Olga Volkova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Star, Actress 2021



Probably not in Russia and the former republics of the USSR of the audience, who are not familiar with the face of the Aldi Vyshkova Actress Volkovka. The actress appeared in dozens of loved ones with millions of films, who look and revised with the pleasure of a film of all generations. In his youth, she was filmed little and reluctant, but after 40 years the director began to appreciate its cinematic role of confident in themselves the elderly woman, so well appropriate on the role of strict teachers, picky mother-in-law and treasure.

Childhood and youth

Olga Volkova (the virgin surname Politova) was born in Leningrad in April 1939. The girls had every chance of becoming an artist: numerous relatives worked on the Nivea of ​​theatrical art and achieved considerable success. First of all, Grandfather became famous - Ivan Alexandrovich Volsky stood at the origins of the creation of two Petersburg theaters - "Curve Jimmy" and "Ancient Waterville". The rest of the native wolves were closely connected with the theater and world of cinema.

In the program "Line Life", the actress told that the merit of loved ones is that they taught her laugh at themselves. Subsequently, the directors most of all appreciated Volkov for the sense of humor, making her heroines unique and charming.

However, oddly enough, in childhood it did not dream theatrical stage or a large screen. Olga grew up a hooligan teenager and dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. True, at an early age, relatives, and then teachers with classmates noted in Olga political talent for paroding. The girl had a subtle sense of humor and amazing observation.

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This talent of the parody and led Olga to the school drama. She was invited to Alice Freindlich, with which she studied in the same school. Here the girl is not joking the scene. Therefore, after graduating from the St. Petersburg school, Olya immediately went to enter the theater institute, but "stumbled" in the 1st round.

Relatives helped - Olga Politov took to the workshop of Leonid Makaryev under Leningrad Thai, but warned that no one would mess with her. So it happened - nobody paid special attention to the young beginner actress. Olga Volkova has suffered wisdom and acting secrets independently. The ability to observe and parody was very useful, more precisely, copy seen from senior experienced colleagues.

Soon Volkova not only learned everything that the Material artists of the Tyus knew how the motley artists, but also demonstrated their own handwriting. The roles offered by the young actress were becoming more larger.

Personal life

The first spouse Olga Volkova became the Petersburg film operator Leonid Volkov. This marriage lasted for a short time, her daughter Katya was born.

The surname of Volkov was the second husband of Olga Vladimirovna. Nikolai Nikolaevich also worked as an actor. Together they lived for a short time. This marriage was unofficial. The son of Vanya was born in the Union. Today Ivan Volkov is a popular composer and actor. He was married to Chulpan Hamaya. Ekaterina Volkova went in the footsteps of the mother and also became an actress.

The most happy and long was the third marriage of the artist. Olga Volkova's personal life began to play with new colors after meeting with St. Petersburg theater artist Vladimir Khovralov. Spouses lived together for more than 30 years.

Vladimir Hovraleva did not become in 2015. Olga Volkova hardly experienced the loss of his beloved man who became her second half. Today, children and grandchildren became consolation of the actress.


Star hour Olga Volkovka as the theater actress struck in 1970-1980. The actress replaced theater - from the Tyus, he passed to the comedy theater named after Nikolai Akimov. After 6 years, at the invitation of the legendary George Tovstonogov Volkova again changed the place of work. Now she worked under the start of George Alexandrovich in the Great Drama Theater of Leningrad. Here the artist felt a star: her skill not only increased significantly, but also found application.

In 50 years old, the actress moved to Moscow, deciding that the metropolitan rhythm of life suits her more. She did not lose demand and still regularly receives offers from directors. The artist entered the "Russian Song" theater, where he participates in musical productions based on the works of Russian classics.


Cinematic biography of Olga Volkova opens with the film "The city lights lights". It was only an episode, after which there was a considerable break. Low (height 162 cm with weight 60 kg) The artist with a negligence appearance was not popular with directors. After the collapse of the USSR, a list of actors not recommended for the invitation on leading roles was discovered in Goskino, among which were the name of Olga Volkova. The reason was "lack of social health in the person."

For the first time, the name Volkova appeared in the titles of the "Grooms and Knives" pattern. The film was released on the screens in 1962, but Olga Vladimirovna, this tape of fame and recognition did not bring. This is not surprising, because she played a young man, but after 2 years old wolve got the first stellar role. In the painting "I am a driver" she played the central image.

From the mid-1960s Olga Volkova began to appear on the screen regularly. The most famous films of that period are the Black and White Comedy Musical Music "Waughty Kingdom" and the drama "Life of Matthew Kozhemyakina".

In this period, Olga Volkova, Olga Volkova, starred in a variety of sensory films included in the Golden Foundation of Domestic Cinema. In 1982, a wonderful film of Eldar Ryazanov "Station for Two" came out. The Volkova here went to though small, but the vivid role of the waitress of the Violetta baffled buffet. Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Basilashvili, Nikita Mikhalkov, Nonna Mordyukova - This "bouquet" and the brilliant director Ryazanov raised all the artists involved in the picture, for several steps in the career hierarchy.

And in 1987 a new film School of Eldar Ryazanov "Forgotten melody for the flute" was released. Here Volkova played the official "from culture". She appeared on the screen with Valentine Gaft's Cinema Stars, Alexander Shirvindt, Leonid Filatov and Tatiana Dogileva. Two masterpieces of the Matra River brought Olga Volkova All-Union popularity.

Other tapes "Treasure Island" appeared, "Snow Maiden called?", "TASS is authorized to declare", "kill the dragon", also liked millions of viewers. I contributed to the popularity of Olga Volkovka and melodrama "Poor Sasha".

Again to highlight Olga Volkova, Olga Volkova was lucky in 1991. The dramatic comedy "Heaven Promised" again collected the star composition of artists - Valentin Gaft, Oleg Basilashvili, Leia Ahacedzhakova, Vyacheslav Invinnoye, Leonid Bronvers. Each of the first magnitude starred in the tape. Olga Volkovka got the role of a woman who was depicted from the house with their own sons and found "relatives" among the beggar on the city dump.

2 years after the release of this painting, Olga Vladimirovna Volkova assigned the title of People's Artist of Russia.

From the films taken in 2000 with Olga Vladimirovna, stand out as the most vivid "quiet pools" of Eldar Ryazanov, "New Year's Adventures", "Man with a guarantee" and "Moms". Olga Volkov is often invited to the series. The actress appeared in the Sitkoms "Lyuba, Children and Plant" and "Friendly Family". In 2001, she played Babu Yagu in the film was a fairy tale of Leonid Filatov "Tale about Fedota-Sagitz."

In 2007, the actress appeared in the popular Sitkom "Daddy's daughter", where he played the final in the 2013th. Volkova performed the role of Antonina Semenovna Gordienko, grannies of girls and the mother-in-law of the main character (Andrei Leonov). In the program "My Hero", the actress recalled that in order to match the image of the heroine, she had to wear a wig for 266 episodes. After that, Olga Volkova briefly appears with natural hair, but from the 15th season it takes off in a wig.

The grandmother's storyline received independent development. Unlike a number of serials, where grandmothers are entered into the plot to look at the grandchildren, and the mother-in-law - in order to make a caricature with the collaborations, in the "father's daughters" of Heroine Olga Volkovka received his own love and professional line. The TV viewers met the first husband of Antonina Semenovna, followed the new Roman's grandmother and saw a wedding. Also, part of the on-screen time is given to the work of the heroine and its graduate students.

In 2013, the actress released the autobiographical book "Crossroads of Fate: about my house, about my theater", in which he told about his work and colleagues.

In 2016, Olga Volkova appeared in the mystical drama "Life after Life". The actress performed the role of Margarita Stepanovna, the mother of the failed suicide chorokov, in whose body the main character falls, who after death agreed with the heavenly office of the second chance on life on earth. The main character uses a new body to protect the pregnant wife and find a killer - a former friend, having raised a share in business.

Also in 2016, Olga Vladimirovna was filmed in the science fiction film "Wizards", or "paradox". The plot of the film is twisted around two friends who fall into abandoned research institutes and find the wonders of the thoughts of Soviet engineers - an eternal engine, a time machine, a philosopher's stone and unstailed widows for a shoe. The picture was not completed and did not come to the screens.

Also in 2018, the actress appeared in the retro film "Choir", whose action unfolds in 1972. The main characters of the paintings are children who want to sing, and their musical circle.

In 2019, the artist noted the 80th anniversary. She replenished his filmography of Belovodye's series. The mystery of the wounded country. "

Olga Volkova now

Now the celebrity is removed little, paying the main time by performances. In 2021, Olga Volkova shines on the stage of the theater of nations in the formulation of the "Taming of the Shrew", holds creative evenings and master classes. Announcements of performances with actress can also be found on the official website and in the Instagram-Account of the Russian Song Theater.

On March 9, 2021, the TV channel "Russia-1" presented the viewers of the audience "Heaven will wait" with the participation of Volkova. Heroes try, trying to preserve the happiness and life of loved ones, overcome fate.


1967 - "Smered Kingdom"

1967 - "Life of Matthew Kozhemyakina"

1982 - "Treasure Island"

1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare"

1985 - "Snow Maiden called?"

1987 - "Forgotten Melody for Flute"

1988 - "Kill Dragon"

1997 - "Poor Sasha"

2001 - "New Year's Adventures"

2001 - "Tale about Fedota-Sagittar"

2007-2012 - "Daddy's Daughters"

2012-2013 - "Daddy's daughter. Supernests »

2013 - Sherlock Holmes

2014 - "Moms"

2014 - "French Cooking"

2016 - "Life after life"

2018 - "What are men talking about. Continuation"

2019 - "Belovodier. Mystery of the Lost Country "

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