Anatoly Vasilyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Anatoly Vasilyev - actor of the theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia. Having devoted himself to the profession, he received a big return from grateful viewers. He does not give a passage outside and do not let go from the scene for a long time. Charismatic, charming and intelligent - every appearance on the screen is waiting with impatience.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Alexandrovich was born on November 6, 1946 in Nizhny Tagil. According to the sign of the zodiac, he scorpion, by nationality, Russian. The father was an influential Soviet official, the mother was engaged in the house and the upbringing of the son. The woman was a fan of the theater and music, since childhood, taught her child.

When Anatoly was 9 years old, the parents moved to Bryansk, it was associated with the career of the Father. In the new school, the boy adapted quickly, then won the authority among classmates. In Bryansk, Vasilyev began visiting the drama. Already in childhood, the boy first seriously thought about the professional acting career.

After school, the young man was going to enter the theater university, but the Father insisted that the Son would go to the engineering technical school. For two years, Vasilyev has regularly studied in a technical school, then threw and left for Moscow to become an actor.

Anatoly was lucky - the young man entered MCAT on the first attempt. Naturally, the Father did not approve the choice of his son, and the mother stood up for Vasilyeva Jr. The woman always knew that the child had a talent. In 1969, he successfully graduated from an educational institution.

Personal life

Anatoly Vasilyev is a state and charming man. His weight is 91 kg with a height of 181 cm - it was not deprived of female attention. For your life, a man was married twice.

With the first spouse Tatyana Itykovich, the actor met in his youth, aged 20 years. Later he admitted that he did not give any special feelings for the girl, but Tatiana persistently won the guy. Young people got married and lived together for 17 years. When they decided to divorce, the son of Philip was 5 years old. Tatyana Vasilyeva became famous in the theater and cinema under the surname of her husband.

The divorce has passed the spouses is not easy - the relationship of Vasilyev is not supported, about that period of life do not tell. It is known that the cause of the gap was the care of Tatiana to the actor Georgia Martirosyan.

In 1991, Vasilyeva's personal life began again - he married the second time. His chosen was the employee of the television faith. In a year, Vera Vasilyeva gave birth to the daughter of Varvaru. Anatoly helped his wife after the birth of his daughter, refused some roles so that the spouse did not give up work.

In one of the interview, the actor says it was hard, but the efforts and victims were worth it, because family happiness is invaluable. Family artist photos and information about private life rarely fall into the media, as Vasilyev values ​​calmness of spouses and children. Does not lead an artist and page in "Instagram".

In the performance with the former wife and son Vasilyev, only because of the fee, because at that time it was difficult with finance. Shortly before the statement, the actor suffered a heart attack, so it was not invited to their role in the theater and the movie.


After the end of the Theater Institute, Vasilyev settled in the Satira Theater, where he worked for 4 years. Then he moved to the theater of the Soviet Army - 22 years old, the actor gave this scene. In 1995, settled in the theater named after the Mossoveta, where it serves to this day. On his stage, the actor played his best roles, among them - Anatoly in the play "School of defaulters", Andersen in the formulation of the "Devil's student", Adamov in the "man on weekends".

In 2011, the premiere show of the play "Raffle", in which Anatoly Alexandrovich appeared on stage with ex-wife and son from the first marriage. The actors did not even have to reincarnate - Vasilyev showed themselves on the stage themselves, former husband and wife connected by a common child.


Anatoly Alexandrovich made his debut in the cinema in 1977. Director Sergey Bondarchuk invited Artist to the role of Smoke in the picture "Steppe" by the stories of A. Chekhov. The start was successful - the director drew attention to the actor. A year later, the filming of two paintings were completed with the participation of Vasiliev - "Close Dal" melodrama, where His partner became Jeanne Prokhorenko, and the drama "Ivans, Petrov, Sidorov", in which the actor appeared in an episodic role.

In 1979, Vasilyev appeared in the main acting composition of the cultic Soviet painting by Alexander Mitty "Crew", which the audiences of different generations are glad. Anatoly played Valentine's pilot, dreaming of returning to great aviation. Together with him, Georgy Zhorzov, Leonid Filatov, Alexander Yakovlev, got into the frame.

Vasilyeva's character turned out to touch and truthful, the actor managed to transfer the hero's personal drama. This work man began a new stage in his own creative biography. In 1980, work was followed by the Military film "Corps General Schubnikov", where the actor embodied on the screen the image of a Major General participating in a counterattack against the fascist tank troops. Marina Yakovlev, Sergey Prokhanov, Peter Shcherbakov also starred in Drama.

The image of the military, but now for our days, Vasilyev is in the drama "Creek Gagara". In the same year, the demonstration of the production drama "Emergency circumstances" on the construction of a new oil refining plant starts.

A year later, the artist littered in the comedy melodrame of Peter Todorovsky "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilov" with Sergey Shakurov and Lyudmila Gurchenko, played by the main character of the archaeologist Levashov in the film "Apple on Palm". In 1982, again turned to a military topic in films "If the enemy does not give up ..." and "Gate to the sky." Anatoly also played the first secretary of Fomin in the "Nadezhda and Support", and in the Melodrame "Lady Tango" appeared in the role of a married worker Fedor, who won the novel with Catherine (Valentina Fedotov).

In the television film "Mikhail Lomonosov" Vasilyev appeared in front of the audience in the form of the father of the future scientist and public figure. The picture received positive filming reviews and the love of viewers. In the middle of the 80s, the popular actor also starred in the lead roles in the films of "Silent Water Deep", "Rough Landing", "announcement is not subject to", "without uniform."

In the joint Soviet-German project - Drama "Boris Godunov" - a man played by Peter Basmanov. In the screening of Roman Valery Brysov "I will want to love!" The actor appeared in the role of a free artist of Elerian, the beloved of the main character of Natalia Polonskaya (Vera Sotnikova).

In the 90s, when the Soviet cinema was experiencing not the best time, the actor continued to be removed, however, in another role. The audience saw Vasilyeva in the role of an aristocrat in the painting "Your fingers smell like incense" and in the image of the criminal investigation chief in the film "Why an Alibi is a honest person?". In 2000, Anatoly Alexandrovich starred in the TV shows "Times", "New Year's men", "Tatiana Day", "Short breathing", "Major winds", "All the men ...".

In 2008, the artist was invited to a major role in the comedy TV series "Svati". He played grandfather-professor Yura, Olga Kovaleva's husband (Lyudmila Artemieva). Vasilyev recalls, which is completely immersed in the work, the hero's lifestyle enters the way, tried to transmit the character of the character as true as possible.

So it lasted until the 4th season of the "Woven", but then a conflict broke out between Vasilyev and Fedor Dobronravov. The reason for this was the scenario in which the hero of the latter was constantly drowned over the hero Anatoly Alexandrovich. Then he stated that the "matchmaker" is not more interesting to him, because any film, even comedy, should not humiliate human dignity, but to elevate. After that, the actor left "Shatov".

According to the scenario, the hero Vasilyeva left his life. The death of one of the most beloved characters upset many fans of the series. They hoped that in the continuation of the "matchmakers" grandfather, the professor will be alive.

Later, the man played the main character in the series "Family Detective". In 2013, the actor appeared in the drama "Creek Owl", where she reincarnated in the thief in law. The film was discussed about the events of the 1957th, unfolding in one provincial town. A year later, Vasilyev lit up in the melodraman "The Exchange Band", where the father of the hero of Pavel Dunaeva played (Nikita Zverev).

Anatoly Vasilyev now

In 2019, the actor's filmography was not replenished. However, fans could see it in the "Perfect Repair" program. The designers reworked the one-room apartment of a folk artist, where he lives with his wife. I liked the result to everyone. The authors of the program managed to expand and make a more cozy combined bedroom-living room, turn the loggia in a comfortable office, update the kitchen interior.

In July 2020, the "Andreevsky Flag" film show was started on the first channel with the actor's participation. The plot develops around the Family of the Chernobayevsky Military Saven, who served all their lives on the underwater fleet. For the projects of the project, the Ministry of Defense of Russia provided real military equipment, submarines and ships.

Anatoly Vasilyev in the film

Anatoly Vasiliev fulfilled the role of the head of the Gregory Sergeevich family. He resigned from the service in the rank of Vice Admiral on the Baltic Fleet. His son continues the Son - the commander of the nuclear submarine, the captain of the 2nd rank Sergey (Dmitry Miller). Human hopes, a man places to Valera's grandson (Semen Shems), who is studying at school.

Then another prime minister was expected with Vasilyeva. The actor is busy in the shooting of the adventure TV series "Miraculous". The plot is tied to an ancient icon, which, by rumors, miraculous. In the 17th century, she belonged to the family of starrels of slab, then lost. The hunters for ancient values ​​found out that at present the relic seems to be in the slate at Carp and his daughter Agafia. They go to her searches to Siberia.

In addition to filming a movie, now the actor continues to play on the scene of the native theater. Mossovet, as well as in Anhydrous.


  • 1978 - "Steppe"
  • 1979 - "Crew"
  • 1980 - "Corps General Schubnikov"
  • 1981 - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova"
  • 1983 - "Gate to Heaven"
  • 1985 - "Rough Land"
  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1990 - "I want to love!"
  • 1993 - "Your fingers smell incense"
  • 2004-2007 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2007 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 2008 - "Shatta"
  • 2012 - "Family Detective"
  • 2014 - "Exchange Band"
  • 2020 - "Andreevsky Flag"
  • 2020 - "Miraculous"

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