Mariana Spivak - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Parents, Son, Anton Kuznetsov 2021



Mariana Spivak is a Russian actress of theater and cinema, a representative of the acting and directorial dynasty. Until recently, it was known as a promising actrist Sachirikon theater. The TV viewers were remembered by episodic roles in the TV series "Son of the Father of Peoples", "Melnik". In 2017, a fracture took place in the creative career of Spiwas - she brilliantly performed the main role in the Drama "Nelyubov", recognized as not only by the Russian, but also the international community of cinematographers.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born on March 23, 1985, under the sign of the zodiac - Aries. Mariana Spivak is an actress in the third generation. Her grandmother - People's Artist of the RSFSR Jeanne Prokhorenko - The high-generation viewers are remembered on the films of the "Ballade about the soldiers" and "Kalina Red". However, granddaughter did not call her grandmother. Jeanne Trofimovna even in his precast years looked so that in the family her name was Zhanik.

Grandfather Marianana is also the famous personality of Soviet cinema. Evgeny Vasilyev - director of the cult painting "Farewell to Slavica". Good familiar to domestic cointers and parents of the girl. Mariana - the daughter of Catherine Vasilyeva, who played Alena in the melodrama "You did not dream." Father Timofey Spivak appeared in a variety of films, the most famous of which - "Maritsa" and "went on the fourth year of war."

Thus, the future of the girl appeared in such a well-known acting family was predetermined. True, Maryan Spivak herself desperately resisted the "hand of fate." She argued that he would be anything - a journalist, a veterinarian, and even at least a cosmonaut, but not an actress. A girl from a young summer carefully listened to the conversations of adults, in which the acting kitchen was discussed in a detailed manner, and she really did not like it very much.

Mariana Spivak did serious steps towards other professions. She studied English in courses at the Diplomatic Academy and even received a diploma with honors. Along the way, Latyn and French managed to learn. But the genes, what is called, took their own. The girl was listed in pets in the class teacher, because there was a "nail of the program" of all school amateurant. At the same time, Mariana studied perfectly.

Probably the notorious "last straw" in the choice of Marianana Spivak, which influenced the decision to become an actress, was a conversation with a godmother. And she was actress Marina Levutova. With the daughter of the godfather, a student of the Studio Studio, MCAT Darya Moroz, Mariana was friends. At the end of the school, the girl, without believing the success of the enterprise, filed documents to all known theatrical universities of the capital. He passed in 3, from which he chose the Studio School, where her friend Daria Moroz studied and her friend.

Theater and films

In the Studio School, Mariaan Spivak was comprehended by the secrets of acting art in the workshop of Sergei Zemtsov and Igor Zolotovitsky. Under their leadership, she made his debut on the stage in the "Hamlet" and "Unnamed Star". In the first spectacle of Maryan played Gertrud, in the second - Mona. Then the young artist honed the skill in the performances "Three sisters" and "do not part with loved ones."

In 2006, finishing the university with honors, Mariana was adopted in Satiron's troupe. Work in this legendary theater young actress liked. She played in a variety of performances. In the "King Lira", Mariana Spivak appeared in the image of Cordelia, in the "income place" - Anna Pavlovna, played Masha in the "seagull". And in 2012 on the stage of Satiron, the actress even tried the fingers of the Shakespearean jealous of Othello on his neck.

Apparently, the skill of the young artist was impressed not only by the audience, but also critics, because for the creative achievements of Maryan Spivak deserved the title of laureate of the Vsevolod Meyerhold Prize.

The cinematic biography of Spivak began much earlier theatrical. Moreover, Maryan's cinema appeared, not yet born. After all, her mother Ekaterina Vasilyeva starred in the "Farewell of Slavica" during pregnancy. The debut girls on the screen happened when she was barely 5 years old. In the tape "While thunder is not born," the director of whom was her grandfather, she starred in the episode with her mother.

The main role went to Maryan before admission to theatrical university. The audience saw her in the image of Vasilisa in the film "Mount-Zonzchae" film, the director of which was a dad actress Timofey Spivak. In the filmography of Artists there is a picture in which Maryan met on the set with a mom and grandmother. This is the melodramatic series "Gemini".

The increased skill of Marianana Spivak The audience was noted in the film "Son of the Father of Peoples", where she appeared in the image of the Third Wife of Joseph Stalin - Capitolines, as well as in Fedorov's films and Melnik. She starred in such popular projects as "Ceremak", "bullet - fool" and "partner". The last series was released on the screens in 2016 and caused a considerable interest of the audience. This is a detective, in which Mariana Spivak, Maxim Averin and Ekaterina Kuznetsova played the main characters.

In 2017, the next work of the actress became the main role in the Dram Andrei Zvyagintsev "Dislike." This film was the winner of the jury of the Cannes Festival, producing a furor. In the film, we were talking about a family pair experiencing a divorce. A joint son for parents in this situation becomes a burden. Once the boy disappears. The work of the famous director was nominated and for the Oscar award in the nomination "The best film in a foreign language".

The main premiere of 2019 for Marianana Spivak was the show of the detective series "SIFR", in which she appeared in the lead role. The film describes the 50s of the last century. The heroine of the performer - in the past, the employee of the GRU, which in peaceful life uses his knowledge to investigate dangerous crimes. Her 3 friends help her, who were presented on the screen Elena Panova, Ekaterina Vilkova, Jan Osipova.

Artist, together with Kirill Kyaro and Victoria Isacova, starred in a fantasy picture "Wongozero". According to the story of the film-catastrophes, the world covers an unknown virus epidemic that massively destroys people. The remaining groups begins the struggle for funds that will help in survival.

Another interesting work of Spivak is Horror "Yaga: a nightmare of the Dark Forest," where she plays with her partner on the Drama "Nelyubov" Alexey Rosina. Also, Svetlana Ustinova appeared in the film and Igor Chripunov. The film tells about a married couple with children, whose nanny is an ancient forest spirit.

Participation in the Cannes Festival allowed Maryan Spivak to draw attention to Western directors. International projects were not allowed to wait: the actress took part in the filming of the British musical comedy "yesterday".

In the 2020th, a picture of Alexey Teacher "Tsoi" was published, the events of which are unfolded immediately after the death of the musician Viktor Tsoi. Evgeny Tsyganov also played in the film, Paulina Andreeva, Ozolin Lilita.

Personal life

The actress has a second marriage. Why was the first one with the actor Kirill Petrov, Mariana does not say. Miscelly talks about relations with the second spouse, also by Her Colleague Anton Kuznetsov. By the way, Anton has marriage with Maryania is also the second. The couple met in Satirikon. At the time of dating both were married and did not even imagine that they could become spouses. But after the divorces of Maryan and Anton looked at each other with different eyes.

As the actress says, at first she was sure that the romantic feelings arising between them are not real, but the "chapka inspired" play. Mariana played Masha, and Kuznetsov - Medvedenko. But after a while the romance did not disappear, but turned into a serious feeling.

Now the personal life of Maryana Spivak is the husband and son of Grigory, born on the eve of the filming of the series "Parliament". As you know, Grisha is already an artist. He starred in the role of the son of the heroine of Maryana - the operative of Larisa Votovich. Played in a detective husband and mother actresses.

As Maryan told, she did not have to look for a nanny when she starred in the series. Anton took over this role. He turned out to be a wonderful father. The actress claims that she is ready to give birth to another child, and perhaps not one. Although the official stamp in the passport from Mariaan and Anton is not - they live in a civil marriage. About your relationship with her husband actress says:

"It seems to me that we are lucky with each other at all: I'll serve with Anton in the same theater, and it turns out that we are twenty-four hours a day together. And do not get tired of each other. This is great. Now we try to be threesome - with Grisha. Now such harmony, thank God. "

Interestingly, at the Cannes Festival, Maryan appeared on the carpet in a white dress of loose casual. A spectacular robe gave rise to a wave of talking about the fact that in the family of Spivak and Kuznetsov soon replenishment is expected. The rumors were false - the actress will hear the amateur of unusual outfits, freely fitting figure.

With a height of 178 cm, its weight reaches a mark of 76 kg. Immortal parameters do not interfere with the static beauty to demonstrate in the "Instagram" photo in a swimsuit. One of these pictures was made based on the painting Pablo Picasso "Girl on a Bowl". In the role of Athlete in the frame spoused the stars.

Mariana Spivak now

In the thriller "Mediator" Spivak got the role of Zoe. Producer Igor Tolstunov shared his opinion about the idea of ​​the series:"It seemed to me very interesting to tell a story about a professional negotiator who could convince anyone in anywhere, but which is not able to negotiate with himself."

Julia Peresilde, Daria Moroz, Victoria Tolstoganov, Evgenia Simonova entered the caster. The main role of Andrei Pavlova performed Andrei Burkovsky.

Spivak joined Kirill Plenev and Alexander Bukharov in the series "Alien", whose release was announced in 2021. In the center of the plot, the Russian banker, forced to pretend to police a provincial town on the border with Finland.


  • 1991 - "While the thunder is not born"
  • 2001 - "Mount-Zonchast"
  • 2004 - "Gemini"
  • 2010 - "bullet-fool 4"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "Melnik"
  • 2015 - "Parliament"
  • 2017 - "Nelyubov"
  • 2019 - "SIFR"
  • 2020 - "Tsoi"
  • 2020 - "SIFR-2"
  • 2020 - "Yaga: Dark Forest Nightmare"

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