Vladimir Turchinsky - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Vladimir Turchinsky - athlete, coach, TV presenter, film actor. All-Russian popularity gained after the start of cooperation with the TV channel "TNT" in the "Devil League" transmissions, "laughter without rules".

Vladimir Turchinsky was born in Moscow, but before 6 years lived in Ulyanovsk. There, the father of the boy was served in the military unit, Evgeny Vladimirovich. Nina Nikolayevna's mother was engaged in meat industry and after returning to Moscow, he was reached by the post of Deputy Director of Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant. After the divorce of parents, the boy was engaged in stepfather Vyacheslav Silay, the KGB officer, whom Turchinsky perceived as his father.

Full Vladimir Turchinsky

The fact that a bogatyr appeared in the family, parents could guess from the first moment: Vladimir was born with a weight of more than 5 kilograms. Already in the younger school began to seriously get involved in sports. In the 5th grade, the boy at the Moscow Championship in the freestyle wrestling took second place, and after three years it was included in the Moscow national team in Sambo. In the high school classes, the young man passed the standards and received the title of Master of Sports on Sambo and Judo, and in the free and classic struggle "reached" to the candidate for the master of sports.

After school, the young man three courses studied at the programmer at the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, but then he had an independent irresistible desire to know army life. After the demobilization, Vladimir did not return to his native university, but he moved to the Institute of Physical Culture and received a degree of coach, which predetermined the further biography of Turchinsky.

Vladimir Turchinsky in childhood and youth

In the late 80s, Vladimir Turchinsky had to work with both the photographer, and a bodyguard, including the singer Dmitry Malikova, and in the protection of the plant, and in the computer sphere. Even a little translated from English for a domestic sports press. The athlete was able to take some time and the post of physical education teacher at school.


In Professional Sport, Turchinsky Vladimir got through a completely atypical game for our country - American football. The young man joined the Moscow Bears team, which in 1991 won the first and only USSR championship. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the young man moved to America, where he played one of the lower leagues as part of the Moscow Giant Football Team. For advances in this sport and the contribution to friendship between Russia and the United States, the honorary citizen of the city of Malboro, Massachusetts.

Vladimir Turchinsky

Having carried away athleticism, Vladimir Turchinsky and at this field achieved the highest results. The athlete fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful Russian for setting several records. Turchinsky moved the Ruslan aircraft, which weighs 260 tons, raised the elephant and a car with 12 passengers, held a 20-ton-two-storey bus for a length of 100 meters with one hand.

Repeated athlete took part in contests among the most powerful people of the planet "WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN". Also, the last 6 years of life served as president of the Russian "Professional League of Power Extreme".

Creative activity

In the mid-1990s, Vladimir participated in the popular TV show "Fighting Gladiators", where he was famous as a gladiator on the nicknamed "Dynamite". In the international project, Turchinsky became the owner of the first ranking of fighters. The essence of the transmission was in the competition between professional athletes and participants prepared during the program. The TV show was attended by representatives of the four countries - the United States, Great Britain, Finland, Russia. Together with Vladimir Turchinsky, the Russian team included Gladiators Astra, Lynx and Spartak.

Full Vladimir Turchinsky

As leading Turchinsky tried itself in 1999 in the youth program "Star-Start", where the athlete was invited as guest, but then the microphone was entrusted. Later, the athlete led a number of television shows, the first of which became "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family."

In 2003, Vladimir received the TV presenter in the TV game "Frak factor", which was broadcast on the NTV television channel. Shooting the first two seasons with the participation of Turchinsky took place in Argentina. The transfer ratings were high, which affected the popularity of Turchinsky among the viewers. The game required three extreme tests, after which two of the six participants were sifted. The winner got a prize of $ 50 thousand.

At the same time, the athlete lit up on the TV channel "Sport" from the TV show "The Strong Man". In 2007, it began to cooperate with the TNT channel, where he was among the TV presenter project "Laughter without Rules". Forwarding popular gladiator, Pavel Volya will be the most co-popular gladiator.

Transmission included 10 issues, of which the six first were qualifying tours. After that, there were three prefinal issues and the final in which the winner was chosen from the six remaining humorists. In the jury of teleconcurs, Mikhail Marfin, Member of the "Comedy" and a star of show business, was always included in the teleconcurs jury. The television show was broadcast on December 17, 2009, after the release of the last program with the participation of Vladimir Turchinsky.

In addition to the "laughter without rules", Vladimir Turchinsky led another humorous Battle on TNT called "Devil's League". The transmission participated the strongest representatives of the previous program. Each release brought to the participants a certain winnings, which came to the individual player's bank.

In addition to cooperation with the editors of humorous programs, Turchinsky performed as the leading children's cognitive program "Street Sesame", a music show about jazz and blues "the last of the Mogican".

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Vladimir Turchinsky himself had a direct attitude to music. In the early 2000s, an athlete, along with a friend, actor Alexei Kravchenko created the Rock group "Guarana" and spoke with vocal parties.


In Kinokadra, for the first time, Vladimir Turchinsky appeared, starring in the film "Dynamite" in 1999, but the picture was not completed. Two years later, the popular image of the Gladiator "Dynamite" used the creators of the film "FM and Guys". This is a picture of 5 friends who comes to mind the idea of ​​reviving the old radio station in the city and turning it into a major media center of the region.

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In 2001, Turchinsky offered an episodic role in the two seasons of the witty series "Cobra" and "Cobra. Antiterror, but when Vladimir began to be filmed, the script rewrited and made a character athlete key. After the debut, the athlete filmography was replenished with another 30 paintings. Of course, most often the actor was given the role of military healthy: "Spetsnaz", "Motherland is waiting", "Thunderstorm Gate", "Soldiers. New call. "

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But Vladimir also participated in the comedy TV series "Daddy's daughters", "happy together", "Svati". Also on the account of the artist's role of a enchanted prince in a fairy tale "Cinderella 4 × 4. It all starts with desires "and co-owner of a sports gay club in the Comedy" Bitch for Champion. " The last film with the participation of the actor "Sky on fire" came out in 2010, after the death of an athlete.

Personal life

Vladimir Turchinsky was married three times. Spouses had attracted to the world of sports. The first wife Irina is a multiple world champion in arm wrestling. From this marriage at Athlete remained the son of Ilya born in 1986. Later, the Turchinsky junior went in the footsteps of the parents and became the winner of the Moscow Championship in hand. Ilya graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took up the administration of security systems.

The second spouse Larisa Nikitina is a famous athlete that immigrated to Australia, speaking there at competitions.

Vladimir Turchinsky with his wife and daughter

With the Third Woman, the actor has lived until the end of his days. Irina Alexandrovna, the complete namesake of the first spouse of Turchinsky, General Director of the Miss Fitness Club and the coach in the TV show "Weighted People". In this family in 1999, the daughter of Ksenia was born. On joint family photos, the couple of Vladimir and Irina always looked happily.


On the eve of the death of Vladimir Turchinsky starred in the program "Good evening, Moscow!" And managed to interview the program "At rush hour". At 5 am, Vladimir woke up from what was bad. Running from the bed, Vladimir Evgenievich lost consciousness and fell to the floor. The spouse Irina Alexandrovna caused an ambulance brigade, but the arrived urgent could only state death as a result of a heart attack.

Tomb of Vladimir Turchinsky

The widow of Turchinsky filed a complaint to the investigating authorities, since the ambulance car arrived in almost an hour and a half after the call. But the prosecutor's office, having considered the case, did not find the reasons for initiating the criminal process. The actor and athlete buried in the cemetery in the village of Voskresensky village near Moscow, next to the grave of the stepfather.


  • 1999 - "Star Start"
  • 2001 - "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"
  • 2002 - "Polygon"
  • 2003 - "Fair Factor"
  • 2004 - "Team 1611"
  • 2002 - "The strongest person"
  • 2006 - "Show of Russian Records"
  • 2006 - "Iron War"
  • 2007 - "Laughter without rules"
  • 2007 - "Dead League"
  • 2008 - "Our Records"
  • 2009 - "Taxi"

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