Elena Alexandrova - biography, personal life, photo, news, connoisseur "What? Where? When? ", Maxim Potashev, Children 2021



Elena Alexandrova - a strongly famous erudite, a player in the intellectual game "What? Where? When?". In the Elite Club, Alexandrov appealed since 2003, and managed to sit at the table along with a number of stars of this program, as it became a member of 3 different commands of the connoisseurs.

Childhood and youth

Alexandrova was born in 1975. According to one information, the hometown of Elena - Moscow, on the other - St. Petersburg. Together with the Lena, parents brought up their native sister of the girl, which subsequently immigrated to the United States of America, where he lives today in the city of San Francisco.

In childhood, Elena loved reading both art books and scientific literature, and also paid time drawing, needlework and dance.

After graduating from School, Elena decided to receive a higher education and entered the prestigious university of the country - Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov, where the specialty "Sociology of mass communications" was received. In his youth, Alexandrov managed to work in large firms, which was responsible for public relations.

"What? Where? When?"

The bright television biography of Alexandrova began with accession to the Club of the experts. In the television intellectual game "What? Where? When?" She made his debut in the Maxim Potashev team in 2003, at the age of 28 years. The next year, Elena entered the purely women's team under the command of Valentina Golubeva, but this project was short-term, so she returned to the management of Potashev.

But Alexandrova held the brightest speeches in the team of one of the best captains of the Elitic Club - Andrei Kozlov. Together with Elena, Mikhail Moon, Alexey Kapustin, Elena Orlova, Igor Kondratyuk and others were sitting at the same table. In the new season of the Spring Games of 2016, the participant again fell into the team of his favorite captain, and all the connoisseurs of intellectual entertainment were able to enjoy the game of this strong and cohesive team.

In addition to participating in the competitions of the Intellectual Club, Alexandrov was a popularizer of this game. Elena organized official quizzes among students, schoolchildren and even subscribers of the print edition "Science and Life".

These amateur games designed to raise interest among citizens to smart entertainment and revive the culture of acquisition of knowledge, passed under the common name "Work on Errors".

The 1st game of the autumn season of the 2016 season, which could be viewed on the first channel, played the Kozlov team, in which Alexandrov also played.

The game was severe. First, the team lost the viewer. The situation could be corrected superblits, but Moon did not cope with the 2nd question. But following all rounds, the Kozlov team with difficulty, but won with a score of 6: 5. Aleksandrov recognized the best player.

In November 2016, a winter series of games started. Here Elena spoke as captain. Moreover, the Alexandrova team was collected from the owners of the Crystal Owl.

This game did not cost without scandal. Players were difficult with the question of the viewer about the ladies standing by the road, which he saw the writer Henry Petroski (the right answer: books). At this time, Roswan Askerov, standing in the hall in the hall, was indignant that the Master of the Kozlov Club suggested to the team. According to Askherov, he said loudly the word "books", but the headroom did not notice the tip and the red card did not show the captain of the team.

The Alexandrova team gave the answer "Book Regiment", and the answer was counted. Askerov, who was more than once been caught in tips and their use, remained unhappy with injustice and biased attitude.

In September 2017, Elena entered the Autumn Series of Games, the Master of the Intellectual Club and the owner of the title of "Best Captain Club" Kozlov. Her owners of the "Crystal Owl" Mikhail Moon, Vladimir Antoshin, Alexey Kapustin and Elena Orlova, joined it.

In the winter series, Elena again made a captain. On November 20, another curious case has occurred for 2017. Alexandrova lost its own name. Translator from Omsk Polina Alexandrova asked a question about Stone Forto, who in the last 10 years became rare.

Answer a team captain called, but gave an incorrect answer. Players correctly tied the stone with Henry Ford and automotive paint, but concluded that the case is in the coating, and not that technologies have been improved and the LCPs have no longer splash on cars by hand from the sprayer. After all, Fordites polished out of the pieces of paint materials that were kept in the furnaces, located on the racks for the parts of the machines.

After that, the team loss correctly answered the following 4 questions and won the game.

In 2019, Elena appeared only in the spring series "What? Where? When?". Also in July of this year, Alexandrov and Mikhail Vishnevsky visited Andrei Makarevich in the Smak program and shared with the audience with their recipes for making fungi.

Personal life

Even in the early 2000s, Elena married his own colleague, and later - the multiple owner of the prize "Crystal owl" of Maxim Potashev. In 2005, they had twins Andrei and Roman. The spouses were, as they say, did not break the water, they were considered not only a strong married couple, but also many years played for one Kozlov team. Moreover, as Potashev said in his interview, they knew everything about each other - from the addictions and habits to tastes and interests, even had time to predict the desires of the partner before he or she voiced them.

However, even such friendly in-family relations did not save the family from the collapse. Spouses divorced, and before divorce, an extremely ugly and unpleasant story happened. Potashev met another woman, also a connoisse and the namesake of the first wife - Elena Chukhrayaev.

The most unpleasant thing is that Elena is not just left alone with two children in her arms, she was pregnant at that moment with a third child. With a former husband, Alexandrov categorically broke all the relationship, and when Vasilina's daughter was born, then Potashev was not even written in her documents as a father.

Participants in the club's club there are no page in "Instagram", but its photos can be found in the media.

The records of the club games are collected on the Yutiub-Channel "What? Where? When?". There you can see a video about how Alexandrova spends time in self-insulation.

In February 2019, Alexandrov became his wife Mikhail Vishnevsky.

Elena Alexandrova now

Today Elena continues to play "What? Where? When?" In Russia and regularly appears on television as a participant in the intellectual club.

In recent years, Alexandrov passed on Freilance, develops its own projects and deals with media information and journalism remotely.

In the Games of the 2020 season, Elena participated in the spring and summer series.

On November 29, 2020, the first game of the winter series "What? Where? When?". The Kozlov team played against the viewers, which included Alexandrova, Askerov, Anthory, Mun and Inna Semenov.

Players of the club could not answer the next question from Vasily Stanchuk from the village of Copper Brest district. In the 6th round, the surgeon doctor asked about Weaver Van Gogh:

"Weaving with a busty, facing the artist with the left side. Weaver addressed to the artist with the right side. Weaver facing the artist face. Attention, question! What inspired Van Gogh to write these 3 paintings. "

Aleksandova's response - a mirror-telling - turned out to be wrong, since the artist inspired the complex weaving machine. This question brought 80 thousand rubles to the viewer.

In the 8th round, the experts answered the question of Korobechnikov's spouses about the profession of people who wear white cotton socks with special silicone pads over the arch. In his answer, Elena suggested that such underwear was invented for gymnasts or ballet artists, because silicone is needed for clutching with the surface, which means that the shoes are not needed at work.

In fact, such an accessory was invented for astronauts, which inside the ISS move without shoes and cling to legs for the protruding elements. For the question of cosmic socks, Chut Corobeinov received 90 thousand rubles.

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