Poli Genova (Poli Genova) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Discography, Eurovision 2016 and Latest News 2021



Poly Gennow-Bulgarian pop singer, Member of Eurovision 2011, who became the new representative of Bulgaria in Eurovision 2016 with the song "If Love Was a Crime". She was born and grew up in the capital - in Sofia. Singing a girl started from childhood, and at 4 years old with her has already become a professional teacher.

Thanks to the efforts in their studies, Poly has already been part of the very prestigious children's vocal team "Bon-Bon", which led the producer and teacher Roslav Karaslavov. In parallel, Genova learned the clarinet game in the music school named after Lubomir Pipkov. The brass instrument was recommended not only to master the skills of the game, but also for the development of the lungs and the correct respiration, which is vital for the singer.

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After school, the girl studied at the Director of the Faculty at the Academy of Theater and Cinema Articles. In addition to the musical career, Poly Genova, as an incredibly creative person, tried himself as an actress of the metropolitan puppet theater, and leading various programs, and a dancer on a television show, and a fashion model advertising fashionable brands. She even voiced the cartoons and was the face of the McDonalds network in Bulgaria.

Tele Show

Poly Genov at different times managed to participate in a large number of television projects. For example, she was a vocalist of a charitable music show "Magnificent Six"; In a pair, with Dani Milev, "Dancing Stars" - Bulgarian analogue "Dancing with the stars"; It went on the scene of the parody project "Like two water drops".

And in 2013, the singer fell into a reality show "Academy of Music", where it has achieved great success. Almost every weekly ester, Poly occupied a leading position, gradually becoming a favorite project. As a result, she was ahead of all competitors and became the winner.

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Also, Poly Genova was not only a member. She was invited for a judicial table in the first season of the Bulgarian version of the world show "The X Factor", where the singer was the mentoring teams. And in 2015, she became the leading Children's Eurovision, which just took Sofia.


At the age of 17, Poly Genova began a professional musical career by entering the "Mel'eti" trio, which is translated as "melody". The girl was a collective soloist for three years, and then went to build his own career.

The main successes of Poly are associated with Eurovision. She sought to get to this festival since 2005, almost annually participating in Bulgarian selections. But the National Jury approved her candidacy only 6 years after the first attempt. In 2011, Genova with the song "On Inat", which means "stubborn", went to represent Bulgaria to the German city of Düsseldorf, where the final stages of Eurovision-2011 were held.

There the girl was waiting for disappointment: her performance could not gain enough points for passing into the final phase, and the singer returned home. But in early 2016 it became known that Poly Genova was removed to prove to the world that she was worthy of representing his homeland on this large-scale musical representation. Her candidacy was approved by the Local Council, and Genova will perform in Stockholm with the new song "If Love Was a Crime", which was written by Swedish composers, and the text includes English, and Bulgarian.

Personal life

Poly Genov had a short-term novel with the British singer Simon, with whom she met in 2011 in Eurovision. She also met with journalists Wagner and Nick Kanchev. But since she did not develop a long relationship, the girl decided to focus on his own career and public life. As she said in one of the interviews: "There is no time for men."

Poli Genova (Poli Genova) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Discography, Eurovision 2016 and Latest News 2021 19944_3

The singer takes an active part in numerous charitable shares in Bulgaria. She is an ambassador of UNICEF, as well as the Kids Village Organization, which, with the support of the country's president, helps creatively gifted children. In addition, Poly Genova, together with the Cosmetology company "Avon", struggles against breast cancer.

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