Dmitry Mill - Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Photo, Films, Series 2021



Today, Dmitry Milagri - in demand theater and movie actor. However, fame came to him late, after 35 years. His story is through thorns to the stars. Five unsuccessful attempts to enter theatrical not broke it, but, on the contrary, they gave the strength to move on.

Childhood and youth

He was born on August 26, 1972 in Karachev Bryansk region. Dmitry's parents had nothing to do with the theater and cinema. The mother was a philologist and organized poetic readings, Dmitry and his two younger brothers with pleasure participated in them.

Sons went on a creative path. In addition to Dmitry, the actor was the actor Denis, who, after the relevant university, got into the troupe "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors". Taras graduated from the Institute of Culture. Drawing attention to the surname of the artist, fans are wondering - who is by nationality. But Dmitry does not comment on this question.

Muhar studied at school and engaged in music in the class of violin. The boy received high marks, loved Russian and literature. In graduation classes, he realized that he wants to associate life with the scene. Having received a certificate, submitted documents at once to five theater institutions. Unfortunately, it did not accept it.

Then the failed student returned to Karachev and entered the philk of the local pedigree. In parallel with studying at the university, it was intensively prepared for admission to theatrical. In 1990, the dream of Milyara came true - he became a student "Pikechi", studied in the workshop of Yuri Lyubimov.

Personal life

In the personal life of Dmitry, everything is fine: he has a wife, two sons grow up in the family. Spouse Olga Mill is engaged in interior design. They met when the artist was still a student of the theater institute, several years have met. The wedding was celebrated in the theater, because the actor on this day was the performance of Evgeny Onegin. After the speech of the newlyweds and their friends gathered not in the restaurant, but in the lobby.

Olga has long got used to the tense work schedule of the spouse, but gradually adapted to his rhythm of life. A year after the wedding, the son was born and the son of Andrei, and after 8 years, Fedor appeared.

Spouses tried to cope with parental responsibilities independently, without the help of nanny and grandmothers. Later, the theater helped the artist to purchase his own apartment, where Olga herself to the little things thought out the interior design.

Dmitry does not hide a personal life, although the personal page in "Instagram" does not lead. The artist's photo appear in the accounts of its fans and colleagues. He tries to find the opportunity to live with his wife and children. Sometimes they manage to go somewhere on vacation. Olga is not jealous of her husband to the on-screen partner, says that passions are boiled only on the screen, and in the life of Dmitry Mill, another is kind, caring, loving.

The Senior Son of Dmitry Andrei, like the Father in childhood, is studying the game of the violin. The boy is not interested in the acting profession, but shows interest in the process of creating movies. Sometimes Muir takes it to the shooting area.


After the Theater Institute, Dmitry Milagri worked in the theater on Taganka. His first serious role was the Arkady Dolgorukov in the play "Teenager". The actor admitted that this production is the road, because in the school it was more likely to play old people, and on the stage of Taganka managed to appear to the audience a young hero, play from himself.

With each next role, Dmitry Ros and revealed his talent even deeper. Soon he was already one of the leading actors. He played Alesha in the "brothers of Karamazovy" Fedor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Neighbor, Nazin, Nazyna and Schagov, and many other roles in the "Evgenia Onegin" in the "Master and Margarita". The play "Sharashka" transfers viewers to a special prison in which Soviet scientists worked on secret orders. In 2002, a television version of the statement appeared.


Dmitry film director began in 1994 with episode in the film "Sickle and Hammer". For the next 10 years, it appeared on the screen rarely, mainly in episodic roles. In his youth, the actor was passionate about the work on theatrical scene and referred to the cinema as an opportunity to try himself in the new proposed circumstances.

The first major roles appeared only in 2004. He played a teacher in the painting "Melonga", trunk in the Ragin drama. In the same year, Muir reincarnated in the main character in the film "Golden Head on the Floach". The drama tells about the difficult years in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, but there are many flashes in it, therefore the assessments of the film are ambiguous. Nevertheless, the actor received a prize of the Russian Film Festival in Gatchina for roles in Ragina and Golden Head.

Since 2004, Muliar has been regularly removed in full-length films and serials. He is known for the roles of Yuri Gagarin in the painting "Cosmos as a premonition", Major Shcherbanha in the "last armor spent", the investigator of Lytkina in the "Rules of Homuer" and Major NKVD in the series "Second". He was also fortunate enough to play in the project "Gromov. House of Hope, "where the partner artist became Glafira Tarkhanov.

Spectators saw Dmitry in the projects "Once in Rostov" and "Dragon Syndrome". In the latter, he played the main role of the Avdeev collector. The man remembers that the shooting was complex, but fascinating. He needed to create an controversial character of the person of the post-war time on the screen. The shooting process was held in Kirovograd (Ukraine), so the actor for some time turned out to be out of the usual environment, which, according to his recognition, helped concentrate on the role.

Among the iconic projects in the repertoire of the artist, the eviction drama "Crew", the "Iznachka" detective, the comedy-fantastic series "The reverse side of the moon - 2", the film-catastrophe "icebreaker".

Dmitry Mill's main character embodied on the screen in the TV series "Kisses Bridge." His character Victor, captain of a small cheka, unexpectedly in the eyes of the boy Vanya turns his father. Viktor and mother of the child Valentina (Natalia Burmistrov) has to play a family idyll in front of him.

When creating a new Kinorol, all the tricks Dmitry performs himself. With growth, 175 cm its weight does not exceed the average parameters. Sporting preparation of the actor allows you to perform the duties of the Cascaderal, although it happens that he enters the hospital with light injuries.

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In 2017, Dmitry starred in the TV series "Ikra". It was shown on the air of the First Channel in 2018.

In the Drama "Bag without the bottom", the actor appeared in the image of a fabulous character - mushroom. In the film in the author's manner, the theme of the murder of Tsarevich in the forest was touched. Events are developing in two era - the XIX and XIII centuries. Svetlana Neloeva, Ilze Liepa, Kirill Pletnev, Anna Mikhalkov and others were presented on the screen.

In mid-2018, the premiere of the Flamingo melodrama was held, in which the Milyarus got the role of the first plan - the hero of Victor. Also, the actor participated in the creation of films "Beautiful creatures", "call me mom", "drawn happiness".

The main autumn premiere of Dmitry Milyara was the show of the "Decembrist" retrame on the NTV television channel. In the film, the actor reincarnated in the Soviet lawyer, which in the false denunciation falls into the link. Events occur on the eve of the wedding, and Zina's bride (Svetlana Ivanova) is sent after the beloved in Siberia. The date of the premiere - November 12, 2018.

Dmitry Muhar now

Now Muir is a sought-after actor. Every year, his filmography is increased by several projects. In 2019, he starred in a key role in the detective TV series "Alex Lutchi", whose premiere took place on June 22, 2020 on NTV. The picture tells about Alexander Yukhnovsky, who in the mid-1970s was accused of aiding in the murder of Soviet citizens during the war years and sentenced to shooting. The shooting partner was Sergey Pustopalis, who played the investigator.

In the same 2019, Dmitry Millov starred in the series "Intercessors." The plot is based on the real lawsuits of the famous Soviet lawyers. The premiere took place on March 23, 2020 on the first channel. In the same year, the actor was involved in such paintings as the "curator", "he is lucky of his truck", "Sect", "Territory".

Dmitry was able to remove in the painting "Pravda" with actress Galina Bokashevskaya. The plot unfolds around a happy couple of hope and Sergey. They plan to play a wedding, but suddenly the groom disappears. The girl appeals for help in the police. Captain Filin, whom Muir plays, is taken for investigating this strange case.

2020 was also a yield. In the production there were several films and TV shows with Dmitry Mlyarr. Among them are the 12-serial drama "Chernobyl", the action of which unfolds from April to December 1986. The Ukrainian department of the KGB of the USSR learns that foreign intelligence services are interested in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Lieutenant Colonel of military counterintelligence is trying to find a spy, which is located in Pripyat.

Another picture, which causes genuine interest from the fans of Dmitry Mlyara and connoisseurs of cinema, - "Actor". The plot is nontrivial: Actor-Loser Ivan Lipatov gets a chance to play the most difficult role in his life - a real person. He has a family, work and a lot of problems that need to be solved. The fate of many people depend on the enforcement of decisions.

The actor also took part in the shooting of the paintings "Sergeant" and "Lost". He did not play a major role in any of them. The premiere of the latter took place in February 2021.


  • 1994 - "Sickle and Hammer"
  • 2004 - "Ragin"
  • 2004 - "Golden head on the plate"
  • 2005 - "Cosmos as a Premonition"
  • 2005 - "Dr. Zhivago"
  • 2007 - "Gromov. House of Hope "
  • 2008 - "Death to spies. Crimea"
  • 2011 - "Once there was one woman"
  • 2015 - "The reverse side of the moon 2"
  • 2016 - "Irckka"
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2016 - "Kisses Bridge"
  • 2017 - "Icra"
  • 2018 - Flamingo
  • 2018 - "Decembrist"
  • 2018 - "On the edge"
  • 2018 - "Drawn happiness"
  • 2018 - "Nyanka"
  • 2019 - "Alex Luty"
  • 2019 - "Intercessors"
  • 2019 - "Curator"
  • 2019 - "True"
  • 2019 - "Territory"
  • 2021 - "Lost"

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