Konstantin Konstantinovsky - biography, personal life, photo, circus, work of trainer, rumors and last news



About this person who has lived an amazing, complex and striking life, is found legends. Many of the circumstances of his biography will remain forever covered mystery curtain. But the fact that on the surface, it is quite enough to write a fascinating novel or formulation of a witness adventure film.

Andrei Chernyshov and Olga Pogodin

However, the last contemporaries were already carried out: a feature film about the amazing fate of the legendary trainer Konstantin Aleksandrovich Konstantinovsky and his wife Margarita Nazarova had already been removed. The 16-serial picture of Konstantin Maksimova "Margarita Nazarova" came out on the screens in 2016. Andrei Chernyshov and Olga Pogodin played the main characters.

Childhood and youth

More unknown, where exactly Konstantin Konstantinovsky was born. According to some reports, in the spring of 1920, the People's militias of Stanitsa Konstantinovskaya depends a dangerous gang of benches. Teens committed different crimes, including serious. Children were handed over to CC. Among them was the 8-year-old Kostya Parent.

Konstantin Konstantinovsky

It is interesting that Konstantin Alexandrovich designated his day and the year of birth when he was accepted into Poltava colony, where young offenders were re-educated. The surname of the boy, probably, was given at the location of the village, where he was caught. Since Constantine Konstantinovsky appeared on June 30, 1920. Soon the colony was renamed Maxim Gorky's labor worker.

After 8 years, Konstantin Konstantinovsky entered the board of labor workers and even turned out to be selected in her asset by the legendary teacher Anton Makarenko. About Constantine and such as he was later written by the novel "Pedagogical Poem".

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In 1933, Konstantin Konstantinovsky received an education: he graduated from the livestock technician in Kharkov and as one of the best graduates was sent to the courses of OGPU. Soon he oversawed the case of a collective farm cattle as a senior authorized NKVD.

Military Career

In 1938, Konstantin Konstantinovsky was sent to serve in the Far Eastern Border District. He headed the dynamic service. Very soon Konstantinovsky got the opportunity to demonstrate his valor and courage. During hostilities near Lake Hasan and the Khalkhin-goal River, the Lieutenant received the first award - the Order of the Red Star.

Trainer Konstantin Konstantinovsky

In the 1940s Captain Konstantin Konstantinovsky entrusted the leadership of the Kolinological Service of the Western Border District. Its four-panel "pets" were noted in the elimination of fortifications and armored vehicles of Belofinnov, and perfectly extended Sanitary dogs saved the lives to many wounded fighters.

When the Great Patriotic War was killed, Konstantin Konstantinovsky continued to serve in a special division that was engaged in the Dog-Kamikadze Dresses. Animals were taught to seamin to moving German tanks and go to them. But the Germans quickly understood the main secret: the dogs were taught to respond to the Röv engines. Therefore, when animals appear, the motors were muffled. Dogs returned to Soviet trenches, where exploded.

This was the reason why Konstantin Konstantinovsky got into the Standa. But there he stayed for a long time: for the manifestized courage, he was returned to the regular part.

At the end of the war, Major NKVD Konstantin Alexandrovich Konstantinovsky continued to serve. In 1948, he again noted: developed a methodology for attracting stray dogs to the place of possible deployment of Bandera. Animals were going near the shelters, where the presence of people felt and thus demasked them. Konstantinovsky was handed over the second order - this time a red banner.


After the demobilization, Konstantin Konstantinovsky continued to do what he had the best: to train. But no longer dogs, but large and dangerous predators.

With the future wife, Konstantin Alexandrovich met in the circus, where she worked. Margarita Nazarova was younger than Constantine for 6 years. She immediately liked his handsome front-line, courageous and same brave, as she.

Margarita Nazarov's trainers and Konstantin Konstantinovsky

The girl went to the film studio every day, where her beloved trained predators. And although Konstantinovsky forbade a fragile girl to even approach cells, she fit and fed animals in his absence. And she also dreamed of working with them on stage.

A year later, Nazarova and Konstantinovsky got married. And in the fall of 1953, Mosfilm's film studio began shooting the adventure film "Dangerous trails". Konstantin Konstantinovsky prescribed the trainer. The time was released quite a bit - 6 months. It is critical to tame fierce tigers. But Konstantinovsky coped. Nazarov was invited to the dubbed artist in the picture. Then there was a second film called "Today - a new attraction".

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Fame and Gold Medal came to spouses in 1957. In Moscow, at the 4th World Festival, the Youth Trainer and his wife presented their unique program "Water extravagania". Nothing like the audience has not yet seen.

But the real All-Union Glory fell into Konstantin Konstantinovsky and his spouse in 1961. Then the legendary picture of Vladimir Fetin "Striped Flight" came to the screens. Margarita Nazarova played the main role in the tape, but the famous trainer was engaged in the training of animals. After entering the screens of this eccentric comedy, the actress and the trainer woke up famous.

Personal life

The relations of the Konstantinovsky and his beautiful muses Margarita Nazarova circled with many rumors and gossip. The ill-wishers and envious told various stories about the infidelity of the beauty-wife and its numerous novels. They spoke about the eating trainer of jealousy and frequent scandals that broke out between the spouses on further turbulent reconciliations. But the personal life of Konstantin Konstantinovsky, however, was connected only with her one - Margarita Nazarova.

After his tragic death, the artist, for many years bathed in the rays of glory and spectator adoration, very quickly went into the shadow. The experienced grief and many injuries caused Nazarov's mental illness. In the end of life, she completely went to herself, turned into a gate and stopped learning even his native son.

Margarita Nazarova and Konstantin Konstantinovsky

When Nazarova died, she was found in the home launched, where photos and letters of her husband were lying everywhere. You can say, Nazarova died at the moment when Konstantin Konstantinovsky went away.

The spouses remained a common son Alexey, who emigrated to France and went to the feet of famous parents. He has two children. The grandchildren of Konstantinovsky and Nazarone are the names of Konstantin and Margarita and are also engaged in the dressura.


Konstantin Konstantinovsky's biography received a tragic finale. During the train, he was wounded by Tigritis named Yulka. The animal struck the tower of the lapel, damaging the heads. Began inflammation of the brain. Konstantinovsky agreed to a risky operation. According to some information, she passed unsuccessfully. Konstantin Alexandrovich lived a few more days, but on July 17, 1970 he did not. Buried the famous teller in Moscow.

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