Julian Assange - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, WikiLeaks 2021



Julian Assange is a cult and contradictory figure of modernity, causing interest among the world community. The characteristic of the Australian activity is given different: for some Assange - a journalist-Pravddolubets, for others - a terrorist, and the third call Julian Cybergeroam. For Internet resource WikiLeaks, whose specialization is based on the publication of "super-secret information", Juliana Assange consider one of the most influential persons in international media.

Childhood and youth

Giulian was born Paul Assange on July 3, 1971 in the Northeast Australian city of Tausville. The parents of the boy became the political activist John Shipton and the artist-makenightwoman Christine Ann Hawkins, who were still the birth of the son. The ancestors of the child's motherboard by nationality were the Scots and Irish. After the birth of Juliana, the mother married the owner of the Mobile Theater of Richard Brett Assange, who gave the surname of the foster son.

Childhood and the youth of the future expose passed on the journey. By the nature of the head of the family of the family, the Family Assange constantly naocked out of place in place, so to study Science Juliana was independently. In the breaks between self-education, the boy managed to attend school institutions in different cities (the future Hacker changed 37 schools), but these courses were short-lived.

When Assagna was 9 years old, the mother divorced with stepfather and married the musician of Hamilton Leif, from which another son gave birth to. On this, the junior adventures of the programmer did not end - the new stepfather turned out to be a member of the sect in which the families of newborns were selected. Then the mother with two sons on her hands hit the run, and the next 5 years of Assange's youth passed in permanent journey.

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Upon reaching the age of majority, Julian was seriously interested in programming and founded the organization of hackers. In the youth of Assange, he wanted to receive a higher education, but did not graduate from a single university, because all educational institutions were controlled by the special services, with which it categorically did not want to associate their own activities. This did not prevent the young man to become a professional in the field of IT.


The first fruit of Julian Assange's activities was the hacking of the central server of the Canadian telecommunications company Nortel Networks. A criminal case was opened against Hacker, but the journalist was separated by a fine, as the company's damage was caused insignificant.

After that, Assange began to legal programming and became the administrator of the first Internet hosting of Australia. In parallel, writing programs related to the network security system, as well as created the police for the police.

In addition, together with Mother, Julian founded a project to protect the rights of children, within the framework of which exposed corrupt organizations related to the social protection of citizens and health care. The experience of software and hacker activities Assange outlined in the UnderGound author's book, in which it described in detail the "dangerous" passion.

The main project for Julian Assange became the WikiLeaks website, on the expanses of which the journalist began to publish information, exposing corruption schemes in the highest echelons of power in all countries of the world, including Russia. Over the creation of the site, the Australian worked not alone. For a long time, the German activist Daniel Dosshit Berg remained his closest companion, who after the conflict with a colleague in 2010 left the project. His brand has become the international social project OpenLeaks, which is now blocked.

The Internet resource is reliably protected, and it is impossible to remove the material already published. The playground to accommodate the site was the Swedish company PRq.se, which gave a guarantee that it would never be closed on judicial requirements.

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From the Pravda Factory pages, Julian Assange, for 10 years of activity, became the public of the public of exposure, which caused international scandals. Hacker revealed hundreds of secret documents associated with the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, which contain the video execution of the execution of civilians by American military in the zones of military conflict. In addition, WikiLeaks posted a secret correspondence of the head of the US CIA, the facts of total surveillance of American special services for leaders of the leading countries of the world.

The scandalous fame of the site WikiLeaks reached the distant corners of the planet. Two years after the start of the work of the Internet platform, Julian Assange received the Amnesty International Prize for the exposure of corruption schemes in Kenyan Government Circles. Assange's personality faced the attention of users, so the Hacker in 2010 became a man of the year according to the Time magazine, and the GUARDIAN edition placed the programmer's name for the 58th line of the rating of the most influential media.

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In 2013, the journalist uploaded references to downloading secret documents on Wikileaks, the volume of which was 400 gigabytes of information. Assange encoded this data by the key and promised to promise him in the event of harm to any member of the organization, among whom Edward Snowden. In 2016, Julian Assange presented the EU secret reporting to the fight against refugees, and also spoke who was behind the scandal with the "Panama documents", which were distinguished by many well-known people in involvement in illegal offshore schemes.

The pursuit

In 2010, the power of Sweden began the case against Assange. Australian was accused of sexual violence towards two women. Julian himself assumed that the case was fabricated after publication on the website of Wikileaks documents and video relative to US hostilities in the Middle East. The programmer's lawyer appealed the decision of the judicial instance, but Interpol still received an arrest warrant of Australian. Being in London, Assange surrendered to the police, and then by the court decision was released under a subscription of the unseason and secured at £ 240 thousand.

In addition to prosecution, the programmer's monetary accounts that were in the postfinance bank were frozen. The WikiLeaks account in the international paypal calculation system was also blocked. Visa and Mastercard were doing the same. The persecution of Assange and supporters began by the Social Networks Facebook and Twitter, the administration of which closed suspicious accounts and destroyed public user messages.

In 2011, the British authorities demanded a programmer extradition to Sweden. Since 2012, Julian Assange settled at the Ecuador Embassy in London, as the authorities of the Latin American country offered a political asylum immediately after the start of high-profile exposures.

In the new dwelling, Assangu was provided with conditions for a comfortable life: apartments consisting of a studio room in which the necessary furniture, a computer, home solarium and sports simulators were stood. Here the journalist worked for 17 hours a day.

During the shelter of Australian, the British authorities spent $ 8 million on surveillance, hoping to arrest hacker before the expiration of the statute of the claim, which should come in 2020. On the pages of the site created by the programmer www.swedenversusssange.com, Assange outlined facts confirming his innocence. Already in 2015, for three of the four charges expired, the statute of 5 years has expired.

Being imprisoned, Hacker was engaged in journalism and worked as a TV presenter of the Russian channel Russia Today, focused on a foreign audience. In 2012, the premiere of the program of Julian Assange "Peace Tomorrow" (The World Tomorrow) took place.

The programmer has repeatedly tried to print his own biography. In 2011, the Scottish Publisher Sprofically released the book "Unauthorized autobiography", the contract for which Julian Rodorg earlier, considering the story too intimate to publish. After 3 years, the author revealed an attempt and released the book "When Google met with WikiLeaks" in three languages, where, in addition to the history of his own life, published the facts that expose the creators of Google search engine.

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Julian Assange regularly became the hero of films. In 2016, he appeared in the documentary "meaning of life." The series "History of Julian Assange" was created about the fate of the Australian Programmer. In the islar tape "Fifth power" the role of the famous hacker played Benedict Cumberbatch. The image of Assange appeared even in the cartoon tape - rating "Simpsons".

The programmer has repeatedly addressed the restoration of justice in the UN. In 2017, the case against Assange, open by the Swedish prosecutor's office, was closed.

In October 2017, Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner visited the Ecuador embassy and talked with an obstacle programmer. After conversation, the reporter gave a high assessment of Assange's actions. Interviews Posner with Julian Russian audiences saw on October 30 on the first channel.

Personal life

Personal life Julian Assange is hidden from prying eyes. According to Hacker, he was married once. Teresa's wife in 1989 gave birth to Daniel's son, but left her husband immediately after the birth of a child due to the first scandal associated with the hacker activities of Assange.Embed from getty images

For several years, Assange sued the Son's ex-spouse. It is reported that the trial passed with difficulties. At this time, Julian was completely incited, which can be seen on all the latest photos of the programmer. The following 14 years, the Pravddvubets independently brought up a child as a single father, but after the beginning of the criminal prosecution was forced to stop communicating with his son, who does not hold evil on his father and supports Juliana.

In 2016, Pamela Anderson came to Khakura, with which Assange is attributed to the novel. Pamela and Julian did not answer the questions of journalists about this, but the flattering responded to each other.

Julian Assange now

On April 11, 2019, the founder of WikiLeaks was detained by the London police on the territory of the Embassy of Ecuador. The British government provided written guarantees that the journalist will not be issued to those countries where there is a threat to his life.

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Earlier, the President of the Latin American Country Lenin Moreno refused the scandalous journalist in diplomatic refuge. The politician stated that the stay of Julian in the diplomsses cannot continue due to its disrespectful and even hostile attitude towards Ecuador, as well as due to repeated violations of international agreements on non-interference in the internal policy of other states. The final decision of Moreno accepted after January on the website of Wikileaks, documents on the Vatican were announced.

After the detention of the journalist was placed in the section of the Central Investigative Department of the capital of the UK. Later, his case was considered in the Westminster Magistrate Court. During a meeting of the Judicial Commission near the building, a rally was held in defense of the Wikileaks leader. Activists in yellow vests came to support the journalist.

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The public has not remained aside from what is happening. Edward Snowden, whose activities previously received support from the chief editor of the scandalous site, called what is happening "black day for freedom of the press." The angry post appeared in the personal profile of Pamela Anderson in Twitter.

The Russian TV journalist Vladimir Pozner also expressed indignation. According to Russian, contrary to the assurances of the United Kingdom authorities, Julian Assange risks to be extradenected in the United States, where the indictment against Hacker has already been prepared. According to the assumptions of Western media, in the United States Australian threatens a multi-year prison sentence or death penalty.


  • 2008 - International Amnesty organization award
  • 2010 - 58 place in the list of the Gardian newspaper 100 most influential people in the media
  • 2010 - man of the year according to readers of the magazine Time
  • 2010 - "Private person of the year" according to the Russian newspaper "Vedomosti"
  • 2011 - "The worst Australian of the Year" according to the Australian magazine Zoo Weekly
  • 2011 - Gold medal in the nomination "Exceptional courage in the protection of human rights" of the Sydney Foundation of the World
  • 2013 - the premium "for courage in art" from yoko it
  • 2013 - Laureate of the Awards of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan in the nomination "Journalistic Investigation"

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