Victor Proskurin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Death Cause, News



Favorite by many generations of the viewers Artist Viktor Alekseevich Proskurin, who played a malicious skimmer and dance lovers, Genk Lyapicheva in "Big Change," could not become an actor. Too many obstacles were on his way to a hystage.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Proskurin at a young age dreamed of learn to clown. He really liked the fun circus world and forever the festive atmosphere in the arena. But Proskurin did not have time. In the circus school accepted after the 4th grade, and he came to enroll in a more "mature" age.

But creative natura sought to the outside, for self-expression. Therefore, Victor, reaching 15 years of age, went to theatrical circle at the Palace of Pioneers. There, he was noticed by the assistant director George Pobedonossev, looking for guys for the tape "Orlyata Chapany." This film began a large cinematic biography of Viktor Proskurin. After the filming that took place in the Crimea, he returned home with a well-argued in a life goal: as soon as possible to get signed with the school and entered one of the metropolitan theatrical universities.

An ambiguity was only in one: at what institute to stop their choice. But life did not hurry to the artist with the notorious boring plate. In Mkate, Spakurina pointed to the output due to growth. In Gitis on the applicant, too impressionable member of the commission was offended. When the future actor read the fables expressively, the lady decided to dare to the tie of the shoelaces under the table. But after all, Viktor was important to see her eyes, so he also bent, finishing the passage in this position.

And in Schukinsky school, the Dear Commission did not see the face of the Eye Apprinent, considering that he had nothing to do on stage with such appearance. It is not known why from all universities where he was refused, Proskurin came to Schukinsky for the next year. This time the school was "taken by the attack."


In 1973, having received the Diploma of the Theater School named after Boris Schukin, Viktor Proskurin was enrolled in the Taganka Taganka Taganka. It is unknown that it happened there, but in all biographic stories there is only such a dry wording: "I did not work with the team." The artist was not somewhere, but in Lenk, where Mark Zakharov invited him. Here, the stars for the young actor agreed into the desired configuration and the career rapidly went up.

The image of the executioner in the formulation of "Til" was able to fame. Then there were some more performances, among which the bright was the "guy from our yard" on the work of Konstantin Simonov. But after 10 years, in 1988, Viktor Alekseevich left this theater. For many years, since 1988 and 2012, the artist played in the theater named after Maria Yermolova.

The new artistic director of the theater Oleg Menshikov decided to bring his own order in the department. Made it peculiar: I pointed to the door to Viktor Spakurina and Tatiana Dogileva. But if the actress went with a scandal, then Viktor Alekseevich turned out to be a male rest. Studying that "in this household" he does not want to take part, left.

Personal life

Talk about the personal Victor Proskurin broke immediately. He was absolutely incomprehensible why the viewers are interested in some details of private life, family secrets and flue. After all, this profession and so extremely "exposes" a person, forcing it every time confessing in front of the viewer in his film or a performance.

It is known that Viktor Proskurin's personal life was not easy. The last spouse of the actor - Irina Honda - the fifth participation.

The first spouse became a classmate, actress-etching Olga Gavrilyuk. In this marriage, the only daughter Sasha was born. From Olga Proskurin left, without living with her and year. His second choices was the artist Tatiana Derbenhev. This marriage lasted 3 years. But immediately, as the couple got an apartment from Lenkom, she broke up.

Victor Proskurin with Tatiana Derbenheva (left) and Svetlana Kolganova (right)

The cause of parting was the new love of Proskurin - Assistant Director Svetlana Kolgana. Together they lived 20 years. Together we experienced the consequences of a terrible accident. But this marriage came the end.

The years were not easy after the expulsion of Viktor Alekseevich from the theater in 2012. He fell ill with a rare for men with anorexia. It seems that its reason was the nervous shock of the actor. Together with Irina Honda, he managed to survive this test and returned to the profession.


In the favorite millions of "big change", the artist starred, being a student. It is known that Viktor Alekseevich really wanted to be a hange, but Alexander Zbruev came to this role. But at Genk Lyapicheva, the director accepted the young man without samples. His corona phrase "go, go to school, and here - Batz! - second shift!" Repeated the whole country. After a "big change" in the cinematic biography of the Proskurin of the breaks no longer had.

He starred regularly, and she tried to be diverse: Gusar in the "last victim", the newly promise of the Kononov in the "Spring Call", the driver in the Drama "Rotate", a large fellow dad from the melodrama "Once twenty years later," Captain-border guard from The film "To marry the captain", Herman from the "peak lady" and the twins of Scholto from the series "Treasures of Agra" in the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". All listed images are not just different - they are unlike.

But the real peak of popularity, which was the actor, happened after entering the screens of the drama Eldar Ryazanov "Cruel Romance". Vasily Pezhevatov, at first a good and gentle friend of Larisa Ogudallova, who at a certain point turned into a cruel merchant, for whom "The word merchant" crossed all the human, and only Proskurin could play.

In the mid-90s, the artist stopped appearing on the screen. The reason was not a decline in art, but a heavy injury after the car accident. But Proskurin managed to return to ordinary life. And again the audience saw her beloved artist. He appeared in the TV series "", comedy "Hamster's Day", in the films "Adventure Maga", "Oh, Frost, Frost!" And "Person Non Grata".


On June 30, 2020, Viktor Proskurin died. About the tragedy reported the widow of the artist. According to Irina Honda, the care of her husband, like any death, was a complete surprise. The cause of the death of the actor was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • 1972 - "Big Change"
  • 1975 - "Last Sacrifice"
  • 1976 - "Spring Call"
  • 1978 - "School Waltz"
  • 1978 - "Rotate"
  • 1983 - "Bribe"
  • 1980 - "Once twenty years later"
  • 1983 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"
  • 1984 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 1989 - "Life of Klim Samgin"
  • 1992 - "Reflection in the Mirror"
  • 1996 - "Career Arturo UI. A new version"
  • 2000 - ""
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space »
  • 2015 - "And the dawns here are quiet ..."

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