Oleg Stefanko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Oleg Stefanko is a Russian actor with American citizenship and Ukrainian roots. Oleg Stefanko is a sign of American audiences in the roles in the paintings "false temptation", "nothing personal", "Russians in the city of Angelov", "As Jim said" and the dramatic series "Americans". Oleg Stefanko was also - actor Theater "Theater Of New York City" and a member of two American acting guilds at once: "Sag" - Guild of actors of film and "AFTRA" - the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

In Russia, Oleg Stefanko is a sign of the television viewers for fifty major roles: in the paintings of the "Lord officers", "scarecrow", "Battle for Moscow", "In search of the captain of Grant", "Death Bay", in the criminal series "Forester", "pseudonym" Albanians, "" Zeta Group "and in other films.

Full Oleg Stefanko

Oleg Stefanko was born on September 7, 1959 in the Shakhtar Tower of Torez by the Donetsk region. The actor's father worked all his life at the mine, in 2003 he did not.

Oleg's childhood was the same as all Soviet children: lessons, gamming of the courtyard, visiting the circles for interests, and in the summer - rest in the pioneer camp. In these years, he was also fond of swimming and kickboxing. Stefanko graduated from school in 1976 and went to Moscow to enter the Theater Institute.

From the first attempt, he entered the Schukinskaya school, and in the second year he was already playing in the performances in the Small Theater. By the end of the theater school, Oleg Stefanko was an actor with experience and immediately settled in the troupe of the Small Theater. There he worked for 12 years, until he immigrated to America in 1992.

Oleg Stefanko in youth

When Oleg was 26 years old, he was called in the army. Oleg Stefanko served in engineering troops, part was based in the Moscow region. The actor says that he did not give anything good service. By the time of his call, he had his own apartment in the capital, and heded the collars the artist and so knew. Stefanko says that the machine has seen only on the exercises, and the early rise, the "grandfather" awakened abstraction and vitality.

After the service, he returned to work, and when the Soviet Union collapsed, Oleg went to the United States. In New York, Stefanco arrived without money, not knowing the language, and practically spread with the acting biography. The actor had to work a lot. Oleg Stefanko earned a life guard, waiter, tacked, sold insurance policies, collected furniture. The actor even had to play on the ring until Oleg Stefanko decided to return to the movies.


Oleg began to shoot in films early, even in the school. By the age of 26, he starred in 12 paintings, among them - "Scarecrow", "Children of Captain Grant", "Death Bay" and others.

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Immigrating in the USA, the actor did not think about filming the first two years. His fate has changed a meeting with Saveli Kramarov in one of New York restaurants. Oleg Stefanko served a table when Kramarov advised him to move to Los Angeles: the guy did it. There he graduated from acting school, received US citizenship and became a member of the acting guild. At first, he was offered minor roles, but in 2000 success came to him.

Oleg Stefanko recalls that Robert de Niro was looking for an actor who will play a Russian scout in the film "False Temptation". He was invited to samples. The first meeting ended with nothing. After 4 years, Robert de Niro returned to the scenario - this time, Oleg was approved for the role.

Oleg Stefanko also works in America in the model business and does not forget about the theater. The actor managed to break through the American scene, playing the "Theater Of New York City".

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When in the 2000s, the Russian economy stabilized, Stefanko began to invite to shoot. The audience saw him in the paintings of the "Motherland waiting" and "Lord officers." For his role in the last film, he received the Grand Prix of the International Eurasian Festival.

Oleg offering the role of courageous heroes - he has such a texture. His talent is multifaceted that he showed, removing in the Double Surname drama and the film "Surprise me." One of the latest works of the actor - shooting in the series "Sea Devils".

Work in Russia takes at the actor for almost 7 months a year. The rest of the time he is filmed in Hollywood. Among the most important works of recent years - the picture "Nothing Personal". Oleg Stefanko's partners were Julia Roberts and Clive Owen.

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In 2011, the actor received a major role in the Russian criminal series "Forester". The series combined the features of the militant and melodramas and walked for three years. According to the plot, the former special former discovers of Leonid of the teeth, whose role and fulfilled Oleg Stefanko, was in the village launched in the deaf forest. Here, the hero would have to find a quiet life, and the work of the forester, which was clearly souls to the former special forces.

But on his own example, the teeth finds out that the forester's profession is a dangerous thing. The chief hero with comrades has to fight poaching, illegal entrepreneurship, crime. The protagonist will stop the illegal hunt and the extraction of elk horns, as the forester believes. In addition, it will take place and completely non-contaminate problems: catch a deserter, save hostages and neutralize a gang that uses slave work on unauthorized cutting down of the forest.

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In 2015, the actor will play a major role in the "Two Plus Two" melodrama. Hero Stefanco is a single father who falls in love with a woman who also rises a child alone. Two people disappointed in relations and two incomplete families have a long way to mutual understanding and confidence.

Personal life

With his wife, Larisa actor met by chance. He saw her on one of the Moscow streets and came up to meet. In one of the interviews, Oleg Stefanko admitted that love came to him later. Larisa is a philologist, and it pleases the actor. He believes that the wife should find time at home and children, read the fairy tales for the night, kiss. If the husband and wife are actors, then there will be no normal marriage.

Oleg has two children. Kristina's daughter already lives separately, she is a medic. The son is fond of tennis, performs at competitions. Family Stefanko has a large apartment in America and an apartment in Moscow. Plans - buying your own home.

Oleg Stefanko with family

Oleg says that there are no special traditions in their family, because his profession is unpredictable. The actor is often not at home due to filming. But the New Year is holy: in the apartment necessarily there is a Christmas tree, a covering table and friends.

Oleg Stefanco loves to relax in the mountains and tries to find time to spend a week with his family there. Another hobby actor is a bath.

Oleg Stefanko now

In 2016, Oleg Stefanko appeared in the fifth season of the series of the USA under the name "Americans", where he fulfilled the secondary role of the head of the KGB department Anatoly Viktorovich. This is a dramatic television series created by the former officer of the CIA, and today the screenwriter Joe Weisberg. The series is removed in retro style. In the center of the plot there are Soviet officers of the KGB, which give themselves to American citizens in the 1980s during the Cold War.

In Russia, the actor in the same year received a major role in the melodrame "when the past ahead." Hero Stefanko - Entrepreneur Viktor Vasilyevich Astakhov.

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In 2017, the actor returned to the image of the former special forces and the forester Leonid Zubov's forester in the criminal series "Forester. Its land ", the plot continuation of the" forester ". Fans call new series fourth grains season "Lesnika", but unlike two seques, which came under the numbers, this season is declared under its own name.

In the new series, a new enemy appeared at the main character - looking at the Naval region, the authority of Sasha Rafine (Alexander Tyutin). The main profitable business that is interested in the authority becomes the forest, which leads to a direct conflict with a combat ladder.


  • 1983 - "Scarecrow"
  • 1985 - "Battle for Moscow"
  • 1986 - "Return point"
  • 1991 - "Cove of Death"
  • 2006 - "Battle for Cosmos"
  • 2009 - "everything is possible"
  • 2010 - "My sin"
  • 2004 - "Lord officers"
  • 2006 - "Film Festival, or Port Eisenstein"
  • 2013 - "Delta. Rybnadzor "
  • 2011-2014 - "Forester"
  • 2015 - "Two plus two"
  • 2016 - "Americans"
  • 2016 - "When the past is ahead"
  • 2017 - "Forester. Own land "

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