Vladimir Ilyin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Main Roles 2021



Vladimir Ilyin is the Soviet and Russian actor, the popularity of which came only in adulthood. Because of the founding glory and the resulting demand in Cinema, Ilyin was even forced to leave the theater. The star is filmed in several pictures per year, often getting the main roles in films and shows.

Childhood and youth

Ilyin - the actor in the second generation. His father Adolf Alekseevich - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, served in the Sverdlovsk theater. The mother of Zinaida Borisovna worked as a pediatrician. Children's years of Vladimir and his brother Alexander Ilina passed behind the scenes. Therefore, sons have already known in the elementary classes: when they grow up, they will come to the scene like a father.

Vladimir Ilyin was fond of not only the theater. The guy attended a ballet school and engaged in figure skating. The Ilyina Brothers since childhood was characterized by a gentle heart, good soul and rare intelligence.

After graduating from school in Native Sverdlovsk, Ilyin entered the local theatrical school, where Adolf Alekseevich had previously studied. In 1969 he received a diploma and went to seek the place of work, which could be implemented in practice the theoretical knowledge gained.


The first scene on which young Ilyin debuted is the project "Skomorok" Gennady Yudenich. Here, Vladimir Adolfovich worked for a short time, but he managed to cross the half with the troupe.

The search for its place continued in Moscow and Kazan. Finally, in 1974, Ilyina managed to settle in the metropolitan theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. Here the artist felt that he could reveal. Soon the troupe was replenished with two Ilya - first by the Father, and then the younger brother Alexander.

In the theater named after Mayakovsky Ilyin played from 1974 to 1989. The delicate character of the actor manifested itself in this area. Colleagues Vladimir Adolfovich celebrated the extraordinary delicacy of celebrities. Ural hyseride never "pulled out" the main roles. And on the stage I was withdrawn by a reliable companion, whose shoulder turned out to be near at the right moment.

Partners were remarkable about him. Inna Ulyanova and Oleg Menshikov, who came to the stage with Ilyin, noted that playing with him - enjoy. Artist's gifold did not doubt anyone anyone. And if you add a sense of humor and the tragicomic gift, it becomes clear why there are always so many people around Vladimir Adolfovich.

Since 1989, the enormous employment of the actor in the cinema forced him to leave the theater. Ilyin and further played in native stage and in other places, but no longer as part of the troupe, but under the contract. From the last bright works - the image of Leonid Gaeva in the play "Cherry Garden" directed by Eymuntas Nyakroshus.


Vladimir Ilyina's cinematic biography began in adulthood. The debut took place in his youth in the ribbon "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", but then the guy's talent remained unnoticed.

The first serious role is the novel Samonovsky in the melodrama "My favorite clown" - went to Ilina at 39 years. Prior to this film, the artist flashed on the screen in episodes and minor images. After the success of the melodrama, Vladimir Adolfovich is removed regularly and a lot.

Already a year after entering the screens "My favorite clown", in 1988 the actor was involved immediately in 4 projects. The most memorable - "Protector of Sedov", where Ilyin played the main character.

And in 1989, the star filmography was replenished with a piercing social drama "Alarm - Daughter Ment". Ilyina got the image of the father of the Main Heroine Valeria. Spectators and film critics noted the exact "hit" Vladimir Adolfovich into the image of a policeman, an employee of the traffic police, a laconic person, a rude and clumsy, but loving father.

Then in the piggy bank of the roles appeared the unfortunate writer Rakhlin in the picture "Cap", the fool of Artyush to Roe and the KGB Malakhov employee in "Lost in Siberia". It is noteworthy that the images created by the actor are not just diverse - sometimes even opposite.

At the end of the 80s and the 90s, there is a peak of popularity of Vladimir Adolfovich. He turned into a sought-after artist of the post-Soviet cinema, embodying strong images and receiving the love of viewers. Ilina weight - 84 kg with growth 170 cm.

In the art film "Changers", Ilyina got the role of Mass Ash, Roland Babaskin. The plot is based on the nuances of the 1961 monetary reform. Later, the spectators noticed that Fabul scenario is erroneous, as 60 thousand rubles. A penny would have exceeded the carrying capacity of the car. The comedy received a prize from the jury of the International Film Festival in Switzerland "Golden Cane Chaplin".

In 1995, Vladimir Adolfovich starred in the Muslim Drama. The painting tells about the tragic fate of the Russian soldier who has captured to Afghan Mujaheds. Upon returning to their homeland with a new faith and the new name, the young man turns out to be incomprehensible native people. Evgeny Mironov, Nina Usatov and Alexander Baluyev showed key characters.

Heroes Ilyina are simple and understandable. Such is the servant Savelich in the historical drama "Russian Bun". The same qualities have Semyon Lumping from the comedy "I want to go to jail" and the journalist German in the melodrama "Sagittarius Non-good". The director of the last tape George Shengelia recalled that in the process of creating a film, the artist could not catch the essence of the script, but after the final view, he knew and asked for forgiveness.

Ilyin was twice starred in Nikita Mikhalkov projects. Played Captain Mokin in the Siberian Cyryberry, and so that the actor awarded the Golden Aries Prize and the State Prize of Russia. The roles of Vladimir Adolfovich, who remembered to the audience appeared in the comedies "Soldier Ivan Chonkin" and "Alfons". Then the second offer was followed from Mikhalkov - work in the drama "Burnt by the Sun". Ilyin convincingly played the observed and merry kirik.

In the film "Lily of Silver", the artist flashes incendial on the song "Lapp". Here, Ilyin again appeared in the form of a law enforcement, the father of the main heroine. The young singer played Olesya Zheleznyak in the company Yuri Stoyanov and Alexander Tsecalo. The ribbon took the 3rd place in the competition of the Grand Spectator Jury at the annual Festival "Window to Europe".

Ilyin received an interesting role in the comedy of 2011 "Kalachi", where he played the chapter of the Cossack family. Irina Kompyko, Fyodor Dobronravov and Andrei Nazimov became partners of Vladimir Adolfovich on the site. At the same time, starred in the project "Cucumber Love".

Ilyina is often invited to the series: the actor appeared in the "heirs", "Ivan Poddubny" and "Marsha Turkish". In the second season, the painting "State defense" played one of the key characters. And after 2 years, appeared in the same image and in the third season.

In 2016, Vladimir Adolfovich participated in the filming of the children's fabulous film "Lived, were we", where the grandfather of Matvey was played - a distant ancestor of the heroes of the family tape. Among the shooting partners - Dmitry Singers and Elena Safonov.

In 2017, Ilyin worked on the roles at once in 3 paintings: the adaptation of Anna Karenina, the Space Drama "Time of First", the Drama "Loggy!". The last project is based on the real history of the English singer Sam Bailey, who, before the found of Glory, worked as an oversight in prison. Part of the filming took place in a real colony for minors in the Pskov region.

Loud project 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final". In the thriller, Vladimir Adolfovich got the role of Colonel FSB Viktor Ryabova. One of the participants of the film Sergey Romanovich was divided into an interview with "around TV" that there was a lot of space for improvisation on the site.

In the comedy ribbon about the life of researchers "The Eighth Problem of Hilbert", Ilyin was embodied in a key character. According to the plot, one of the heroines began to turn into a man due to mutation. Above the picture together with Vladimir Adolfovich worked Anna Star'shenbaum and Anton Lapenko.

Personal life

Of course, such a talented person, like Ilyin, could not stay without female attention. The press attributes an affair with the now the late Alena Bondarchuk. But for many years in the personal life of Vladimir Adolfovich, there is only a faithful spouse Zoya Dustnova - the former artist of the theater on Taganka. Together there is more than 30 years.

Spouses will value each other. Their gentle and warm relationships are a reason for the good envy and lunizing colleagues. Ilyinh has no native children, but there are many other people around them that are not considered as such. Alexander's younger brother 3 children: Ilya, Alexey and Alexander. Everyone decided to continue the acting dynasty. Junior from nephews - Alexander Ilyin gained popularity among the mass audience, thanks to the role of Lobanov's seeds in the popular comedy TV series "Interns".

Vladimir Ilyin now

Now Vladimir Adolfovich pays less time to work with a living audience and more - cinema. At 2021, Ilyin planned participation in such detective projects as Syrian Sonata, "Awakening" and "undercover".

In March, the premiere of the touching adventure film "Palma" took place. The tape became the director's debut of Alexander Domogarov - the youngest - Son and the names of the famous artist. The guy recalled in an interview with "7 days" that it inspired his photo in the father's account with a story about the abandoned dog, which remained at the airport to wait for the owner.


  • 1986 - "My favorite clown"
  • 1988 - "Sedov Defender"
  • 1989 - "Accident - Menta's daughter"
  • 1991 - "Lost in Siberia"
  • 1993 - "Sagittarius Unclean"
  • 1993 - "Soldier Ivan Chongkin"
  • 1994 - "Burnt by the Sun"
  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 1999 - "Russian Bun"
  • 2011 - "State Protection"
  • 2011 - "Kalachi"
  • 2012 - "White Tiger"
  • 2012 - "Poddubny"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation" "
  • 2018 - "Trainer"
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final"
  • 2020 - "The Eighth Hilbert problem"
  • 2021 - "Palma"

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