Taisiya-Oksana Schukuk - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "instagram", "first swallows", films 2021



Taisiya-Oksana Shchukuk - Ukrainian actress with an extraordinary name, famous for the TV series "The first swallows". A clever, educated girl managed to take part in several serious projects, to be a model and test all the horrors of divorce.

Childhood and youth

Taisiya-Oksana Vitalevna Schukuk was born on November 20, 1998. An unusual name is a choice of a mother who wanted to call a daughter in honor of the father of the girl, Vitaly (Vitaly-Vitasya-Tasya-Taya), and the second name of the newborn gave the godfather. By the way, the actress itself really like the double name. Brother Tai also called the double name - Lev-Zorona so that there was no offensive.

The artistic nature manifested himself during the stage in kindergarten. In the play "Snow Queen", young Taisius got the role of the robber. The girl looked in the bandana cool, and the "robbery" liked to be on stage, be the center of attention.

Than just not fond of Church in school years: dancing, tennis, vocals, Taekwondo. A funny story came out with the latter: the girl decided to sign up for a section because of the guy liked, but he soon left the circle, and Taya remained, earning the green belt in the end.

At the age of 12, he stated his father that he wanted to become an actress and found a circle of acting skills at the art school, parallel to the father took the daughter to the Folk Theater "Levier". There, Taisia ​​revealed, playing Clarissa in the play "451 degrees Fahrenheit".

Studying in the women's gymnasium, the future actress suited role-playing games with classmates, for example, based on the cartoon "King Lion". Children invented dialogues and distributed roles. The actress itself admits that the school was a "terrible twelfth", despite the fact that the girl taught her geography and physical education here.

Daily on the way to school, passing by the University named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoi, the schoolgirl dreamed of learning there. So it happened. In 2015, Shchukuuk was enrolled in the Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after I. K. Karpenko-Karog, but a year later, the girl was kicked out from the school because of filming in the TV series "Kiev during the day and night".

A little stronger, but in the end, deciding that everything for the better, Taya entered another university - Kim. But soon he flew out from there before the first session: according to the Ukrainian star, there was not the atmosphere, and was overpowered by Knutusht.


The Taisiya Shchuku Commerce in the series "Real Mystic", then played an episodic role in the clinic. But the star of the actress was lit at the age of 16 on the project "Kiev in the afternoon and at night", where Shchukuly got through the innate stubbornness: they didn't take the girl first because of the age, but the actress still came to the casting and bypassed fifty applicants. The role of Tasi in this project made it with a known and recognizable, but after the 3rd season, the actress left the project.

In 2017, he tried to get to the 4th season of the show "Top-Model in Ukrainian", but with a height of 170 cm and the waist 69 did not pass the casting.

After the 1st season of Kiev, Schukuruck praised the inflammation of the lungs, and, lying in the hospital, recovered by 10 kg under the usual weight 55. As the actress itself was shared in an interview with the "Item", such a change played a hand: fullness coincided with the character's pregnancy In Kiev, so Taisiya Nenarok prepared for the role.

Taisiya-Oksana Schukuk - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

After the biography of the girl was replenished with episodic roles in the films "Dr. Kovalchuk" and "Life on the Edge". In addition, Tae offered a role in the mystical drama "Moren".

During filming in the movie "Nightmar Director, or School No. 5" Taisiya-Oksana led a diary on behalf of his Character Margo to delve into the role.

But the real success came after filming in the youth thriller "The first swallows" in 2019. Following the filmography of the actress replenished with the second season "Swallows". During work on the series, the actress was barely lost his eyes during the shooting of the combat scene - rescued lenses, which Taisiya bears because of poor vision.

Personal life

The first marriage of the actress was early, she was 18, he was 24. The guy made an offer at the birthday of Taisiya, traditionally put on one knee. The couple signed on February 14th.

The marriage was unsuccessful. Actress had to contain a family alone: ​​she was shot, prepared, cleaned, and her husband did not help during this period.

In 2016, at the set of the film "Moren" in Carpathians, Taya met Ilya Valyansky. The screenwriter and comedian knew about the acting profession more than Tia herself, it was interesting to him, young people could talk for hours.

"I realized that this is exactly the person I need now," the actress told.

It was then that the impression and understanding that the marriage pulls the girl to the bottom, the actress wanted stability in his personal life. Upon returning from filming, Shchukuz filed for a divorce through the court, because the spouse suddenly disappeared without a trace and was not declared even in social networks.

Now Taisiya-Oksana Schukuruk builds relationships with his boyfriend Ilya, the couple lives together. Ilya earns the names for the project "Female Quarter".

Instagram account actress regularly replenishes the photo, announces future projects and is simply divided with the mood subscriber. Judging by the video, where Taisi in a swimsuit is sports in the pool, the actress rests with his family. Although Shchukuuk, on his own admission, prefers not to shoot a video for the sake of the video itself.

Taisiya-Oksana Shchukuuk is now

For 2021, the premiere of the film "Jura Korolevich" was scheduled with the actress. It also became known that the series "The first swallows" was officially extended on the third season. And this means that Tasya does not say goodbye to the role of supper and sexy Kati.

Big Dream Actresses - to go to the global level. And I would also like to play a superhero or superzlodeya.


  • 2015-2021 - "Real Mystic"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Kovalchuk"
  • 2019 - "Nightmar Director or School No. 5"
  • 2019 - "Rockar"
  • 2019 - "Mother's Choice"
  • 2019-2020 - "The first swallows"
  • 2020 - "Date in Vegas"
  • 2020 - "The first swallows. Zependent "
  • 2020 - "Dr. Vera"
  • 2020 - "volunteer"
  • 2021 - "Jura Koruvich"
  • 2022 - "Morena"

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