Lyubov Germanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, Evdokia Germanov, Son Maxim Kulikov 2021



Lyubov Germanov - Soviet and Russian artist of theater, cinema and professional announcer, who began his creative path from adolescent age. A huge number of Hollywood stars in Russian speaks by her voice, the actress Dubli voiced hundreds of foreign paintings, TV shows, cartoons and games.

Childhood and youth

Love Alekseevna Germanov was born and grew up in Moscow and since childhood he dreamed of becoming an actress. Actually, she debuted into the movies still in adolescence together with the older sister of Evdokia Germanic.

Father, doctor of geological sciences Alexey Ivanovich, and Mom Galina Ivanovna Spiridonov, chemist on education, not to keep children in the choice of profession.

However, unlike relatives, which 6 years in a row unsuccessfully stormed GTIs, love the acting faculty conquered the first attempt. True, the choice of the girl fell on VGIK, since the cinema interested her much more than the theater.

In the university, the famous teachers Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova were taught in the acting skills of Germanov.


In the movie, Lyubov GEROVAN debuted with another young girl, appearing immediately in two youth paintings - "minors" and "intern". In the first of them, her sister Evdokia was also shot. But the full-fledged start of acting biography was difficult to call.

The first attention of the audience love Alekseevna attracted in the early 80s. The actress played Evdokia Lopukhin in two historical tapes of his mentor Sergei Gerasimov - "At the beginning of glorious affairs" and "Youth Peter". Germanov hoped on one of the main roles and was disappointed that she got this particular character. As it turned out, in vain. Playing a pregnant heroine, the actress and herself was in the position, so the frame seemed surprisingly organic.

After a series of episodes, Lyubov Alekseevna appeared in the Mio, My Mio tape. The role of her on-screen son YUM-Yuma became the first role on the big screen of Oscarone Christian Bale.

In 1991, the chicks of the main character, Zhanna Plavskaya played in the Kiks thriller, Hero, Her image brilliantly embodied Evdokia's sister. In one of the scenes pattern, the actresses decided to seem naked.

In the XXI century, Alexeevna love after a break returned to television screens. On the one hand, she was glad that creative life again entered the active channel, on the other hand, the changes that came in cinema was noticed. Germanov believes that in the Soviet era of shooting, though more time occupied, but the creators paid more attention to the quality of the details.

In the adolescent film "Kolyovnik. Summer time, based on the story of Tamara Kryukov, Love Alekseevna performed the role of the governess of Polina. Immediately after the premiere, the picture collected a number of prestigious awards of the festivals of children's and youth movies.

Work in the series also took a significant place in the artist filmography. In the famous comedy "Fizruk", the performer appeared as a character of sisters Hero Dmitry Nagiyev. The series not only enjoyed great popularity among the public, but also was awarded the "Teffi" award in the "best Sitkom" nomination.

Lyubov Germanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, Evdokia Germanov, Son Maxim Kulikov 2021 19903_1

Spectators saw Germanov in multi-sized detectives on the novels of Anna Malysheva. The actress on the screen embodied the image of an art historian Albina, a neighbor of the main heroine. Elena Velikanova, Dmitry Pobedin and Valery Storozhik presented the main acting.

Love Alekseevna played the role of Princess Sorokina in the Military Drama "Anna Karenina. The story of Vronsky. "

From other shields of the famous novel Lion, Nikolayevich Tolstoy, this film is distinguished by the fact that it is based on the novel of the same name and on the journalistic story of a thick "in the Japanese war" and the "Japanese War" cycle of Vikence Veresaev. The action of the picture unfolds 30 years after the suicide of Anna and is based on memories and the story of Alexei Vronsky (Maxim Matveyev) addressed to the grew by Sergey Karenina (Kirill Grebenchikov).

Dubbing and sounding

In the movie, Lyubov Alekseevna regularly appeared until the mid-90s, and then began to act less than a year less and less, focusing on visualing, as well as dubbing of foreign production films. At the same time, the actress did not consider that he changed the profession. For her, the dubbage is the same performance of the role, but exclusively with the help of voice, which manages her very well.

Along with Vadim Andreev and Ilya Pale, love has become the most popular specialist for directors who lead the sounding of paintings. Moreover, among women's votes, Germanov received a unlawful title of queen dubbing. However, in an interview she said:

"The dubbage is so hard that talking about the kings and queens is just funny."

Lyubov Alekseevna helped talk in Russian Stars of Hollywood Meryl Streep, Rachel Makadams and Penelope Cruz. And her favorite work remains the detective series "She wrote the murder," where her voice is spoken by the main heroine Jessica Fletcher performed by Angela Lansbury.

Also, Germanov is known as the official voice of Tilda Suinton: she voiced her heroine in the films "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness" and "Mysterious History of Benjamin Button".

Since 2003, Lyubov Gelnova has become the official voice of the filmons on the first channel. She often acted as storytellers in documentary films.

The actress takes an active part not only in the voicing of films and commercials, but also computer games. Its first work was the RPG "Allods: the seal of secrets", where all female characters speak Hermann. She also worked on Diablo III, World of Warcraft: Legion, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and for Honor.

In 2019, the actress voiced Sarah Connor in the picture "Terminator: Dark Fates." In April of the same year, Lyubov Alekseevna received gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation for many years of creative activity. Vladimir Putin noted her merits in the development of Russian culture and art.

Personal life

Surprisingly, despite the fact that the love of Germanov is a fairly famous public person, the actress has been able to keep his personal life in secret from the ubiquitous journalists. Questions about family, children or husband, requests for photos of close people were banned in each interview, conversation or talk shows.

However, the time came when the actress decided to frankly. Gerasimova told that she became acquainted with his future husband in student times. The meeting had a great influence on young people, so both decided that the Union was predetermined. Soon the couple had a son.

With a spouse, the film operator Viktor Kulikov, Love Alekseevna did not meet on the site, but his advice and support is very valued. Son actresses Maxim Kulikov chose the produce of producer.

A characteristic feature of the actress has become a short haircut. In the youth, Germanov preferred to wear hair to the shoulders, laying them with waves and curls, but later radically changed the image.

Compared to most stars, Alexseevna's love is a fairly closed man, although she doesn't consider himself as herself, outlining its own boundaries as comfortable. However, the social networks performer is not passionate, does not lead an account in "Instagram", but its photo periodically appears on the pages of colleagues.

Love Germanov now

Now Germanov comfortably feels in a professional niche, which he took during his career.

To the role of art historian Albina, she returned to the new screen vessels of Anna Malysheva "Black Mass" and "Puppet House".

In the early spring of 2021 militant "Thunder" actress duplicated Ellie, whose role was performed by Melissa Leo. The character of Ellison Jenny Germanov presented his voice in a criminal comedy to "give oak in the district of Yuba."


  • 1980 - "Peter's Youth"
  • 1984 - "Very important person"
  • 1987 - "Mio, My Mio"
  • 2006 - "Patenkin Son"
  • 2009 - "Digger from Hatspeetovka"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2010 - "Institute of Noble Maiden"
  • 2014 - "Fizruk"
  • 2017 - "Sufler"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2017-2021 - "Detectives Anna Malysheva"
  • 2018 - "The Law of Conservation of Love"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2020 - "One summer and all life"
  • 2021 - "Victoria"

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