Boris Nevzorov - biography, personal life, news, movies, photos, child 2021



Boris Nevzorov did not play conquerors of female hearts in youth, does not do it now. His heroes - boyars, doctors, military and police ranks. However, the cinema, the artist believes, akin to deception, collecting puzzle. Other business - theater. Here everything is one, and when something worthwhile appears, it is instantly transmitted to the viewer without intermediaries.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in January 1950 in the Krasnodar Territory. Five children were brought up in the family, Boris - Jr..

Childhood Nevzorova passed in Astrakhan. Then the boy went to school and a drama. Having matured, he decided to prepare at the medical institute, but once, passing by the local Tyus, he could not resist and asked the director to listen to him. Boris took in the troupe.

The hobby of the scene has changed dramatically. Nevzorov went to Shchepkinskaya school, came from the first time, but after 2 years threw. Having survived the creative crisis, graduated from the Studio School of MCAT.

Personal life

The first girl in which Boris fell in love, there was a fellow man on the "pinch" Alla Panova. But soon the young man switched to another university and met Marina. Having waited until the chief reaches the majority, married. In marriage, existed for 11 years, the son of Denis was born. After the divorce, he went to England and his mother.

Nevzorov repeatedly told about the tragic fate of the second wife, who gave him the daughter of Polina. In 1993, Anastasia Ivanov, the executor of the leading role in the film "I cannot say goodbye", "killed a relative of the colleague for this picture. The detectives came to the trail of the criminal, but it was too late - he himself died at the hands of the cohabitant's son.

Behind the work and care about daughter Boris forgot about the tragedy. Polina Non-unity (Isaeva) could not become the continuing dynasty - to go to the artist, the father categorically forbidden. She was learned on a otolaryngologist, gave the actor of the grandchildren of Lion and Zakhar.

Perhaps an impressive man (height 185 cm, weight of 85 kg) and did not pay attention to women, while Alla was accidentally met at the next shootings. It turned out that feelings are still alive. Panova, too, worried a family tragedy, raised her son.

The actors got married, and then a personal life destroyed the scandal: Nevzorova had a new beloved, an accountant of the Small Theater Elena Hripunova, for 25 years of his younger. The divorce was accompanied by the division of apartments, cottages, car and bank account. Judicial charges stretched the year, after which Boris Georgievich was withdrew the lawsuit. The media suggested that the former spouses decided to negotiate without witnesses.

Nevzorov admits that now really happy, but it is not in a hurry to lead Elena to the registry office. And in November 2020 it became known that the actor is preparing to become a dad again. In early December of the same year, his companion Elena was born daughter. She was given the name Anastasia - in honor of the deceased spouse Boris Georgievich.

Searching the screen of the screen in "Instagram" or other social networks is useless - he does not trust the Internet, believing that there is no sincerity, only masks.

Theater and films

The first acting experience and the first fans from Boris appeared in the new dramatic theater. In 1984, he moved to the theater named after the Mosseta, then returned to the old place, and in 1993 he again changed the stage - began to speak at the Stanislavsky theater.

The collaboration of the artist with the Small Theater developed fruitful. In the performances "Wolves and Sheep", "Wedding, Wedding, Wedding!" And Don Juan Boris, according to the audience and theatrical critics, was irresistible.

The cinematic biography of Nevzorova began with the main role in the "Road" melodrama. In the "Marshal of the Revolution" he played the revolutionary Vasily Bluchber. All-Union Glory came to him with the paintings "Russia" and "says Moscow". For the first actor received the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers, for the second - the silver medal named after Dovzhenko. Photo Boris appeared on the covers of publications devoted to the movie, which strengthened his popularity.

Proposals from directors began to do regularly. In the adventure militant "Find and neutralize" the actor appeared in front of the audience in the image of a young Muscovite who had to spend on a chance for criminals.

Nevzorov fulfilled the main roles in the film "The Best Road of Our Life", the Sports film "Parachutists", Drama about the family of Metrostroevtsev "City above the head". In the second half of the 80s, the Egoography is replenished with the projects "First Guy", "Steppe Squadron", "Red Fern Color".

The 1990s presented Boris the opportunity to shine in the "All ahead" ribbons, "ravines", "Murder in Sunshine Menor", "Black Stork".

I managed the artist is not lost in the new century. Most often, he is filmed in the series, starting with the role of the School Director in "Simple Truths". Then the Nevzorov appeared in a number of multi-sieves films. "Kamenskaya", "Dear Masha Berezina", "New Russian Romance", "Native People", "Hot Ice", "Mistress Taiga", "Lovel Method", "My Big Family" is not a complete list. In Major and "Fool" he has a rarely found negative image.

Boris Nevzorov Now

Boris Georgievich is steadily pleased with fans of news about film and theater projects. In the melodrama "Family case" Duet Nevinov and Anna Kamenkova played a married couple, who announced a divorce on the day of the silver wedding. In a detective, "on the other side of death" about the disappearance of the "living corpse", he was a company Sergey Garmash and Svetlana Khodchenkova.

In the criminal belt "Dinosaur", the actor starred in the usual role of the general, in the melodraman "Love and Sax" he is the prosecutor in the case of the hero of Maxim Averin.

In 2019, the painting was released on the screens, "everything could be different," in which Boris Georgievich appeared in the image of the influential head of the family. Fear in front of him makes his native daughter and son-in-law hide the death of a newborn baby.

Members of the "Family" Nevzorov in the TV series "Zhuravl in the sky" were made by Olga Cabo and the star of the Starka Drama "Philip Gorostein. The film tells about the girl who chosen the complex profession of the test pilot. Maria Lugovova, who performed this role, impressed by the character, by rumors, was recorded on piloting courses.

The main hero of Boris Georgievich in mystical tape "Old Man" is a hermit living in a deaf forest. But difficulties do not stop people in the desire to see the old man, because it is believed that he owns a book in which the fate of everyone is painted in detail.


  • 1982 - "Russia Young"
  • 1982 - "Find and neutralize"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1988 - "Red Fern"
  • 1999-2003 - "Simple truths"
  • 1999-2000 - Kamenskaya
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2008 - "Hot ice"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2014 - "Mannequin"
  • 2016 - Sofia
  • 2018 - "Dinosaur"
  • 2019 - "Everything could be different"

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