Kim Chen Yun - photo, biography, personal life, news, DPRK, alive or died 2021



Kim Jong Yun is a policy of international level, the leader of North Korea, one of the bloodiest dictators in the world, from which a number of geopolitical threats are proceeded for the planet. With the name Kim Chen Yana, pompous military parades are associated, the statues of the leaders, launch missiles, weapons of mass lesion and Asian Stalinism, which leads to the horror of world leaders.

Childhood and youth

Biography Kim Chen Yana consists of a solid secrecy. According to official information, the leader of the DPRK was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang, but the sources of the special services argue that Chen Yun for a couple of years younger and born not earlier than 1984. Due to the uncertainty with the dates of the appearance of the head of the state about his sign of the zodiac, nothing is known.

The parents of the future policy of the North Korean chapter Kim Jong Il and the favorite of the ruler - the ballerina Ko Yen Hee. Chen Yun became the second potential heir of his father - the first-mention of Chen Ira was Chen, whom the head of the DPRK gave birth to the actress Son He Rome, as well as Mother Chen Yana, who was not officially married with the leader of the People's Democratic Republic.

Education Kim Jong Yana, as well as childhood, is reliably hiding from society. It is known that at the early age of Chen Yun he studied at the International School in Switzerland, but the leadership of the educational institution assures that the leader of the DPRK did not overcome the threshold of this school. According to the information of the North Korean intelligence services, as a child, Chen Yun received knowledge individually at home and did not become a single diploma of European universities.

At the political chaise of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun appeared in 2008, when rumors were held about the fatal disease of his father Chen Ira, who led the country at the time. Then the throne was propheted by the adviser of the North Korean leader Host Tachu, who in that period actually kept in his hands the control office of the DPRK and had to Kim Jong Iru.

However, everything happened otherwise - thanks to his mother, which in 2003, the entire leading composition of the republic convinced that Chen Yun is the favorite son of the Father and his only successor, in 2009 it was he who became the leader of the race for the post of leader of the DPRK.

Shortly before the death of the father Kim Jong Yun received the title "Brilliant Comrade" and was appointed head of the State Security Service of North Korea. On November 24, 2011, he was officially proclaimed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army, and a few days later they elected the Chair of the Rule of the Labor Party of Korea.

The first time after appointment, the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun appeared in public only in April 2012 during a parade dedicated to the century of his grandfather Kim Il Sen.

Personal life

Personal life Kim Jong Yana, like his whole biography, does not have officially confirmed data. According to the media, the leader of the DPRK is married from 2009 on the dancer whether Sol Zhu. According to different information, it comes from the family of a doctor or military officer. Education Sol Zhu received in Korea, and also studied arts in China.

Some sources claim that the wife presented the North Korean leader of three children, the first of which was presumably born in 2010, and the second - in 2012. The third child appeared in the family in 2017. A year later, Sol Zhu officially received the title "Dear First Lady."

Despite the fact that Korea's leader everywhere appears with his wife, he is attributed to communications with other women. So, the mistress of Kim Jong Yana for a long time was considered the singer Hyun Son Vol, which he allegedly sentenced to shooting in 2013.

According to rumors, the artist and her colleagues on the women's ensemble "Moranbon" starred in porn films and kept the Bible at home, which in North Korea is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, it was Hyun Son Wolle in 2018 he headed the delegation of the DPRK during the national team's trip to the Olympics to South Korea.


The policy of the youngest North Korean leader, who came to power at 26, is saturated with solid uncompromising and keeping.

The special humanity Kim Chen Yun does not differ in the internal policy of the DPRK. During his reign, he executed more than 70 people, which became a record among all the rulers of the country. The leader likes to organize the public executions of officials, who, in his opinion, lead their activities against him.

A frequent occasion for executions were charges of corruption. Some foreign media even admire the politician Kim Jong Yana, calling the authorities of their own countries to effectively deal with corrupt officials.

Among those killed from the hands of Chen Yana, there is even his uncle, whom the young leader accused the state treason and in the preparation of the coup. The North Korean Leader also dealt with the accomplices of "Mother Transport". For example, Minister of Defense Hen En Choli Kim Jong Yun personally shot from Zenitics.

At the same time, Kim Chen Yun is actively engaged in reforms in the DPRK, which has reached considerable success. Its achievements include closing camps for political prisoners, changing the so-called serfdom, as a result of which people had the opportunity to create industrial agricultural cells from several families, and not from whole collective farms, and to give the leader only part of their crop, and not the whole, as It was earlier.

Also Kim Chen Yun conducted the decentralization of the industry in the DPRK, having passed the directors of enterprises "a lot" authority. From now on, managers can hire staff themselves, to appoint them salaries and choose the direction for the sale of their products.

In addition, the North Korean leader was able to maintain "friendship" with its almost the only strategic partner - China, which is the main trading partner of North Korea.

As a result of the reforms of Kim Jong Yana, the standard of living of citizens has increased, the introduction of new technologies and the development of the country's economy began.

The leader of the DPRK is dedicated to several books - "Kim Jong Il film company represents" the authorship of Paul Fisher and "Welcome to Pyongyang! Kim Jong Yun and the new life of the closed country of the world "Travis Jeppssen.

Nuclear program

The main cause of the life of the leader of the DPRK was the creation of a powerful nuclear weapon, with the help of which Kim Jong Yun intends to turn enemies into radioactive ash. At the same time, in the native country, the leader consider the great reformer, which changed the lives of people for the better due to the provision of the people's rights and freedoms, which even dreamed of Koreans even dreamed of.

Kim Chen Yun regularly casts a loud call to the whole world, proving its power "prohibited" nuclear way. Bypassing all resolutions of Sat ONN Chen YN continues the case of the Father and develops the nuclear potential of the country, threatening to destroy everyone who tries to stand on his way.

The most loudtive actions during the reign were the entry of the DPRK in 2012 in the "Cosmic Power Club", holding the third in the history of North Korea of ​​the nuclear test in 2013 and the release into the orbit of the Earth of the artificial satellite than, as promised by the North Korean leader, Kim Chen Yun The world put on the threshold of the nuclear war.

The ruler regularly conducts horror tests that are not regulated by international legislation. He puts in priority the development of the North Korean nuclear weapons of mass lesion, contrary to the strict sanctions of all leading countries in the DPRK.

Presumably, in 2017, a nuclear explosion occurred in North Korea during the test of the hydrogen bomb. Seismological stations indirectly recorded it on the earthquake of the magnitude of 5.1 points.

According to the North Korean leader, the nuclear program is the only way to achieve their own interests on the world arena for a small country like North Korea, which also does not develop extensive reserves of expensive minerals. At the same time, the leader of the DPRK argues that it is going to use nuclear potential only in the event of an attack on North Korea.

North Korea's nuclear program, though the object of jokes, but today it has already begun to cause concerns of other nuclear powers. Kim Jong Yun said that the DPRK created warheads capable of reaching remote goals using long-range rockets.

Experts in the United States believe that this statement can already be true, although there is no reliable information about new tests of the press. Western experts also believe that Pyongyan's statement is that rockets have already been created in the country that can achieve the continental territory of the United States - the truth.

On February 13, 2017, the expulsioned column brother Kim Jong Yana Kim Chen was killed by the VX-poison substance in Terminal No. 2 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

In May of the same year, North Korea announced an attempted leader. According to Koreans, the CIA and the South Korean national intelligence service, the North Korean logger worked in Russia to kill Kim Jen Yana "biochemical weapons". This weapon is described as a radioactive and at the same time poisoning.

In November 2017, US President Donald Trump wrote a series of tweets following his participation in the APEC summit in Vietnam dedicated to Kim Jong.

Trump complained that at the meeting, the North Korean leader called the American colleague, calling the old, although Donald himself did not allow himself insults, although it could be called the Korean small and thick (the growth of Kim Jen Yana is 175 cm at a weight of 130 kg). At the same time, the media remembered that Trump had repeatedly insulted Kim Jong Yana, calling that the crazy and cosmonaut suicide.

The uncompromisingity of Kim Jong Yana and the abundance of threats and statements made the North Korean leader with the object of jokes in other countries. The Internet is filled with memes with Kim Jong, residents "Comedy Club" wrote a number about the meeting of the North Korean dictator with Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel, and Seth Rogen and James Franco starred in the comedy film "Interview", where Kim Jong Yun was announced the main villain.

In 2017, the popular Russian group "Little Big" dedicated to the Korean leader of the Lolly Bomb track. According to the plot of the clip, the dictator is in love with a nuclear bomb, trying to establish relationships with her. Kim Jong Yun invites her on dates, visits shops with it. The president even hugs and kisses the rocket. In the role of Chen Yana his twin starred.

Not only Russian artists create parodies on the leader of North Korea. In 2014, a roller appeared in the network, in which Kim Jong Yun dances and holds under the popular Chinese song. The video caused a perturbation from the Korean side.


It is known that Chen Yana has already started health problems that are caused by its overweight. In a medical card among chronic diseases of the North Korean leader, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

Despite the disease, Kim Chen Yun is trying to follow the state of health. In 2016, he lost weight and began to look slimmer. A year later, this fact beat this fact, submitting a dictator in the photo heavily dropped weight.

Since September 2017, North Korea has not started new tests of ballistic missiles, explaining it with the health problems of the leader. In addition, in 2014, the leader has already disappeared from the press of the press for 6 weeks. A number of publications put forward the theory of the seriousness of the disease Kim Jong Yana and even suggested that he was killed by an unknown "biochemical weapon", which was reported in May.

In 2020, information appeared that the head of North Korea is in serious condition after the operation on the heart. In some media reported that Chen Yun is in a coma, in other sources of information and the information was given at all that the North Korean leader died.

The estimated cause of death was called Coronavirus. Representatives of the DPRK denied the consessions of journalists that Kim is dead. In official sources it was reported that the leader is now alive and is in a safe place.

Kim Jong Yun now

North Korea, like other countries, adheres to quarantine due to the spread of coronavirus. The country's political leader itself, according to media information, was hidden in the territory of the resort town of Wonxan, where his residence is located. It was at the railway station of the settlement that Kim Jong Yana satellites was recorded.

The head of the DPRK supported Moon Zhe Inna, the leader of South Korea, expressing confidence that their countries would be able to easily get out of the situation. In response, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan thanked the colleague.

In April 2020, the Social Networks "Instagram" and "Twitter" received information about the first shot due to the coronavirus man. They became the North Korean official, neglecting the terms of quarantine. The man visited the public bathhouse, after which he was arrested.

Against the background of conversations about the death of Kim Jong Yana, there were assumptions about the successor of the leader of the DPRK. In his face, they see the younger sister of the head of state Kim E Zhong, which is held by the post of first deputy director of the propaganda department and agitation of the Central Committee of the Korea Labor Party.


  • 2009 - "Brilliant Comrade"
  • 2011 - Supreme Head of the DPRK, Head of Party, Army and People
  • 2012 - "Genius among the geniuses" in military strategy
  • 2012 - Marshal DPRK

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