Elena Serov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Cosmonaut, "Instagram", Age, Cosmos, State Duma Deputy 2021



Russian astronautics do not stand still, and today women are little inferior to men in terms of training. True, the final composition of the space group of a fair sex is rarely falling. But there are also those who seek their own dreams. Elena Serov is a test pilot, which became the second Russian after Elena Kondakova, flying into space.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in 1976 in the Primorsky Territory, in the village of Vozdvizhenka of the Ussuri City District. Her father Oleg Yuryevich Kuznetsov was also a pilot, however, the military. So the girl went to his footsteps. Only Mom Elena Andreevna and the sister of Eugene do not have any relations to fly.

Lena School ended in the German city of Grossenhein, where her father served at that time. To obtain a higher education, which should bring the girl to her cherished wishes, she went to Moscow and became a student of the Aeroospace Faculty of the Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Already during the years of study, Elena worked in the Research Institute and improved its development of the engineer.

Later, Serov received a second education, economic, in the Moscow State Academy of Instrument Making and Informatics. After a university, it was distributed to the Space Complex "Energy", from where she subsequently passed into the Flight Management Center. Elena worked on engineering positions and only in 2006 managed to achieve the inclusion in the cosmonaut detachment.


For 3 years, Serov has engaged in strengthened workouts, remaining a candidate for candidate for cosmonauts tests. Another 2 years it took her to convince the leadership that she was ready to enter the official detachment. Finally, in 2011, Elena became a cosmonaut-tester of the detachment of Roskosmos and soon was appointed flight engineer of the main crew of the Soyuz TMA-14M ship.

And yet, when there was a preparation for a serious flight, Serov was considered only as a duplicating astronaut. But in September 2014, unexpectedly, for many, the choice of the State Commission for conducting flight tests of the piloted space complexes fell on this sympathetic woman, and on September 26, the Soyuz TMA-14M ship was launched under the international crew as part of Alexander Samokutayev, Barry Wilmora and Elena Serovoy.

Thus, Serov became the 4th Russian woman in history, which visited space. And after the flight, Elena Kondakova passed as many as 17 years old, and after the Rake Tereshkova - more than 50. In addition, Elena Olegovna turned out to be the first domestic woman-astronaut, which visited the international space station, which held six months.

Serovoy as the only lady in the group of the group was entrusted to choosing the crew's talisman, and she took a plush toy that daughter presented her. It should be noted that the talisman in the space flight is not just a sentimental connection with the relatives remaining on the ground. Traditionally, such souvenirs are installed in a special way that these cute baubles serve as an indicator of weightlessness in space.

In addition to purely engineering experiments, in a variety of conducted by a group, a cosmonaut woman put their own household experiment. Elena, as the owner of a long blond braid, checked as far as possible to wash and comb long hair in a state of weightlessness. In addition, Serov is firmly confident that on the expedition such a hairstyle is much safer than short hair, which can uncontrollab to get into the atmosphere of the station.

Household experiments did not prevent Elena to fulfill their own duties as a flight engineer. In addition, Serov was responsible for maintaining the connection with the Earth and even performed on video conferencing from the station, which was broadcast by special Moscow channels.

In his interview, Serov noted that women in space are not harder than men. A fine sex representatives are not afraid of physical activity, so they often master hard professions. In a flight situation, many of the qualities of women's psyche are useful for work: the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, monotonous observations, to be long in the closed space.

At the Space Station, Elena Serov held 167 days, 5 hours and 2 minutes. For courage and heroism, manifested in the exercise of a long flight at the International Space Station, Elena Olegovna in February 2016 were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. At the same time, she got the "Golden Star" medal and the honorary title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation."


Elena Serovoy's biography since 2016 is no longer connected with flights, but with politics. Cosmonaut filed an application for participation in the Prime Ministers of United Russia to nominate the State Duma deputies as part of the party list of candidates for the Moscow Region.

On June 27, 2016, the United Russia party at the congress did not include Elena Serov to the federal list, but the cosmonaut fell into the number of 207 candidates for deputies on single-member districts.

After the announcement of the results of the elections, Serov was released from the position of an instructor-cosmonaut-test of the 2nd class and dismissed from the CPK in connection with the election of the State Duma Deputy of the Russian Federation.

In October 2016, when distributing committees in the State Duma of the seventh convocation, Elena Olegovna received the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma on Ecology and Environmental Protection. One of the high-profile bills, in the development of which the former pilot participated, was the package of documents on the issue of ill-treatment of animals.

Serov as part of its political activities participates in international conferences. In 2019, at the plenary meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, she made a statement that the shelling of Donbass was observed 5 years ago during the flight on the ISS. According to Elena Olegovna "Flashes and Flames" were visible to the naked eye. The news posted in "Instagram" caused criticism from Internet users: many suggested that this exaggeration.

Personal life

Today, Serov is not only a hero of Russia, astronaut and politician, but also a wife, and mother. Her personal life has developed safely. During his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Elena met the student of the same university Mark Serov, who for 2 years older. Cosmonauts met for some time, and then got married and married the church.

In 2004, the spouses had a daughter - Elena Jr., which in the family is called Alena.

According to the husband of the pilot, he first learned about the desire of the wife to get a squad of astronauts. Mark approved the choice of Elena, but suggested that at the first failure she would lower his hands. Later, the spouse understood how I was wrong.

Elena Olegovna remains true to his taste: over the years she did not change the hairstyle, which is visible in the photo from the meetings of the State Duma.

Elena Serov now

Now Serov continues his legislative activities. Did not prevent her work and contamination coronavirus. Passing the course of treatment, Elena Olegovna returned to his duties. On the eve of 2021, she visited an official visit in the capital of the Chechen Republic. The State Duma deputy participated in a solemn meeting dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.


  • 2015 - Gagarin Sign
  • 2015 - the sign of the difference of the city of Korolev "For Merit" II
  • 2016 - the title of "Hero of the Russian Federation" with the wording "for courage and heroism, shown in the exercise of a long-term space flight at the International Space Station."
  • 2016 - Honorary title "Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation" with the wording "For courage and heroism, shown in the exercise of a long-term space flight at the International Space Station."

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