Agne Break - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, swimsuit, movies, "instagram" 2021



Agrine Break - Lithuanian film actress and TV presenter, who managed to conquer the Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian audience to participate in rating telecoms and film. Bright appearance, collens and desire to develop acting talent contributed to the success of the artist. Today Agne is one of the most recognizable and favorite celebrities in the post-Soviet space.

Childhood and youth

Agne was born in the city of Siauliay in July 1986. Charm and vocal data showed even in gentle age. The girl participated in the oldest children's vocal competition in Lithuania, which is called "Song of the Songs". Then you feel not a comparable taste of glory and popularity. Young northeye liked to be in the spotlight. The future star began to dream about the scene and acting career.

At the end of the school, Agne went to enter the Schäulyan University, chose the Faculty of Pop Art. Blonde beauty arrived from the first time, since the checker had the necessary knowledge, a nice voice and an attractive appearance.

The girl does not like to tell the details of the family, but in an interview with Tricolor TV Magazine shared with a journalist:

"For parents, the main thing is that I am a happy and good person. I hope I did it. Dad and mom were not against my decision. But some familiar watched Square, and someone said: "Well, let's see which of you will succeed ...". There were such reactions. "

Agneo Brushes, Lithuanian by nationality, except the native, owns Russian and English. The actress dances and sings, plays on the piano and folk string tool Kankles. From an early age, she gave a lot of time to sports. Agne rides a bike and skiing, and also adores horse riding.

Films and television

Creative biography Break, the growth of which is 168 cm, and the weight is 52 kg, began immediately after the end of the university. Career Agne rapidly moved up. A beginner celebrity appeared on the screens of Lithuania in 2010 in the TV series "Summer in Sayyi".

Although in the tape, the artist was shot pregnant, no one noticed a spicy position. The male part of the country's population instantly proclaimed the actress with a new sex symbol. The title star perceived with a restrained smile, saying that, although surprised, but nice. And even thanked the strong half of Lithuania for the sincere compliment.

As for the series, he received high ratings, and the creators of the village saga shot 4 seasons. Aurimas Zhvinis, Sigitas Yakubauskas and Rimantas Bagdzavyus also played in Kinokartin.

After a bright debut in a melodraman, Agne immediately fell asleep with new offers. The blonde not only was invited to play in artistic ribbons, but also offered her a TV presenter. Break with pleasure agreed and soon began to play the program "Family Songs". Then he worked as a speaker in the popular Lithuanian show "Golden Lukovitsy", "Dance with me" and "Battle of Chorus".

Agne Britain and Anastasia Stitte

In 2011 and 2012, the title of the best actress of the year received in their homeland. Soon Agne was invited to one of the main roles in the melodramatic comedy "Valentine's Day" (the second name - "One Valentine"), where he starred in frank scenes in underwear, once again confirming the title of sex symbol. In Lithuania, the project was called the most erotic film of the year.

In the tape, it was about lovers of couples experiencing a crisis in a relationship: this is the only formed union, and the family living together is not the first day. Vitautas Chapranauskas, familiar to the Russian viewer on the TV series "Lithovsky Transit", spoke as the Central Character of Valentinas.

The following main role is a romantic artist Daiv in the Lithuanian-Georgian project "Wine Way". According to the scenario of the heroine, it turned out to be an involuntary evidence of a crime, which had to escape from the cold homeland in hot Georgia.

Soon, the actress filmography was replenished with work in the adventure detective "Inspector Majilis". A common plot told about the work of an honest policeman Andryus Mazhilis and the four-legged assistant - German Shepherd. Agne played in the series the secondary image of Silvia Rutkut.

Agne Break - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, swimsuit, movies,

In 2014, the company received a proposal for filming in the criminal drama "The Ideal Copy - 2", in which we were talking about the life of Gemini Sisters Brigita and Janet (Sandra Give). Agne reincarnated in an episode character.

Popularity in Russia and Ukraine Agnek acquired checked after participating in the criminal series Nyukhach Artem Litvinenko, whose shooting started in 2013. The actress brilliantly played the criminalist Irina Nordin. The fragile and gentle aglee demonstrated considerable courage, because in the plot the girl had to deal with blood and corpses, albeit unreal.

And the actress learned the mass of complex specific terms, which masterfully operates in the film. And this is despite the fact that cheating in principle was difficult to cope with Russian speech. Agne was seriously involved in mass scenes, where several people pronounced text.

It is noteworthy that the proposal to come to the samples of this criminal series Agne received through Facebook. The artist at first even thought that he was swirling over her. After watching the first series of the project, the chest was surprised by the choice of director, because the heroine spoke with a strong accent. But, according to the creators of tapes and viewers, such a nuance only attached to Charm's character.

Even more popularity and recognition in Russia Lithuanian actress, remotely reminding the famous compatriot Ingeborgu Dapkin, received after the release of the film-catastrophe "crew" of Nikolay Lebedev, familiar in the picture "Legend No. 17".

The shooting remake of the 1979 tape began in September 2014, and the last footage were removed at the beginning of the 2015 Winter. Agne Breakfast got the main role of the second pilot Alexandra Kuzmin. The plot talked about how people, crew members, consisting of strong personalities behave at the moment of danger. Whether the pilots will be a cohesive team in front of the impending catastrophe - intrigue.

In this project, the premiere of which was held in the second half of April 2016, along with Agne in the foreground Danilla Kozlovsky, Vladimir Mashkov, Katerina Spitz, Elena Yakovlev and other stars of Russian cinema. The bright constellation of the actors of the first magnitude provided the tape status of the hit of the year. As for breastplate, the Lithuanian became the same favorite artist, like the darkesh.

It is noteworthy that in front of the filming in the film-catastrophe of Agne, a trained in flight school has been trained together with Russian colleagues. For greater reliability, future "pilots" for a long time learned to manage the airliner's airliner.

In 2016, the Breakfast received the "Advance" Prize from the magazine "The Hollywood Reporter. Russian Edition "in the 38th International Moscow Film Festival. Cinematographers noted the skill of the actress, which Agne demonstrated in the film "Crew".

In 2019, the long-awaited premiere of the 4th season of the Ukrainian detective Nyukhach was held, in which Agnegus again appeared in the form of a forensic examination. In Russia, the series was shown in December on the first channel.

Also in Lithuania, the comedy "Bogach, Pozhnyak", where BRAIN performed the main female role. In the film, we were talking about Two-divided by the Gemini Leonardas and Antanas, whose lives were different. After a random acquaintance, the brothers decided to change places for a while.

Just behind the shoulders of Agne, more than 10 projects are, among which the fans remembered the social drama "Lyubie". The audiences considered that the nurse's snow-white bathrobe is perfectly combined with gentle features of the face of the artist.

Personal life

Information about actress is not so much. It is known that today a personal life is arranged, but truly happiness did not immediately knocked into the house. The first husband of Agne is a compatriot named Andrew Goba. In 2010, the spouses were born daughter Eve. Then the relationship was given a crack.

Officially divorce took place in 2011. Lithuanian magazine Privatu Artist admitted that even before the termination of marriage met with the new Beloved Saulus Sayunas. For 8 years, a man patiently courted behind the star.

In 2018, a quiet wedding took place in the Vilnius Palace of Marriage. Instead of a lush dress, the bride appeared in front of a few guests and journalists in a stylish gentle pink suit. Give comments on the celebration, the bustle refused. According to rumors, the pair plans to acquire joint children.

Celebrity has an account in "Instagram", the photo can also be found on the page in Facebook. Among the stage images in social networks there are rare modest snapshots in a swimsuit and frames made in a circle of loved ones without makeup. There are Eva here. According to the Agne, the girl does not seek to follow in the footsteps of the mother, but she really likes to pose in front of the camera.

Agnego Get well now

Now Agne does not indulge fans with news from their professional life, but the audience is happy to revise the "crew" and Nyhatcha. Social networks checked also does not pay much attention, devoting free time to family and friends.

However, the film machine did not throw. In production there is a tape of Georgian director Vano Burduli "Actor" about a loser-loser, who has received the opportunity to change life. On one platform, Denis Chernivitsky, Dmitry Milyar and other celebrities, had happened on the same platform.


  • 2010-2015 - "Summer in Nasyai"
  • 2012 - "Valentine's Day"
  • 2012 - "Wine Way"
  • 2013-2019 - Nyukhach
  • 2014 - "Inspector Majilis"
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2016 - "12 chairs"
  • 2017 - "Love treats"
  • 2019 - "Rich, Pozhnyak"
  • 2021 - "Actor"

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