Vladimir Terzkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the creative biography of Vladimir Terzkova, dozens of commercials, and filmography is several times more, and most paintings are shot in the 21st century. ON first of all considers himself a theatrical actor, although from his beloved MHT left the scandal.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Alexandrovich in Tallinn was born and grew up. The father of the 15-year-old young men during the Great Patriotic War went to the front, mother hijacked to work in Germany. They managed to survive this terrible time, and after the fate brought them together. Young people got married, settled on the outskirts of the city in Barak, where the childhood of the future artist passed. Volodya received "double" education: on the one hand, it was surrounded by the limitless love of his relatives, on the other hand, the laws of the streets, for the memory of which the shrama remained.

Parents of attitude to art did not have, and the son of the scene attracted almost from the diaper. Even in the younger classes, the terminals participated in the competitions of amateur activities, went to theatrical studio. After the 9th grade, the young man entered the school at the Russian Dramatic Theater of the Estonian SSR. Then, not knowing the subtleties of the examination process, instead of the laid poems and the Bassen, the teenager told an indecent joke. The Commission was shocked, and the applicant went home to prepare for the next admission. For the second time everything went well. Later, Vladimir moved to Moscow and became a student of the Studio Studio MCAT.


The Mhatsky scene was not only a place of study for the artist in the youth, but also the first "adult" work job. He played in "little tragedies", "Tartuf" and other productions. At the beginning of the theater career of Terzkova, Oleg Efremov acted as art leader. When Matra did not, the place of the head of Mkhat changed Oleg Tabakov.

The terminals almost the only one openly presented claims to a new artist in the bias, blind followed by the Soviets of his wife, Marina Zudina. The last, called, according to the artist, Mkhatovskaya Saltychikha, was accused of inciting the intrigue, in the fact that Tabakov's students received roles in priority, and the artists of the old troupe deployed into the background. Vladimir left the theater and began to play entrepreneurs. Oleg Pavlovich later called him in his productions, but the actor refused every time.

During the spread of coronavirus in 2020 and the restrictive measures related to it, the theater experienced no better times. The prohibition of performances was strongly reflected in the income of the artists. Financial difficulties touched and Terzkova. In an interview, he admitted that it was forced to put a cottage for sale - to maintain a family to retire at 17 thousand. Vladimir Alexandrovich could not.


Debut on the screen, the terminal chance in the mid-80s in the teenage drama "Plumbum, or a dangerous game", in which the artist played the episodic role of the bartender. Others followed this work, however, real fame and recognition at that time the textual actor (height of 180 cm) with a memorable person brought advertising. He honestly stated that he went to such a step exclusively because of the money when stagnary began in the movie. In addition, Vladimir has not begged to work as a cleaner and a taxi driver, unloaded the wagons and selling tourist services.

The demand of the artist returned in 2000. The terminals turned into a star of the series. One of the bright was the work in the comedy-fantastic project "Margosha". Here the actor embodied on the screen the image of General Director of the Glossy Magazine "MZ" Boris Naumovich Egorova. Together with him, Maria Bersenev, Lena Perov and other Russian artists starred in the project.

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At first, the directors used the actor to create the images of bureaucrats, dirty politicians and criminal authorities, but then the roles became diverse. In the film "Valery Kharlamov. An extra time, Vladimir reincarnated in the legendary coach Anatoly Tarasova, in the Melodrama "Mannequer" - in the director of the fashion house.

In the 10th year, the artist continued to actively act in diverse projects. Special love of the audience received the work of Terzkova in the series "Hotel Eleon". Character Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Daniel Alehin, an influential businessman, "swinging" in a comedy from the last season "Kitchen". The smoke character of the hero gave birth to many comedic situations in the plot.

In subsequent years, the actor's filmography was constantly updated with new, although not the main roles. In particular, he starred in two "medical" serials. Comedy melodrama "Seven dinners" allowed the artist to try himself in the original role - the chief physician of the psychiatric hospital. In the dramatic multi-ribbon tape "Dr. Preobrazhensky", the terminal embodied on the screen the image of an aspiring official, putting stick in the wheel of the central hero.

Personal life

Talking about personal life, Vladimir Aleksandrovich admitted that in his youth twisted dizzying novels. Over the development of events, colleagues followed the theater, friends, and the media was once requested to share details, but no names, no circumstances to disclose the artist.

The first marriage of the terminal concluded fictitiously to get the metropolitan residence permit and stay in the theater. After the divorce, the actor met the employee of the French Embassy named Olivia. The connection with foreigners was then not welcomed, a couple more than once noticed a surveillance and turned the escape from Soglyatayev to a fascinating adventure.

Once Olivia still suggested to go to her homeland, but the passion of Vladimir to the bachelor life was stronger. Everything has changed after acquaintance with Alla, graduate of the Moscow Energy Institute. Beauty won the heart of a man when it was already for 30. The future spouse Vladimir met in Bakenoye: Standing at the beginning of the queue and decided to skip forward a pretty lady. Lovers met more than half a year and at the same time they spoke to each other "you", not seeking to move to more close relationships.

Once with the shooting of the next picture of the terminal returned with a high temperature. Alla's learned about it called the doctor and cared for the actor to complete recovery. As Vladimir recalls, then he realized that he wants the Savior to stay with him forever, and, without having recovered from the disease, made a proposal.

The couple wanted children, but the girl who managed to choose the name Eugene, died before birth. Alla was treated, not lowering hands. Over time, the sons of Denis and Alexey appeared in the family. The eldest received a producer diploma in the MCAT Studio School. The artist leads a page in "Instagram", where the photos from the shooting sites with his participation appear.

The actor does not drink, does not smoke, in addition to fishing, loves preference and travel. A assistant to the household from him is no, all concerns lie on his wife. But the pleasure of Vladimir delivers the purchase of products on the market - he loves to bargain. Before the default, Terzkova was his own business: along with friends he organized river and sea cruises.

When the case collapsed, the artist undertook to teach at the directorial department of Vgika. But this occupation had to quit: I did not work in combining shooting and reading lectures. In 2019, Vladimir Alexandrovich again recruited the course, but already at the Institute of Contemporary Art, at the department, who was headed by Dmitry Pevtsov.

Health status

In 2016, during the tour in Saratov, the artist was bad. After playing 15 minutes in the play "Sublimation of love", the terminal returned for the scenes and asked to call an ambulance. Marat Basharov, who played in this formulation, supported a colleague until returning to the capital. Then, after examining physicians, a terrible diagnosis was known - "abdominal cancer". This news shocked the performer.

Not wanting in the future to turn into burden for the family, Vladimir Alexandrovich even thought about suicide. The instructions of the surgeon and the letter of the younger Son helped to refuse this thought, in which the teenager admitted to his father's love and asked Santa Claus to help his parent. To keep a disease under control, several operations and family support helped. According to Alla, it is necessary to maintain optimism in any situation and look for an output.

Later, the artist decided to talk about his history of a wide audience. The frank deck of the terminal explained to the desire to support people who came to a similar situation. The actor also stressed that you need to trust the doctors - the desire to get rid of the illness with the help of traditional medicine and healing only takes the precious time.

Vladimir Terzkov now

In 2021, Vladimir Alexandrovich continued to work in the cinema. The screens with the participation of the actor came out the comedy "Standap under cover", in which he played the deputy minister. In the center of the plot - a secret task for Svetlana Artyukhova, police officer without a sense of humor (performed by Valentina Mazunina). The picture also starred Kirill Nagiyev, Zoya Berber and others.

In May, the artist once again became a guest of the program Boris Korchevnikova "The Fate of Man". The artist of roles in the theater and cinema spoke about interesting cases from life, what the tests he had to overcome in the fight against severe illness. According to Terzkova, the love of loved ones helped him cure - now the alert retreated.


  • 2001 - "Men's work"
  • 2005 - "Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private cheek "
  • 2006 - "Hatspeetovka milkka"
  • 2007 - "Valery Kharlamov. Additional time"
  • 2008 - "Scouts: War after the war"
  • 2009-2011 - Margosha
  • 2013 - "Think as a woman"
  • 2013 - "quiet hunting"
  • 2014-2015 - "Molodezhka"
  • 2015 - "Resort Roman"
  • 2016-2017 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2017 - "Life after life"
  • 2018 - "Excess"
  • 2019 - "Seven dinners"
  • 2020 - "Former"
  • 2020 - "Ferry"
  • 2021 - "Ip Pirogova-4"
  • 2021 - "Standap under cover"

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