Anatoly Gushchin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The role of Ivan Chonkin in the comedy on Roman Vladimir Wornovich glorified Anatoly Ghushchina, but did not make his hostage. In his filmography, the magnificent number of works, not inferior to that, star, in their strength and reliability. Gushchin belongs to the category of artists, who, without throwing an appearance, take the audience an incredible charisma and talent.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Gushchin was born in Novocheboksarsk in November 1976 and became the only joint guy of a locksmith and buffets. Thanks to the previous marriages of the father and mother, he had five pivot brothers and sisters.

It is not clear where the boy had a desire to become an actor, but already in early childhood a lot liked to play school performances and engage in the theater circle. However, when Gushchin graduated from school and gathered at the theater university, and even in Moscow, noise rose in the family. Few people believed that from this venture at least something is possible.

The guy was harmful and purposeful - from the first time he acted in Schepkin School, leaving behind several thousand applicants. Anatoly hit the starry course: together with him, Maria Skusarev, Ilya Aldedov and Egor Beroev. In 1998, Gushchin received a diploma and was adopted in the "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors".

Personal life

Anatoly still remembers the name of the first love. With Tatyana Isakova, then I did not respond to his feelings, he now communicates in social networks.

With the first wife of Elena, the actor became acquainted in the "pinch". The wedding of a young couple played on old Udmurt customs. In this marriage, Anatoly was born the son of Daniel. The spouse settled in the "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" Buffetcher.

After leaving the theater, Gushchin sat for some time at home without work, engaged in raising the child, taught him to read and write, fed and walked with him. After the divorce Daniel remained with mom. Elena soon married an employee of the producer of the same theater, born two more children.

Relations with the firstborn in the actor were not easy. The young man retained his father's surname, but grown closed, he was seriously worried that Anatoly rarely visited him. Gushchin and repents himself that due to intense filming did not pay attention to the guy, but it is proud that the "son is smarter" - did not go into creativity, but chose IT technology.

The media wrote about Anatolia's novel with Anna Miklash, with which he starred in the film "Smered". But colleagues did not comment on rumors and did not make any official statements. Perhaps they just spent time together as friends.

Personal life Gushchina changed a meeting with Victoria Zakharova. Acquaintance occurred at the "Sphere" theater, where both were involved in the performance. Lovers began to live together, although the relationship officially did not register for a long time. Anatoly on his own initiative brought the son of Victoria Egor from Omsk to Moscow.

Alexander Tskillerov, Dad Boy and the first husband actress, tragically died. Egor is studying at the Customs Academy and at the request of the step is calling that solely by name. So, he considers Gushchin, it will be more correct, because the father can only be one.

In the Victoria family and Anatolia had anything. The spouses parted, then converged again and again scattered. The actor admits that he is not a "writing handsome" (a man's growth - 173 cm), no reason for jealousy did not give. In the end, in May 2016, Zakharov and Gushchin went to the registry office, and shortly before the advent of the daughter, Glafira got married.

Belief in God helped the artist to overcome the craving for alcohol. It is a fight with policemen in 2001 and entering the department in 2014. Before mainstream became the habit of removing the actions of celebrities on mobile phones, other incidents occurred in alcoholic bends. Now Anatoly leads a healthy lifestyle, enjoys cycling, running, skiing. Favorite view of recreation - travel. In "Instagram", he publishes photos from trips, and also places posts on religious topics.


In the troupe, the artist lasted 2 years and left. Free swimming gave the opportunity to choose, the rules began to offer roles in other theaters of Moscow.

Anatoly cinematic biography began thanks to Boris and Vladislav Galkin, with whom he participated in a concert for the Victory Day. The actor asked Vlad, to fold for him the word in front of the creators of the TV series "truckers" and received a role.

In a detective, Mosekaya, 12 Guschin played in the episode, but in the company Alexander Baluyev, the faith of verbal, Dmitry Kharatyan and Marina Goli. Alexander Mitta, he starred in the criminal ribbon "Red Saturday", near Rauf Kubaev - in the melodraman "Three against all".

The director Nikolay Lebedev accumulated by Anatoly Lebedev seemed enough to approve him to one of the main roles in the Military Drama "Star". The audience saw the artist in the form of a bold scout, abandoned in the enemy rear. In the amplua of a person in bulk, worthy of performing his duty, Guschin spoke in the paintings of the "ash of Phoenix", "on the nameless height", "calling", "Gorynych and Victoria", "Ceremakha".

It was destined to become famous for Anatoly Gushchina after the exit of the tape "Adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin." The audience and critics agreed that a more successful candidate for the role with the sight of an awkward rustic guy, famously distinguished with all the problems, not to find.

After Chonkin, a young man fell asleep suggestions. He appeared in an effortful "knowledge", Riorit Drama, the TV series "Life and adventures of a Japanese Bears", "Yesenine" and many others. In the tragic picture "Death of Vazir-Mukhtar", Ghushchina managed to make some lightness, although he also knocked out a tear from the viewer, forcing him sincerely to empathize.

In 2011, Anatoly was starred in the "black wolves", "urgently in the room", "Smegor. Legend for a traitor "," Investigative Committee "," Comrade Stalina ".

In the "Son of the Father of Peoples" Guschina got a character with his name and surname, brave military pilot. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov he played in Ribe "Gagarin. The first in space, "a seminarist reading a prayer for the died girl, - in" Vie ", and in the" flaw "part of the text pronounced in Chuvash.

Projects with Anatoly, which fans saw on the screens in 2016, - the melodrama "Chista Water at the source", "Maitra Sokolov", "Murka" and "Vurdalaks".

With age, the gallery of positive images of the actor diluted antigeroons, as, for example, in the "Russian slides" or in "say goodbye." To play overcoming, of course, more interesting and at the same time harder, it is necessary to internally justify the delegate actions of the hero.

The Gushchin refuses to reincarnate in the deployed villains of Gushchin: for a believer, there is still a limit.

Anatoly Gushchin now

In 2019, Gushchina's fans surprised the news about the next Pet role: the actor starred in advertising a network of fast food restaurants KFC.

As for full-fledged work in the cinema, Anatoly has directions with whom absolute understanding has been established. With Vladimir Nahabtsev, He played in the Gold Scythians, "I am Angelina" and "Department", in 2020 the series "Bailiffs" was expected. Irina Gedrovich gave him a role in the retrame "Decembrist", in which Svetlana Ivanova shone.

Next followed the continuation of the rational detective "Irckka". The first seasons removed Dmitry Brusnikin, and after his death, the film was picked up by the author of "youths" and "Ranetok" Andrei heads. Anna Banschov and Dmitry Miller are still partners of the artist in investigating criminal cases.


  • 2004 - "On Unnamed Height"
  • 2004 - "Ash Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2007 - "The Adventures of Ivan Chongkin"
  • 2008 - "SOCHAR"
  • 2008 - Riorita
  • 2009 - "Court"
  • 2011 - "Smegor. Legend for Traitor »
  • 2011 - "Comrade Stalin"
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space »
  • 2014 - "Viy"
  • 2014 - "Major Sokolov's heterlers"
  • 2015 - "Department"
  • 2016 - "Vurdalaks"
  • 2017 - "Fatherland"
  • 2019 - "Ghosts of the Past"
  • 2020 - "Iczka-4"
  • 2020 - "Izacha-5"

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