Eduard Limonov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books, Politics



Eduard Limonov is a scandalous oppositionist and an empty avant-garde writer who regularly thundered in Russian society as the organizer of the "Marsha dissenters". Eduard Limonov headed the party "Other Russia", and also published causing anti-government articles for which it was repeatedly attracted to criminal liability. The Russians perceived his political activities in different ways: some supported the "right" position of Limonov, while others considered it an ambitious starving with contradictory views.

Childhood and youth

Eduard Veniaminovich Limonov (real surname Savenko, by nationality he is Russian) February 22, 1943, under the sign of the zodiac fish. It happened not far from Nizhny Novgorod, in the industrial town of Dzerzhinsk, in the family of the Commissioner NKVD Veniamin Savenko and the Housewood of Raisa Zybina. In early childhood, by the family of his father's service, Limonov's family repeatedly moved from the city to the city, so the preschool years of Little Eduard passed in Lugansk, and schools in Kharkov.

In the youth, the future politician-opposition was closely related to the criminal environment. According to Limonov, at the age of 15, he began to deal with the discrepancies and theft of apartments, but at 20 years left the criminal "career" after his close friend shot for the "thieves fishing".

At the next stage of his mature, Edward Veniaminovich was engaged in writing activities, and earned on various low-paying work. Despite the thinness and relatively low (172 cm) growth, he had to visit the role of a loader, and the installer, and the ranketer of the charge.

In 1965, Limonov entered the circle of professional writers and met representatives of the Kharkiv literary bohemian. After that, he went to conquer Moscow, where his main income was the sewing of denim trousers, in which he dressed famous metropolitan mods.

In 1968, Eduard Veniaminovich issued five Samizdatov's poems collections, and also published short avant-garde stories than the attention of the Soviet authorities attracted. Then the head of the KGB of the USSR Yury Andropov called Limonov "convinced anti-Sovetchik."

In the early 1970s, the writer had to go to the United States, as he refused to be a secret employee of the state security bodies, for which the citizenship of the country was lost. In New York, Limonov also became interested in the FBI, because he did not stop publishing anti-Soviet articles against the bourgeois lifestyle and capitalism.

Personal life

Personal life is no less interesting graph in the biography of Eduard Limonov. The Donjian "track record" of the oppositionist did not have borders. The first civilian wife was the famous artist Anna Rubinstein, the second - poetess and the model Elena Shapov, who was the first Russian mannequin in New York.

The third wife of Limonov became the writer and singer Natalia Medvedev, with which the politician lived 12 years. After parting with the Third Woman, the politician related lives with the young Elena Browse, with which the relationship broke in 3 years.

Since 1998, Edward Veniaminovich lived with a 16-year-old schoolgirl Nastya Lysogor, the relationship with which was launched for 7 years.

The last official wife of Limonov became the famous actress Ekaterina Volkov, who gave birth to a spouse of two children - the son of Bogdan and daughter Alexander. Prior to this, the husband was a film cream Sergey Chlyanz. She broke up with Limonov because of household problems in 2008, when she was pregnant with her daughter. Nevertheless, the writer actively participated in the raising of children.

Despite the scandalous image of Limonov, his women responded about him as a modest and unpretentious person. Like many popular people, Edward Veniaminovich avoided rumors about his unconventional orientation, which was an obvious attempt to blacken the writer in the eyes of the public.

Political and literary activities

For the first time, Eduard Limonov was scandalously glorified for the whole world by the release of his book "This is me - Edcheka", in which the activities of the US authorities rigidly criticized the activities of the US authorities. The novel had a huge success and was translated into 15 languages, for which the author was recognized as a professional writer. After that, he moved to France and settled in the magazine of the Communist Party "Revolusion".

Having enlisted support for the left press, Limonov received French citizenship. The following writer novels were published in Paris and New York. Another famous book "Palace" reached Jerusalem.

In the early 1990s, the man was able to return Soviet citizenship, which allowed him to return to his homeland, and expand widespread political activities in Moscow. In Russia, Eduard Veniaminovich entered into the Battery of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, but less than a year later he left her ranks, accusing the leader of the Liberal Democrats in an unnecessary convergence with the president of the country and in excessive moderation.

From 1991 to 1993, Edward Limonov participated in hostilities in the territories of Yugoslavia, Transnistria and Abkhazia, where a broad journalistic activity was led to the arms in his hands. After that, he created the National Bolshevik Party and began to "restore order" in the country. A year later, the opposition created his newspaper called Limonka, for the publication in which was sentenced to criminal responsibility.

Under the leadership of Limonov in Russia, many protest anti-governmental shares were conducted, during which famous politicians from Gennady Zyuganov were taken to Anatoly Chubais were thrown by mayonnaise, eggs and tomatoes. The writer urged the people to the military coup, terror and revolution in the country. In 2000, "Limonovtsy" conducted a large-scale share against the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, after which the unregistered NBP organization was recognized in Russia extremist, and its members gradually began to imprisonly.

I did not exception and the leader of Eduard Limonov, who was accused of organizing a criminal armed group, for which he was sentenced to four years in prison in a strict regime colony. When the opposition was sitting in a Butyrian prison, he registered his candidacy for the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but lost, gaining only 6.68% of the votes.

In 2001, Eduard Limonov issued a new work of the "Book of the Dead", which later became the basis of the character cycle of the writer, and the quotes from it were widely known. A man made friends with the soloist of the "Civil Defense" group Yegor Yehov, who considered the same "fiery and irreconcilable revolutionary", as he himself. In the same year, the writer came out a collection "" Bykova Hunt: Investigation of Edward Limonov. "

In 2003, Eduard Veniaminovich was exemptently relieved. Committing to freedom, he decided to "bend" to any liberal. Limonov expressed support for the Social Democratic Party of Mikhail Gorbachev, Parnas's public movement Mikhail Kasyanov, and in 2005 began working together with Irina Khakamada.

During this period, Eduard Limona begins its own promotion on the Internet. On March 11, 2009, the Writer starts a blog at the popular LJ - "Live Journal" platform at that time. Even earlier, he had an account in Twitter, and in 2018 fans created a fan page in "Instagram". In social networks, his posts for historical and socio-political topics quickly became popular. Limons wrote a lot not only about the situation in the country, but also about their views on history, for example, on the identity of Joseph Stalin.

In 2009, as the leader of the "Other Russia" coalition, Edward Limonov founded the All-Russian civilian movement in defense of freedom of assembly in Russia "Strategy-31". Movement is positioned as a permanent series of civilian protests in defense of the freedom of assembly and is named after the 31st article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees this freedom. "Strategy-31" was supported by Russian human rights organizations MHG, the Memorial Center, the Motion for Human Rights and other socio-political movements.

In 2010, Edward Limonov founded his own opposition party "Other Russia" on the basis of the opposition coalition of the same name, which has a unique idea aimed at the overthrow of the current political regime "legitimate" methods of political struggle.

In the same period, Edward Limonov is the chief participant in the "march of disagree". In 2010, the writer issued a continuation of the famous "Book of the Dead" - "necrologists. The book of the Dead - 2. "

From the 2010s, Limonov began a disorder with Russian oppositionists. He spoke in a negative key of Ukrainian Euromaidan and events in Odessa, also Edward Veniaminovich acted in support of the actions of Berkut officers. The man supported the accession of the Crimea to Russia and the Russian authorities in the position of Donbass.

Some of the journalists believe that in connection with such a position, Edward Limonov, the Strategy-31 shares were finally allowed by the authorities. The political figure began to be published in the newspaper "Izvestia", again began to attend TV shows of Russian state television channels.

In 2013, Limonov's bibliography was replenished with new works - compilations "sermons. Against power and selling opposition "and" Apology of Chukchi: My books, my wars, my women. "

From November 2016, Limonov worked as a columnist Russian-speaking version of the site of the state TV channel RT. In 2016-2017, Eduard Veniaminovich published 8 books, including the "great", "under the sky of Paris" and the collection "Fresh Press", and a year later, one of his recent works "Lectures on the future was released. Gloomy prophecies. "


On March 17, 2020, Edward Limonov died aged 77 years. According to the media, recently the writer fought with cancer, which was the cause of death. The public was previously known that he was sick, but only close knew how serious his health problems were.

Limonov was hospitalized on March 15, and all this time, doctors tried to stabilize his condition. Doctors spent 2 operations per day, but the body could not transfer them to them. In the life of Eduard Veniaminovich ordered that the funeral and farewell to him were closed, with the participation of only the closest people.

In the last big interview, which the oppositionist gave to blogger Yury Dudu in 2018, the man said that he would find his life happy and confident: the day when he dies, will be a national mourning for Russia. At the same time, Limonov recorded an interview with Vladimir Posner, however, it did not come to the ether.

Fans created in "Vkontakte" the memory page of the writer, on which he regularly published his photos with the same signature: "Today everything is in order. Eduard Limonov did not die. "

Soon after death, a post from Twitter began to be discussed in the network, which was repressed by Limonov's political will: in it he calls to include all Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine, and after the death of Nursultan Nazarbayev, divided Kazakhstan with China.


  • 1976 - "This is me - Edka"
  • 1986 - "Palace"
  • 1991 - "A foreigner in troubled time"
  • 1994 - "Lemons against Zhirinovsky"
  • 2001 - "Book of the Dead"
  • 2006 - "Lemons against Putin"
  • 2010 - "necrologists. Book of Dead - 2 "
  • 2015 - "Cemetery. Book of the Dead - 3 "
  • 2016 - "Plus Ultra (for man)"
  • 2016 - "... and his demons"
  • 2016 - "Girl with Yellow Flower"
  • 2016 - "Recent News"
  • 2017 - "Under the sky of Paris"
  • 2017 - "Great"
  • 2017 - "Fresh Press"
  • 2017 - "In the Tern Vental of Revolutions"
  • 2018 - "Saint Son Sound"
  • 2018 - "287 poems"
  • 2018 - "My painters"
  • 2018 - "Fresh-hot on that light"
  • 2018 - "Mongolia"
  • 2019 - "Cookbook insects"
  • 2019 - "Film Film"
  • 2019 - "Lectures on the future. Gloomy prophecies »
  • 2019 - "ABC. "Emperor" and other opinions "
  • 2019 - "There will be a tender leader"
  • 2020 - "Party of the Dead"

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