Irina Medvedev - biography, personal life, news, movies, photos, actress, swimsuit 2021



Irina Medvedeva - Belarusian actress, singer and TV presenter. The spectacular performer managed to prove that beauty is not a hindrance for a humorous role. On the screen, the artist gives the impression of a strong self-sufficient woman, but in life likes to be behind the male back.

Childhood and youth

Ira was born in Bobruisk, where he grown and graduated from school. Since childhood, it was engaged in a huge number of circles - mild athletics, dances, music, classic and pop vocals. In the senior classes, Medvedev began to play amateur performances and by the end of the school burst between the desire to become an actress and a dream of a vocalist career.

When Irina came to Minsk to submit documents to the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, he saw that an incredibly large passing point was declared for the vocal-pop department.

Fighting, which will not pass, the girl decided to enter the theater faculty and only after the first exam found out that the competition was even higher for this direction. Nevertheless, Medvedeva managed from the first attempt to become a student academy, where she received a specialty "Actress of Dramatic Theater and Cinema".

After the university, Irina fell into the troupe just created the theater of the Belarusian army. But in a year, realizing that in Minsk there are practically no prospects, the actress went to Moscow. Medvedeva began to cooperate with the theater agency "Good evening", thanks to which he began to perform in the entrepreneurship performances, such as the "Senior Son" and 3D Musical Pola Negri.

Personal life

In the Minsk Theater of the Belarusian Army, Irina Medvedev met the singer and actor Ruslana Alekhno, the participant of the project "People's Artist" project. At first, only friendship arose between young people, but since the 2004 actors began to meet, then lived in a civil marriage, and in 5 years they got married.

After the official design of the Union, Irina and her husband lived together for 2 years. The growing popularity of the girl led to frequent bellows and disagreements in the family, the spouse began to jealously, which in the end led to the divorce. But, according to Irina, young people broke up normally and continued to support a friendly relations.

Information about personal life after the divorce actress was not shared with journalists. She has an official website, from where the fans will learn about the latest theater and television work Medvedev. Interestingly, for many years of Irina's girlfriend remains a colleague on working on the channel STS Miroslav Karpovich. The actress is famous for his role in the Sitkom "Daddy's Daughters".

In December 2016, the artist across a common girlfriend became acquainted with the future husband - a French businessman Guide Sizeron. He heads in Paris with a network of dry cleaners. Guillaume in the company of friends arrived in Moscow, and Irina was invited to acquaint him with the sights of the Russian capital.

However, the meeting was not immediately. After her, the novel, who ended with the wedding, began between Irina and Giome. In mid-2018, the marriage ceremony took place, which the couple spent in Paris. Lush celebration went to celebrate Moscow. Especially for guests from France, the wedding was withstanding in a Russian spirit in the style of the beginning of the 20th century.

On the eve of the event, the artist managed to play the main female role in the performance of the Mayakovsky Moon theater and once again hit the groom and guests with their professionalism. For the sake of relationship, Irina does not plan to part with the profession. The actress, together with his spouse, found a compromise: now she lives on 2 countries.

In mid-2019, Medvedev first became a mom. Son of the married couple appeared in Paris. Photo with infant celebrity placed on a personal page in "Instagram". The news was happy to be encouraged by her fans.


Irina Medvedev from his youth acts as a romance performer. At the age of 18, the actors are read and sing "Irina" for the execution of a romance "And finally, I will say on the verses of Bella Ahmadulina received a prize" for the best debut. " After 2 years, on a similar competition in Moscow, the singer fulfilled the composition "Polish" and "suffering" and received the festival Grand Prix.

Now it is not possible to pay too much vocal activities in Medvedeva. Although Irina plans are the creation of a musical concert program and a debut album record. The singer has already prepared a musical material and established conditions for the implementation of these projects. It remains for small - to find time.

Films and television

Almost immediately after admission to the theater university, Irina Medvedeva began cooperation with television. At first, the girl starred in a video clip on the song "Yes!" Disc-singer Sergey Minaeva, and then began to lead the velcom SMS Top10 show program on the first music channel.

In the spring of 2004, the girl participated in the realistic show "Faculty of humor" on the Ren-TV channel, reached the final, where he was ahead of other competitors. It was on this project that Irina met people who soon invited the actress to the new humorous show "Dear Transfer".

At Ren-TV, this project lasted for a long time, and soon Medvedev, together with the actors of Fyodor Dobronravov, Sergey Dorobov, Edward Radzyukevich, Andrei Kaikov and Galina Danilova goes to the STS and continues joint creativity in the comedic schuch show "6 frames".

During work in the project, the artist beat the heroine of various roles, but most often it had images of bright beauties, which contributed to the external data of Irina - with an increase of 169 kg, the weight is 51 kg. Medvedev appeared not only in spectacular outfits, but also in a swimsuit and underwear. The actress participated in the filming of all seasons of the transfer, until 2014.

The TV show has a positive way influenced the creative biography of the actress: Irina Medvedev received all-Russian popularity, thanks to which he became popular in Big Cinema.

In the artistic cinema, Irina Medvedev made his debut in 1999, playing Komsomol in the comedy TV series "Accelerated Help". Then there were a lot of small roles in the "Team" paintings, "Men don't cry", "Cadet".

In 2006, the release of "infidelity" of General Moldova, Irina Medvedev reincarnated in a secondary character - a laboratory employee. Later followed the shooting in the detective militant "Agony of Fear" and the popular TV series "Trail".

In 2008, Medvedeva tried on a gypsy costume, imagining the "New Year's" comedy "the" New Year's "tariff" of wonders and new meetings that happen on the eve of the winter holiday. The film with Valeria Lanskaya and Maxim Matveyeva brought $ 3.8 million to the crews of $ 3.8 million.

The paintings "New Year's marriage", "Jungle" were light and cheerful, raised the mood at the viewer, and the actress remained in the favorite comedy role. The melodrama "Husband of a Happy Woman" opened for Fans Medvedev as a dramatic actress.

In 2017, with the participation of Irina Medvedev, the shooting of the comedy "Adventures of a Choknut Professor" was completed about the genius young scientist Max (Peter Fedorov), which as a result of his own experiments turned into a tiny man.

Irina Medvedev now

In 2020, the actress continued to appear on the metropolitan scene in the performances of Mayakovsky, "Eh, marrying young" and "charms treason, or a gift." And the filmography of Irina was replenished with a comedy melodrama "New Life of Masha Salna".


  • 2001 - "Accelerated Help - 2"
  • 2004 - "Men do not cry"
  • 2007 - "Fear Agony"
  • 2008 - "The tariff" New Year ""
  • 2010 - "Ceremonary. "Again new!" "
  • 2011 - "Swallow Nest"
  • 2012 - "New Year's marriage"
  • 2012 - "Good luck for rent"
  • 2014 - "Happy Woman's Husband"
  • 2015 - "Autumn Memory"
  • 2017 - "Adventures of a Chokno Professor"
  • 2020 - "New Life of Masha Solenova"

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