George Zhorshov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death and the latest news



Georgy Zhbynov - Actor, People's Artist of the USSR, well-known movie lovers on such films like "Beware of the car", "Crew" and "Resident's Fate". He was born on Vasilyevsky Island in Petrograd in the family of immigrants from a simple peasant race. George had an elder brother Boris, who several times played a very significant role in the fate of Zhrynova.

Actor Georgiy Zhgzhev

Gosha studied at school with a physico-mathematical bias, but the science actually attracted him little. At the age of 15, he took advantage of Brother's documents and entered the pop-circus technical school on the acrobatic department. Later, the young man confessed to teachers in his act and the final diploma received already in his name. It was in the circus of a young guy who was noticed by directors and invited to the movies.

Looking at the first picture, Georgy Zhzhynov threw the cirk artist's career and entered the Leningrad technical school of scenic arts. During his studies, a lot was shot a lot and at the end of the acting faculty was already famous. But in 1937, George waited for the trouble.

Georgy Zhorshov and his brother Boris

His brother Boris was convicted for not afraid of a mourning demonstration on the murder of S. M. Kirov. The whole family was sent to Kazakhstan, and Boris himself died at Vorkuta. But Georgy refused to leave Leningrad. He was supported by the director Sergei Gerasimov, and the actor managed to stay.

But not long - the authorities quickly found a new key. In one of the tour travel, George Zhzhyunov met and talked with another passenger of the train, which turned out to be an American diplomat. This meeting has become a sufficient reason to blame the actor in espionage and betrayal of the Motherland. Zhrynov was exiled and until 1953 lived in exile.

Arrested Georgy Zhgzhev

True, at the request of the same Gerasimov, he managed to settle in theaters in Pavlov-on-Oka and Norilsk, where Georgy Stepanovich became friends with Innochenty Smoktunovsky. Also Zhezhnov starred in the cinema under the Sverdlovsk film studio. Only in 1955 he managed to rehabilitate and return to large cities. At first he lived and worked in Leningrad, and in 1968 he moved to Moscow and entered the Toroupe of the Mossovet's Theater.


When George Zhorshov began to act in the circus, he was invited to be invited in the film "Train to Life", however, in the credits, it was not listed. But this experience showed a young man to the case he would like to do. But the film was folded difficult.

George Zhorshov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death and the latest news 19886_4

In general, he got either secondary roles, or the paintings did not enjoy success. From a large stream, the film starter can be allocated by the famous historical drama "Chapaev", where Zhuzhev played the orders of Furmanov by the name Tereshka.

After returning from the link, the actor began to act hard. A great success had the drama "Dear My Man", the detective "corrected to believe" and the science fiction picture of the "Planet Storms".

George Zhorshov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death and the latest news 19886_5

But to the most Zhezzhva, the audience appeared at the spectators after the release of the tragicomedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Beware of the car", where he played a traffic inspector. After that, George was immediately invited to the set "I am looking for" and "the person I love." In these drams, the plot is spinning around the heroes of Zhzheva, which strengthened the popularity of the actor.

Soon the fantastic Dilogy "Path to Saturn" and "End" Saturn ", the Social Drama" All Royal Raint ", the famous Military Painting" Hot Snow ", Detective" Medicine against Fear ".

George Zhorshov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death and the latest news 19886_6

The real boom around the artist began in 1968 after entering the screens of the first part of the tetralogy on the Soviet intelligence "Resident error".

To satisfy the interest of the viewer, the continuation of the film "The Fate of the Resident" was shot, and in a few years "Return of the resident" and "End of the" Resident "operation. All George Zhorzhov played a resident of Western exploration Tulieva for 20 years.

George Zhorshov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, cause of death and the latest news 19886_7

Another legendary role of the actor is considered the commander of the aircraft Andrei Timchenko in the film-catastrophe "crew". By the way, in 2016 it goes on the screens of the remake of this painting. In the cinema, Georgy Stepanovich was filmed until 1998, recently appearing in the historical paintings "Ivan Great", "invisible traveler" and "Zagon".

Personal life

For a long life, George Zhuzzova had four wives. For the first time, he married his student on a beginner actress Evgenia Golynik, who he himself asked to divorce him when he was arrested. In the link in 1943, he began to live with another Exchange, also actress, Lydia Vorontsova, who gave him the daughter of Elena.

Georgy Zhazhev and Evgenia Golynik

Zhzheva's eldest daughter after the divorce of the parents lived with his mother, then in the orphanage, from where Georgy Stepanovich took her to himself and raised, while his mother was freed from the new term.

Georgy Zhorzov and Irina Makhaeva

The third spouse, the actress Irina Makhaeva served, as well as Luggles, in the Norilsk Theater. It is her actor owes his rehabilitation. Irina Efimovna was dwined in Moscow for about two years and was able to prove the innocence of her husband. In their family, Marina's daughter grew, who later became a philologist. But after returning to Leningrad, Zhuzova and Mahava went away.

Georgy Zhazhev and Lydia Malyukova

Since 1962, Lidia Malyukova, a famous actress of the Lensovet Theater, has been the last companion of the actor. With her, Georgy Stepanovich lived until his last days. By the way, and in this marriage he had a daughter - Julia Zhuzova, also an actress, as well as a teacher in Vgika.


On November 21, 2005, Georgy Zhbyonov accidentally fell and broke the thigh. He was successfully operated on, but, as it turned out, it was only the beginning of the tragedy. Two weeks later, the 90-year-old actor came to the hospital with inflammation of the respiratory tract. The survey showed that Zhezzova has a launched lung cancer stage.

George Zhorvov in recent years

No matter how fought doctors for the life of the famous patient, it could not be saved. Georgy Zhorshov died on December 8, 2005 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. At the house where the last 33 years lived, a memorial plaque was installed.


  • 1934 - "Chapaev"
  • 1966 - "Beware of the car"
  • 1968 - "Path to Saturn
  • 1968 - "Resident Error"
  • 1971 - "All Royal Raint"
  • 1973 - "Hot Snow"
  • 1977 - "Poseidon" hurries to the rescue "
  • 1978 - "Medicine against fear"
  • 1979 - "Crew"
  • 1982 - "Resident Return"

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