Katya Kishchuk - biography, personal life, photo, news, instagram, silver group, Olga Seriabkin, Pharaoh 2021



Katya Kishchuk - Star of the Russian Show Business. On the way to success, she managed to work as a fashion model in Asia countries, after which he performed in the popular group of producer Maxim Fadeev. Now the singer is engaged in solo career, and also participates in various collaborations.

Childhood and youth

Katya was born and grew up in Tula in the family of Sergey and Svetlana Kiskuk. She was their younger kid, grew up with the older sister Olga. In childhood, the girls did not get laid because of the big difference in age, but later came close to and became girlfriends.

A significant contribution to the creative formation of the star was made by her mother. She sought to develop the talents of the hear, drove on the circles. As a child, Katya dedicated all his free time drawing, music and dancing. The efforts were not in vain, and Kiskuk repeatedly became the winner of the hip-hop championships.

After graduating from school, Catherine went to Moscow and submitted documents immediately in several universities, because he did not know what he wanted to do. As a result, the girl entered the theater faculty to Moscow University of Culture, but he studied there only a year. Then she became a student of the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini, from where he also went away. The next study was the estate-jazz branch of the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Study at the university Katya never completed. Because of the problems in personal life, the future star decided on a desperate step: took the documents from the university and went to Thailand. She almost did not have money with him, hardly managed to make a ticket, but the girl was not scarecrow. In someone else's country, she settled at a friend's friend.

Model business

After moving to Bangkok, Kiskuk got several new friends, among whom were photographers. As a result, it began to invite it to shoot as a model. This period of the star's biography recalls with warmth, as it earned enough to afford rest and travel.

But a happy time ended after Katya moved to China. There she was not in demand as a model, so I decided to get a club, where I became a manager's assistant. It was not without difficulty: one day the girl was mixed into the drink a drug, because of what was urgently to leave the place of work.

Over the years Career, Kischuk managed to participate in photo shoots for brands such as Puma, Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana. In the future, after it became a popular artist, the star offered cooperation with Sephora, Memory of A Lifetime and Petra.

Silver Group

Being in China, Katya got very sick, so I decided to return to Russia. But in his native Tula, Kiskch could not find a lesson, so the next money bought a ticket back to the PRC. As a result, she was late for registration and could not pay a fine, which was forced to stay.

Katya almost fell into depression, but the girlfriend advised her to participate in Casting for the Silver Group. After the team left Daria Shashin, Producer Max Fadeev announced an open Internet selection for everyone.

Casisk was not confident in his abilities, but still decided to write a video where she sings and plays at Domre. As a result, the video for a short period of time scored 200 thousand views, and the artist managed to bypass almost 50 thousand applicants to go into the next stage.

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Only 10 participants were invited to the 2nd round, who had 2 team songs in Russian and English. Katya found out about it at the last moment, but still was able to impress the producer and the public. The star chose the tracks "Tell me, not silent" and Mi Mi Mi.

On April 13, 2016, Fadeev announced that the new vocalist of the group would be a kischk, which won with a separation. About 27 thousand people voted for it, which amounted to 43% of the votes, while the singer who took 2nd place scored 11%.

Work in the team began immediately. Already 4 days after concluding the contract, the first song was recorded with Kati - Chocolate, a clip appeared later on this musical composition, where the star appeared at Olga Seriabquina and Polina Favorskaya.

In mid-June, the new composition began to overwrite the hit "Let me release me" in the format of audio and video. From the same song, the singer performed at the Muz-TV awards ceremony. Hit got into the album of the group "The Force Three", most of the tracks of which were recorded without the participation of Kisk.

Soon after that, the actors presented the single "broken". It was used as a soundtrack to the popular Russian television show "Patzanka". The next hit got the name "in space". The clip was forgiven for the Favoroskaya, to whose place was Tatiana Morgunova.

But in this composition, the group existed for a long time: on February 1, 2019, all 3 participants announced the desire to leave the project. Casisk not only ceased to cooperate with Malfa label, but also handed over his instagram account with 1 million subscribers to use the updated Serebro trio, which caused indignation on the network. There were rumors that the producer forced Katya to leave the team after such a desire expressed her colleagues on stage.

But the artist denied the speculation, stating that she was tired of finding in the group and went voluntarily. As for the page in "Instagram", it was created after the arrival in Silver, so Katya did not see the problem to give it. She expressed his appreciation to the producer and label team for the fact that all these years were not limited to her in self-expression, so many know Kiskak as a person, and not a former participant in the popular group.

Solo creativity

Speaking up with the Silver group, Katya did not waste time in vain. Soon she became a soloist of his own project Katerina. The pseudonym appeared by chance, the actress went over several options until he saw a chocer with such a name.

Soon, the artist presented the debut track Intro and video to him, and in June 2019, students were able to enjoy the album 22k. Called the delight and video for the song "Bear", recorded in collaboration with the group "Sharal Molly". The fans noted how harmonious Katya looks in the frame along with the soloist of the collective Kirill pale.

Personal life

Katya does not hide information about personal life and freely speaks about the former guys in an interview. The first big love happened to the girl after moving to Moscow, when she was 17. Her boyfriend was a professional skateboarder. Although the relationship was serious, they did not last long.

Then Kischuk met with Gleb Bulbina - Raper, glorified by Pharaoh's pseudonym. It was parting with him that prompted the star to look for happiness abroad. Having traveled to Thailand, she lived for a while with a young man named Vitaly. The couple met on the Internet.

Already when Katya became famous, rumors about her novels regularly appeared in the media. The artist was attributed to the relationship with the vocalist of the music team "Mushrooms" Ilya Kapustin and the participant of BOGEMA Gang Ivan Akura.

In March 2019, the network has information about the wedding of kicks and Estonian Rapper Tommy Cash, held in Paris. Under the pictures, the inscription was concerned: "She said" yes ". Later it became known that the photo session singer used as a promotion before the ¥ € $ album output, the name of which could be interpreted as the above phrase.

Soon after, they started talking about the fact that the star had a novel with the British rapper Slowthai. This was testified by the photo in the instagram account of singers and recordings on the Twitter page. In the summer of 2021, Katya gave birth to a beloved child, who gave the English name Rhine, which means "rain". Before that, Kiski hid a pregnancy and only after childbirth began to share videos and pictures with a rounded belly.

Katya Kishchuk now

Now the work of the star is popular both in the Russian and in foreign listeners. The actress participates in the filming of fashionable brands and pleases fans with publications on social networks. During pregnancy, she suspended musical activity, so after the birth of the baby, the fans expressed hope for the emergence of new tracks.


  • 2016 - "Three Power"
  • 2019 - "22K"
  • 2019 - Chico Loco

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