Oleg Lyashko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ukrainian Policy 2021



In the Ukrainian political space for Oleg Lyashko stretches the loop of scandaling. The leader of the radical party is not enough to criticize the power, and the status of the people's chosen one is not a reason to abandon the Podatage. He earned a reputation as a participant in Drak and Scandalist, repeatedly demonstrated the behavior characteristic of the showman rather than the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. Some consider Lyashko a promising politician with a large future, and others - an upcoming and a PR, who can only "housing".

Childhood and youth

Oleg born on December 3, 1972 in Chernigov. Childhood politics can not be called happy: almost immediately after his birth, the parents divorced, and the mother gave the son to the orphanage. Lyashko changed three boarding schools, after he entered the tractor driver, worked as a shepherd.

In the early 90s, Oleg became interested in journalism and settled a freelance officer to the Kiev edition of the "Young Guard", was in danger of "Radio Liberty", then became the chief editor of the newspaper "Commercial News" of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine. This position served as a pass to the highest circles of power.

In his youth, a journalist first turned out to be in the epicenter of the scandal with criminal prosecution. Considering the post of assistant to the Minister of the Interior, he was in prison for the fact that the deception was delivering several cars from the fleet of departments.

In 1998, Lyashko graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kharkov Pedagogical Institute and headed by the edition of the Opposition Newspaper "Freedom".

Personal life

After the publication of the scandalous video with recognition in an unconventional orientation, the public became interested in the personal life of Lyashko. Journalists tried to find out the involvement of the deputy to the gay movement. But it turned out that Oleg Valerievich in this way only heated interest in his own person.

Soon the politician presented the audience to the civil wife to Rosita Alexandrovna Syuaramen, with which he brings up the daughter Vladislav. According to information from individual sources, he has two children - another daughter gave birth to the first spouse Tatyana Yuzkova. Judging by the photo in "Instagram", in 2018, Oleg and Rosita registered marriage.

In the family, a man possesses an absolutely opposite image, behaves calmly and non-conflict, readily helps in the economy. It is known that at the beginning of relations with Xiaranen Lyashko was obsessed with gambling, but his beloved woman helped get rid of addiction to gaming machines.

Oleg is fond of collecting vintage coins, various models of glasses and unusual ties, leads pages in Facebook and Twitter. For pictures, the subscribers concluded that a man - the Fan of the Football Club "Shakhtar" adores thoroughbred dogs. The media write that he has 10 pets, and the favorite Knock Porsch "won the honor of visiting the owner's office in Rada."


Oleg Lyashko's biography as a policy originates in 2006. As a representative of Yulia Tymoshenko's party, he entered the Subcommittee on the Deputy Ethics and the Organization of the Work of the Verkhovna Rada.

In 2007, as a result of early parliamentary elections, Lyashko again received the mandate and became the deputy chairman of the budget distribution committee. After 3 years, it was excluded from BYUT for cooperation with the ruling coalition. According to the unofficial version, the party got rid of Oleg after gay scandal when the video was leaked to the network from the interrogation from the prosecutor, at which the deputy is recognized in an intimate relationship with a high-ranking official.

Lyashko appealed to the Ukrainian radical-democratic party, and in 2011 became the leader of the faction. Soon the political association was called the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko.

In 2014, after the state version in Ukraine, the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko scored almost 7.5% of the vote, which provided a place in the Verkhovna Rada. The radicals joined the coalition consisting of parties of Peter Poroshenko BPP, "People's Front" of Arseny Yatsenyuk, "Batkivshchyna" Yulia Tymoshenko and "self-help" Andrei Garden. In the fall of 2015, Oleg Valerievich declared the release of the party from the coalition and the transition to the opposition, since the former like-minded people united with the oligarchic groups with which he did not intend to cooperate.

In March 2016, Lyashko announced the readiness to become the new Prime Minister of Ukraine, offering colleagues to Parliament to restore the country, collapsed by the previous account. Oleg spoke out against the current government, accusing the government in theft and fault in the emotional style peculiar to it. Oddly enough, but the radical urged to stop blaming Russia and Vladimir Putin in the troubles of Ukraine, since the main problem is exclusively in corruption within the country.

Lyashko was deeply outraged by the satirical numbers of Vladimir Zelensky, by the speed of the artist of the show "95th quarter," if the rooms were touched upon the situation in the country. Now, when a humorist turned into the head of state, the leader of the radical batch does not calm down. Hot news came even from the Inauguration of the President: Oleg interrupted Zelensky, when he switched from Ukrainian to Russian during a solemn speech.

Politician and twice tried to take the highest state post. In the inhabitants of Ukraine, the position of Lyashko found a response, and otherwise how to explain that in the first attempt by ON took the 3rd place. However, the people, apparently, are tired of the shooting range of Oleg Valerievich, and he had to be content only.

Parliamentary elections in the summer of the same year, the Radical Party lost. The leader of the movement called the vote with a disgraceful, and the president - a parody of the dictator, but promised that the interests of the people would continue to defend.

The name of the political figure regularly falls on the strip of the yellow press due to new scandals and curious cases. At the beginning of 2017, Gangsta-Hit with politics spread on the Internet. The MEM's creators imposed his performances on the musical material, as a result, a video clip was appeared in the RAP style.

In parliament, on television, banners and political events, Lyashko can often be seen not only in the national embroidered shirt. People's elect wearing ordinary forks. Completed tool - and party, and personal symbol. Three teeth are depicting the letter sh in the name. Forks, Oleg gathered to cast out corruption, brought pumpkin and potatoes in Rada, distributed them to supporters of Euromaidan.

Oleg Lyashko now

Oleg Valerievich does not change himself: 2020 he met in the status of one of the most influential extra-parliamentary politicians. This is the opinion of citizens who participated in a survey conducted by the independent sociological group "Rating". Clashes with oligarchs, legal processes only prove once again that Lyashko is not from those who retreat and avoid the struggle, respondents are confident. And sooner or later it will bring fruit.

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The ex-deputy acute in the tongue gives vivid characteristics and ambiguous estimates to each step undertaken by the Ukrainian authorities. The agreement between Naftogaz and Gazprom is a century scam and a cariac collusion. The silence of the Ukrainian leadership in the case of a shot down in Iran is an evidence that the country is managed by people who do not have positions and are not able to make decisions. Reducing electricity generation at nuclear power plants - hostile policy of the Parliamentary Committee on the EEC, leading to the loss of billions in the budget.

Foreign confrontation turned into another fight of the leader of the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko, this time with the chairman of this committee. Police started a criminal case. If the policy is recognized guilty to him threatens to seven years of imprisonment.

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