Lyudmila Arinina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lyudmila Arinina is a Honored Artist of the RSFSR, in the account of which more than 90 films. Lyudmila Mikhailovna became famous for the roles of the second plan. In adulthood, the actress remains a beautiful woman emitting happiness and positive.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna was born in the village of Sodanskaya Saratov region. Her mother worked as a teacher, his father was an artist. In the hungry years, the family has undernished. When the daughter was two years old, the parents moved to Tashkent, where they were given 600 grams of bread, and a non-working - 400 grams. Lyudmila Arinina to this day remembers that tea with bread crusts for dinner and how she dreamed of a drawer of condensed milk. She bought it as soon as the first fee was received.

Actress Lyudmila Arinina

In 1941, refugees were joined in Tashkent, the population of the city increased ten times. The 15-year-old Luda with other schoolchildren cared for wounded and worked as a waitress in the dining room. Father fought, and Mom was sick, so the girl became the only bodied in the family. In Dining Room Arinina, visitors had fun - there was noticed by actress Dora Volpert, which during the war years worked in Tashkent Thai. Dora practiced with the girl acting, and in 1944, Lyudmila went to enter the theater Institute in Moscow. He entered the guitis from the first time and in 1948 he graduated from him.


After the Institute, Lyudmila Arinina worked on distribution in the theaters of Brest, Chelyabinsk, Mogilev and other cities for 10 years. She did not have the right to choose.

In the Chelyabinsk theater, she worked for 7 years, she loved her, gave the main roles. Nadia in the "older sister", Zhenka in the "factory girl", Masha in the "Seika" - she was busy in the best performances of that time. In 1963, Arinina worked in the Leningrad "Lenkom", who gave 6 years. Then there were 11 years of work at the Moscow Theater A.N. Ostrovsky.

Lyudmila Arinina

In 1999, director Peter Fomenko invited the actress to his theater studio: she agreed, without hesitation. On the stage of this theater, Lyudmila Mikhailovna played her brighter roles - Tatiana in the "barbarians", aunt and Mary Dmitrievna in the "War and the World", Katerina Karlovna in "Family Happiness". In 2004, Arinina received the prestigious theater award "Seagull" for the role in the play "Three sisters".

Two years later she left the theater forever. The actress explained his decision to the fact that it was time, since it is no longer so interesting for the scene as before.


The cinematic biography of Ludmila Arinina differs from the quarry of colleagues in the workshop. While actors and actresses often began to be filmed at school, and at least episodic roles have already received from the university, Lyudmila Mikhailovna appeared on television scans only on the fourth ten years.

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Lyudmila Arinina first starred in the cinema in 1967. Debut work was the role in the film "Four Pages of One Young Life". Then there were numerous work in other pictures. The main role of the artist was the role of lonely and unfortunate heroines. Such seen both Lyudmila Arinina itself, whose personal life news was told that the actress had no children, and Lyudmila Mikhailovna lives with an alcoholic husband.

The sign in her fate was the film "For the rest of the life" directed by Peter Fomenko. He starred to the 30th anniversary of Victory. The plot is based on the history of employees of a sanitary train. Lyudmila Arinina played a nurse Julia: It was the first major role in her career and her favorite job. After showing the picture, the actress was invited to the role of single women, often unhappy. In this role, the audience saw Arinin in the "fathers and grandfathers", the "wedding of an older brother" and others.

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Lyudmila Mikhailovna was invited to children's films. She starred in the "Guest from the Future", "smart things", "URALASH".

At the adulthood, the actress starred in the TV series "Moore". Her film partner was Mikhail Efremov. Lyudmila Arinina admits that sometimes envies the confidence of young and likes to work with them.

In 2009, the actress received a major role in the detective "The Law of the Inverse Magic", the screening of the novel of Tatiana Ustinova of the same name. The heroine of the actress is a pension head, and now the amateur-amateur Martha Vasilyevna Korogikov - is trying to solve a riddle of the strange death of his own neighbor in the Moscow region village, the elderly Liurea Peter Martynovich Reshetnikov.

Irina Pegov and Lyudmila Arinina in the film

In 2015, the actress appeared in the Starka dramatic saga about the underground economy and events that took place from 1961 to 1991.

In 2015, Lyudmila Arinina became the Guest of the Transmission "alone with everyone." The actress told that the recognition was for Lyudmila Mikhailovna unexpected, the artist is still surprised when people recognize her on the streets.

Also, the actress shared with the viewers of the memories of the past, told, why he suffered thirty years and justified her husband-alcoholic, as she decided for the first time to play in the cinema for the first time and that she was not going to leave the shooting sites, until they were going to leave directors.

Personal life

The actress was married three times. With the first spouse she lived for 10 years, but, as he says, love and delight came to her in the second marriage.

Actress Lyudmila Arinina

With the second husband, Nikolai Mokin lived 26 years old. The actress adored him, because Nikolai was not only a talented director, but also a stunning man. She came up with his alcoholism, suffered, did not give up. I could not refuse alcohol Nikolai, treatment and coding did not help. Probably Lyudmila Mikhailovna would live with him further, but Nikolai died. They did not have children.

For the third time she gained female happiness in 60 years - her heart conquered Nikolai Semenov. One day a neighbor called Arinina and stated that she came to match her for his father's wife's own son. Nikolai - Lieutenant Colonel in retirement, widower. Arinina admits that at first Semenov seemed to her sullen and boring: she did not understand why he constantly quotes Nietzsche. Over time, relationships have improved, two different people have common interests and values. They often walked together, Nikolai helped Lyudmila to care for lying mom, and in 1986 they got married.

Lyudmila Arinina

Lyudmila Mikhailovna says that in a mature age, feelings are perceived differently than in the youth. She is grateful and happy that her current spouse is next to her. They are often at the cottage, away from Moscow. Arinina says that he loves his old house, lake, berries and mushrooms and gets an incredible pleasure when it happens there.

At eighty years, the actress began to learn English.

Lyudmila Arinina now

Today, the number of films and TV shows, in which Lyudmila Arinina starred, closely selected to the hundred.

Actress Lyudmila Arinina

On January 16, 2017, the premiere of the fifth season of the Medical Melodrama "Sklifosovsky", also known to the viewers as "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation. " In Sklifosovsky, Lyudmila Arinina appeared in the secondary role of Alexandra Ivanovna, the grandmother of Dr. Konstantin Lazarev, who is called Kostik in the hospital (Vladimir Zherebtsov). The unexpected solution of the heroine actress will become a plot-forming factor in the scene bone line. Grandma will jeopardize the friendship of his own grandson and his long-time friend of Salam (Anton Eldarov).

The actress first appeared in this role and joined the creation of the series in the previous season, which started in 2015.


  • 1972 - "Last days Pompeii"
  • 1977 - "Explanation in Love"
  • 1977 - "Almost funny story"
  • 1981 - "White Dance"
  • 1981 - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova"
  • 1982 - "Fathers and grandfathers"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 1986 - "Do not forget to turn off the TV"
  • 1992 - "Apartment"
  • 2006 - "Leningradets"
  • 2010 - "The Law of the Inverse Magic"
  • 2011 - "Moore. Third Front "
  • 2015 - "Sklifosovsky 4"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2017 - "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation »

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