Julia Pankratova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, TV presenter, Oh My Art, "Russia-Culture" 2021



Julia Pankratova began a career journalist in student and many years devoted news transmissions. Having spent more than 10 years in the role of TV presenter federal channels, she suddenly changed the work vector, engaged in art and becoming a blogger.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born on December 22, 1977 in the capital of Russia and grew together with his younger sister twisted. After graduating from high school in the mid-90s, the girl went to the faculty of MSU journalism.

Already during the years of study at the university, the student practiced in print media and on the radio, for example, published in the magazine "Art of Cinema" and led Radoshou on the first Russian electronic music station. By the year 2000, when Pankratova finished the university, she had a decent experience. True, Julia has almost no memories of student life - the girl disappeared at work, which has been timeless at the session.


In the graduation course, Julia was set as an editor-an international and correspondent to the NTV channel, where the journalists Peter Marchenko and Leonid Parfenov became its colleagues in various projects of the television company.

5 years later, Pankratov first tried himself in the role of a TV presenter, replacing the Bordovsky Julia in the information and entertainment program "Country and Peace". Then the evening esters of the program "Today," and in 2006 he quit with NTV, when she was demoted from the post of the Canal's person to a random employee.

The next milestone in the professional biography of Julia was the work on the first channel, where the journalist led the news program and "time", moderated the direct line with Vladimir Putin and commented on the broadcast of the Victory Parade.

The real popularity came to Pankratova at the age of 32, when she interviewed at the Hollywood actor Mickey Roar. This meeting, shown in the air of the federal channel, produced Furore and was named a movie of the month. During a conversation with the TV presenter, Rourke did not release the toothpick from his mouth, and from the hands - a bottle with mineral water, led himself relaxed and communicated implier. The actor noted the accurate figure of Julia, than was pretty embarrassed by the lady, and after the air invited a journalist to drink.

After seven years on the first Pankratova left the channel at his own request. Then in the career of Yulia came the stage when she was engaged in projects for the TV channels "Rain", Ren TV, RBC-TV, "present time", without lingering for a long time.

In 2015, Pankratov decided to master the new direction: he entered the Repinsky Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in St. Petersburg, where he studied the theory and history of arts. After 2 years, Julia became the author and the leading documentary cycle about the monuments of the culture of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia "Big Baltic Tour". She noted that there is no traditional journalism in this program, which the woman was engaged earlier, but there was a lot of improvisation.

In the fall of 2017, Julia, together with his sister, launched the Yutiub-channel "Oh My Art" with reviews of exhibitions, festivals, street art and other directions of art. In the description of the blog, Pankratov noted that "many years sat in the studio on a telephone, and then became art historian." Julia also leads the same instagram account, in which every day tells subscribers about museums and galleries and publishes photos and video about various directions of creativity.

Later, the blogger also applied the knowledge gained on the Russia-culture channel as a TV presenter of art news.

Personal life

Despite the tight schedule of work, Julia always tried to give a time of personal life. She is confident that the woman should take place not only in the career, but also in the family, have a husband and children. The journalist himself ironically calls the "working man in a skirt" and notes that over the years I had to specifically cultivate female qualities in myself to build harmonious relations.

Julia Pankratova and her daughter Sophia

At the same time, the details of the private life of Pankratov prefers to leave in secret. It is only known that in 2008 a journalist gave birth to a daughter Sophia and that Julia is not married. Now the blogger meets with a Parashchik named Anton, with whom he met during the work on the program "Jedny".

Julia Pankratova now

Julia continues to do his beloved thing - talk about art. So, in 2021 it could be seen not only in the videos on Yutubeub and in "Instagram", but also personally: the blogger conducts offline lectures in Moscow's Art-spaces and outside the capital.


  • The program "Morning on NTV"
  • Program "Today"
  • The program "Jedny"
  • Program "Country and World"
  • "Straight Line with Vladimir Putin"
  • Program "Time" (Interview with Mickey Rourke)
  • The program "Evening News"
  • Program "Free Time"
  • Telemarafon "Love Motherland"
  • The program "History of the Day"
  • Cycle of plots "Big Baltic Tour"
  • Video Blog OH MY ART
  • The program "News. Detail "

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