together with Nikita, Ekaterina Spitz, Irina Gorbacheva, Yury Borisov and Vyacheslav Chepurchenko starred here.

In 2018, a premiere of a fantastic tape took place on the first channel about the relationship between humanity and the representatives of the android "race" called "better than people." Nikita appeared in the series in the form of a robot Leshi. The film received a prize of the association of cinema and television producers in the nomination "The best work of artist in makeup" for attention to the details that specialists borrowed from scientific journals.

The next bright project with the participation of the actor is "power of circumstances". Tezin played the programmer Maxim Rodionova, her husband of the main character (Sophia Schokina), which became a victim of his own kindness. In the family melodrama "Alien Blood" Nikita worked in the second plan, and Karina Andolynko and Pavel Barshak brightened on the front.

Personal life

With the chosen love, the Bahankova Artist met the filming of "Andreyki", where the lovers performed the leaders. Colleagues are still civil, but there are already children - the daughter of Varbara was born in 2013. According to his wife, the couple is not in a hurry to the registry office, since "traditional Russian weddings with fights and the sea vodka do not care." Another thing is wedding.

Spouses carefully hide details of relationships. Even professional successes are infrequently commented. As the sister of Teesina Lyubava was recognized, sometimes close to know about the new film with Nikita from friends or from the Internet. As for social networks, Nikita made a choice in favor of "VKontakte", only fresh photos please the subscribers infrequently.

Nikita Tezin now

For 2021, the director and producers of Russian cinema planned for Tezin a large amount of work. Together with Pavel Trubiner, Igor Sklyar and Dmitry Miller, the actor continued shooting a detective "undercover", telling about the secret department for the fight against crime. The NTV project conceived as a remake of the South Korean film Hidden Identity.

With a partner on the "Battle for Sevastopol", Yulia, Peresilde Nikita plays in the lead role in the film of Sergey Chelyanza "Wind". Honored Artist - the only lady in the film dedicated to eternity and value of love.

The main event of the year with Nikita Tezin - premiere on the first channel of the historical drama about the conquest of Siberia, the transition from one era to another and human nature "Ugryum-River". The work created on the novel novel Vyacheslav Shishkov, attracted the attention even before reaching the screens to the screens of bright acting and large-scale shooting, for which the producer artists sewed about 100 original costumes.


  • 2008 - "Autumn Detective"
  • 2009-2010 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2009 - "demoted"
  • 2010 - "Escape"
  • 2011 - "Black Tag"
  • 2011 - "Match"
  • 2012 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2012 - "Andreyka"
  • 2013 - "Dark World: Equilibrium"
  • 2014 - "Letters on the glass"
  • 2015 - "Young Guard"
  • 2016 - "Loneliness"
  • 2017 - "While death does not give us"
  • 2018 - "On the edge"
  • 2018 - "Better than people"
  • 2018 - "Power of the circumstances"
  • 2018 - "Alien Blood"
  • 2020 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2020 - "Good man"

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