Nikolay Kozak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Film, Actor, Filmography 2021



Disturbance is, perhaps, the main characteristic of Nicholas Kozak as an actor. Bandit, FSB officer, nobleman, businessman, Cossack Ataman - will not be an exaggeration to say that the directors love him. And the secret of such a demand lies on the surface - we must try to surprise the viewer, to work honestly, on the gap, and inspire it.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born in the Kirovograd region, in Alexandria. Who parents worked as children in the family are unknown. On your own filmography I dreamed about how much I remember, so after graduation, I changed my hometown to Lviv. Here he studied in the theater studio and in parallel went on the stage of the Academic Theater named after Maria Zankovsky.

Founding in the country is pretty, the Kozak came to Kazan and entered the local theater school to finally get a formal profile education. In 1991, the actor became the owner of a cherished diploma and received an invitation to the theater named after V. I. Kachalova.

In the capital of Tatarstan, Nikolai worked for 15 years, played in performances "Deceit and Love", "Idiot", "Uncle Vanya" and "Cherry Garden", "Peak Lady" and "Marriage".

Later in the creative biography of the actor there were Togliatti Theater "Wheel", Kazan Russian and Krasnoyarsk dramatic name Alexander Pushkin. In 2006, the theater of the Russian army became a new family. For moving to Moscow, the Kozak decided after a long thought, having come to the conclusion that the changes are inevitable, and if in 40 years start first, then not in the province.

In the capital, Nikolai found new friends. The classic repertoire, built on William Shakespeare, Alexander Ostrovsky and Alexei Tolstom, replenished the production of works by Yuri Polyakova, Anna Geizhan, Viktor Astafieva.

Personal life

Personal life of the actor is closely related to the profession. Wife Elena Pantyushina is a classmate on Kazan School, a colleague in the Krasnoyarsk Dramaatethor, 17 younger. Together with her husband, the girl made his debut in the "urgent", and then starred by the TV series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva", "quiet hunting", "traffic light", "Shutchiks".

After moving to Moscow, the artists had two daughters. The media with reference to familiar couples write about a man as an approximate family man, as evidence leads the lack of an actor name in scandalous chronicles and gossip, usually drunk around celebrities.

Popularity is not allowed by unveling photos in "Instagram" and the disclosure of private information. On this a fabric, passionately enthusiastic cinema and theater, sorry to spend time. To help the thirsty news about creativity - fan pages in social networks.


In 2003, the artist debuted in the series "Emergency", then appeared in "Spy Games", "Club", "Young and Evil". A partner of Nicholas on the dramatic film "Adjutants of Love" was a student of the Studio Studio MCAT Nikita Panfilov, whom the audience hurried to record him in the brothers. Panfili then repeatedly refuted the presence of a relative communication.

Colleagues are really similar: both play harsh men, prefer to shave with the rally, almost one growth (182 cm in Nikolai and 180 cm in Nikita). Panfilov also removed a lot on the homeland of the Kozak, in Ukraine. And so that he was not closed entry into the country, refuses to visit the Crimea, after the peninsula became part of Russia.

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In 2007, Nikolai fell into the acting militant "Emergency Call", later appeared in the image of the investigator in the criminal drama "Atlantis," answered agreement to the proposal of the creators of the mystical thriller "Testament of the Night" to play a negative hero. With the participation of the Kozak on the television screens, a melodrama "invaders", the family tape "Call to my door", the detective "loop", the 2nd part of the project Nikita Mikhalkov "Tired by the Sun - 2. The upcoming".

Together with Sergey Svetlakov and Olesya, the Jesilovsky artist shaped the trio in the island triller "Stone", and for the role of the captain in the dramatic tape "Siberia. Monamore "was awarded the prizes of international film festivals.

In 2011, the actor lit in the Criminal film "Game" with Prokhorom Dubravin and Pavel Barshak in high roles. The Kozak appeared as Major FSB. The picture "Kazak" Nikolai appeared in the form of Ataman, opposing the metropolitan mafia.

He received a secondary role in the Casnokradda detective. Nikolai also starred in the Military Drama "Team Eight" about three friends, who, after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, fall into a single intelligence. Success at the audience used the detective "legal". Kozak reincarnated in the thief in the law fond of Chinese philosophy and Marxism, despite the fact that she lives purely in thieves.

2012 presented the Contractor a major role in the social drama "EHF. Emergency "On the work of the detachment of rescuers. A year later, Nikolai received the role of captain of the Red Army in the Military Film Fighters. Ekaterina Vilkova also played in the series, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Oleg Fomin.

In 2013, the Kozak starred in the criminal belt "quiet hunting", the detective "Shopping Center", the adventure history of Fort Ross. Following the actor appeared in the image of Count Shuvalov in the popular TV series about the Russian Empress "Ekaterina".

From numerous film, where the actor is involved, it is worth allocating the "Ark Mark", the "roof of the world", "Sofia", "Mentalist", "Ivanov-Ivanov". We remember the public painting "Sleeping", "Vocal-Criminal Ensemble", "Player", "Embassy".

In 2016, Viking was presented to the audience court. The large-scale production project Konstantin Ernsta, one of the most expensive in the history of Russian cinema, combined dozens of screen stars. Danilla Kozlovsky, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Alexander Bortich, Pavel Delong, Cyril Pletnev starred in the film. Nicholas has a secondary role of the architecture of Luta.

No less bright companies at the Kozak were in the TV series "Godunov" about the time of the formation of the Russian monarchy, the melodrama "Alien Blood" about the three generations of one family, a detective "Galka and Gamayun" about girlfriends - police investigators.

The end of 2019 was marked for Nikolai by another premiere - the biographic drama "The Sky is measured by miles", dedicated to the famous Soviet designer of helicopters Mikhail Mily. In the Army Theater, the actor played in a new production "People await when tanks will go," talking about the 1991 coup. Ukrainian television also presented a novelty - the picture "I'll still wait for you", in which the Kozaka got the main role.

Nikolay Kozak now

In 2020, the 8-serial series "Zuulikha opens his eyes" on the novel of the novel by the writer Gusel Yakhina. The work is based on the memories of her grandmother, which, together with the degraded relatives, refer to Siberia.

The acting film is the subject of pride for Yakhina. For obvious reasons, artists who born or worked in Tatarstan are involved here, and those who live in the republic are involved. In addition to Nikolai Kozak, it is Chulpan Hamatova, Rosa Heirullina, the executor of the role of Khan in the Golden Horde, Ramil Sabitov.

The heroes of the islar tape "Three Captain" are friends who served in hot spots. The actor appeared in the scout, once returned from the task. And after 10 years, he appears from nowhere with the desire to take revenge on his wife, whose death accuses former comrades.

Fans of Nikolai will have to enjoy the game of the pet in the second directorial work of Danil Kozlovsky "When Aysts fell". Such a dramatic name of the tape is due to the plot: in the center of the story - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


  • 2003 - "Emergency"
  • 2009 - "Justice of Wolves"
  • 2010 - "South Calendar"
  • 2011 - "Game"
  • 2011 - "Yalta-45"
  • 2012 - "Cossack"
  • 2012 - "Karpov"
  • 2013 - "Fighters"
  • 2014 - "Quiet Hunting"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2016 - "Roof of the World"
  • 2016 - "Viking"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"
  • 2019 - "Godunov"
  • 2019 - "Watchman"
  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"

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