Sergey Filippov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, theater work, the cause of death, rumors and the latest news



"Is there any life on Mars, if there is no life on Mars," "Masik wants vodka" - these phrases, spoken from the screen Sergey Filippov, became covered. For his life, he played in 100 films and remembered the audience as a bright comedian.

Sergey was the only son in the Filippian family. He was born on June 24, 1912 in one of the villages of the Saratov region. Father worked at the plant at the machine, mother led a household and took sewing to the house. The family was interrupted with a penny for a penny.

Actor Sergey Filippov

When Sergey turned 5 years old, a revolution began. The plant stopped, father with grief washed. One day he returned home drunk and stated that he had to fight: more than his father Sergey did not see. Mother was taken for any job, so there was no time on the son of time. And soon in the house of Philippov, stepfather appeared. The actor remembered him as a powerful person who even put a pistol under the pillow at night.

The nervous atmosphere was reflected in the studies and behavior of Sergey. He studied badly, somehow at the lesson of Chemistry almost blew up school. Soon he was expelled. Then the mother took the son to work in a bakery, but also there he did not last long. Sergey Filippova fired when he, reading by Roman Jack London, forgot to salt her bread. The guy also did not come around with a red-chamber: he spoiled an expensive antique closet, driven into him a dozen nails. It did not come out of it a locksmith, nor a gardener, nor a loader.

Sergey Filippov

Sergey adored to dance, could rehearse near the mirror or watch rehearsals in the dance studio. He was taken to the dance class, although he was tall and thin. Philippov dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer, but late - the set in the ballet schools has already ended. Then the stubborn young man entered the pop-circus technical school. After graduation, he managed to enroll in the opera and ballet theater troupe. True, on the fourth submission, Sergey Filippov lost consciousness right on stage. Doctors stated the heart attack - about the career in the ballet had to forget.


After the unsuccessful ballet career, Philipp switched to work in the Studio Studio. Nikolay Akimov noted him on one of the performances and offered to work in the Leningrad Comedy Theater. In this theater, Sergey Filippov worked for 30 years, from 1935 to 1965. Here he played his best roles in the performance "Dog on Seine", "Not all Cottle Maslenitsa", "Actress", "Simple Girl", "Auditor" and dozens of others.

Sergey Filippov in the play

Filippov quickly became famous. In the pre-war and post-war years, there are not much films, therefore people willingly walked into the theater. For the year, the Leningrad Theater Theater set 16 performances - Sergey Nikolaevich participated in all. He is talented and finely managed to play all the ugly and vulgar, which is in humans, and it has always been unexpected and masterfully.

In 1965, the actor was fired from the theater. The last drops became obscene-free remarks, which drunk Filippov served because of the scene. He was fired "at their own request."


Sergey Filippov began to film in 1937. He debuted as Finn in the film "Fall Kimas Lake." Then there were shooting in the "Volochevsky Days", "Government Member", "New Discoveries of Sewing", "Relaxing Economy", "Cinderella".

Sergey Filippov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, theater work, the cause of death, rumors and the latest news 19910_4

In the 40s, the Soviet cinema could not boast a large number of comedy actors, so the directors were often invited by Talented Sergey Filippov. One of the brightest role was the role of a lecturer in the comedy "Carnival night". Another interesting job is Casimir diamonds in the film "Tigrov" film.

In 1965, Philippov removed the brain tumor, but he continued to remove. After the multi-sealer film "12 chairs", in which he played Kisu Vorobyaninov, the actor could no longer be freely walking down the street - the passersby recognized him, asked for an autograph.

Sergey Filippov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, theater work, the cause of death, rumors and the latest news 19910_5

In the 80s, Sergey Filippov almost did not appear on the screen due to health problems. One of the latest works in the cinema was an episodic role of the patient in the film "Dog's Heart" in 1988.

Personal life

Filippov was married twice. With the first spouse Alevtina Gorinovich, he met in the school. Soon they got married, in 1936 Alevtina gave birth to the son of Yuri. Yura was 10 years old when parents divorced. Over time, Sergey supported relations with his son, but then Alevtina Gorinovich immigrated to America. The departure of the former wife and son became a blow to the actor, he could not forgive them and did not read letters from his son.

Sergey Filippov with son

Sergey Filippov was an ideological communist, after a divorce, he was very important to the Agents of the KGB and surveillance. He was afraid that he would come behind him, and waited for it.

The actor became acquainted with the second wife of Antonina Golubeva in a restaurant. In Filippov's fight, someone hit the fork, and Antonina helped to stop blood, comforted. So they began to live together. Golubeva was older her husband for 13 years, controlled every step, friends, phone calls, terribly jealous him to colleagues and fans.

Sergey Filippov with his wife Antonina Golubeva

The acquaintances said that the actor was afraid of the powerful spouse. He never called her by name - only a worker. Together they lived 40 years.

Antonina Golubeva was near, when Sergey Filippov was fired from the theater when he was removed by a tumor, looked, cared, saved.


Filippov survived his drum only for a year. The death of the spouse became a blow for him, from which he could not recover: cancer began to progress. Full recent years of life suffered from loneliness. At the peak of Glory, he was wasteful, did not save money to the old age. Colleagues and friends to him looked only occasionally.

Grave of Sergey Filippov

He died on April 19, 1990 in his apartment, quite alone. His body discovered the neighbors only two weeks after death. They were struck by the beggar atmosphere in the apartment - there was no library, dear antiques. Something actor was sold, something shortly before the death was taken by the relatives of the drums.

Money for the funeral was collected by acquaintances, Film Studio "Lenfilm" did not single out a penny. Modest coffin, modest wires on the last journey to the northern cemetery in St. Petersburg. The actors buried next to his second spouse.


  • 1945 - "Hello, Moscow!"
  • 1954 - "Tigrov Tigrite"
  • 1956 - "Different destinies"
  • 1957 - "Girl Without Address"
  • 1958 - "On the other side"
  • 1965 - "Foreign"
  • 1971 - "12 chairs"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1976 - "How Ivanushka-Fool went for a miracle"
  • 1977 - "Incognito from St. Petersburg"
  • 1980 - "Comedy for the past days"
  • 1982 - "Sportloto-82"
  • 1985 - "Dangerous for life!"
  • 1987 - "Fairy Tale of Love Malar"
  • 1988 - "Dog Heart"

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