Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News



Future People's Artist of the RSFSR and the star of Soviet Cinema Alla Dmitrievna Larionov was born in Moscow in February 1931. The family lived quite safely: the dad was a member of the food, Mom worked with the crown in kindergarten. Parents called the girl in honor of the movie star and idiot of their time of artist Alla Tarasova. And, as they say now, we programmed the daughter for the future.

Actress Alla Larionov

After the Father went to the front, Alla, together with Mom, went to evacuation. Mamzelinsk Mom worked in the hospital. It was here that the 9-year-old Alla Larionov first came out on the stage. She read poems in the wounded, who were in the hospital. Here, the future artist heard the first applause and laudatory "reviews" on their speeches. In this hospital, Alla Larionov saw Zinovy ​​Gerdt. In a couple of decades, they met as colleagues.

For the first time, young and charming Alla was invited to the cinema when she was almost 15 years old. An unfamiliar woman came to her on the street, who asked if the girl would not want to film. Of course, Larionova wanted. So she fell to the filming pad and starred in several pictures. True, in the crowd, but the taste of the profession of Alla felt.

Alla Larionov in youth

At the end of the school, Alla went to study on the artist. In Gitis Larionov, the exams failed with a crash. On trouble, among the examiners, the girl saw the famous director Vasily Mikhailovich Goncharov and completely forgot everything that prepared for admission. Not everything came smoothly and with admission to VGIK. Sergey Gerasimov Girl for some reason did not like. But everything decided by his wife Tamara Makarov, who Alla, on the contrary, had to do.


The star role that determined all her further career in the cinema went to Alle Larionova in student years. The actress played Lyubava in the painting of Alexander Ptushko "Sadko". The film, published in 1952, was so successful that next year the group shot in him was invited to Venice to the festival. Moreover, the film-fairy tale was awarded the prize "Silver Lion" in the nomination "Golden Lion". This was a real breakthrough for Soviet cinema.

Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 19873_3

In Venice, Alla Larionov felt the taste of incredible glory. The crowds of journalists and fans ran behind the Russian beauty. Among the latter were the most famous producers and directors. They offered an actress of the role, from which she flatly refused: official representatives, officials who accompanied the group of artists abroad, strictly banned to go to contacts with the "bourgeois" directories.

Perhaps the creative biography of Alla Larionova would have formed quite differently, she remained abroad. But the story does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination. The artist returned home in tears. She was allowed to touch the beautiful world, to see him, but forbidden to live in it.

Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 19873_4

The consolation of the actress served as a proposal she received, barely byway from a plane. Alla Larionova reported that it was approved for the role of the main character of the film "Anna on the neck".

The picture came out on the screens in 1954 and turned Lariona in the star of the domestic cinema. Glory, who fell on the artist, exceeded the fame that Alla Dmitrievna received after Sadko. Her guard near the house, fell asleep with flowers. The queues near the cinemas from those who wish to see Anna on the neck stretched hundreds of meters. But Glory had the opposite side of the medal. Alla Larionovoy envied. Around her name gossiped gossip.

Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 19873_5

After the actress starred in the "Twelfth Night", where appeared in the image of the beauty of Olivia, the fans were on duty near the film studio and the apartment, looked into the windows and waited for her exit. Even the Minister of Culture arrived at the actress. After that, Larionovoy immediately attributed a novel with an official.

And ceased to give roles. And if they were given, they did everything so that the actress could not get to the shooting. It happened to the picture "Ilya Muromets". Lariona was approved for a role, but in the theater, where she worked, a business trip to Yalta, in which the shooting was held, did not sign.

Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 19873_6

In the 60-70s, Alla Larionov did not receive major roles. Often she agreed even on episodes. And in 1966, the artist starred in the film "Wild Honey", where he agreed to the role of dugushki, whose face generously smeared the mud.

During these years, it was found that Alla Larionova could play characteristic roles. She played Natalia Dmitrievna Paskudine in the "Uncle's Dream", the Saleswoman Lyubava in the "long day of the Ring of Pavlyuk", Elena Ivanovna in the "Focuscript" and Catherine II in the tape "There is an idea!". But the roles, after which the actress would be on hand, she no longer offered.

Alla Larionova - Biography, Personal Life, Nikolay Rybnikov, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 19873_7

He remembered Alla Larione when she turned 60. The artist gave the title of people, congratulated, but they did not suggest significant roles. Larionova lived very quietly and modestly. Until the end of the life she regretted that he refused to take away from Charlie Chaplin, who she had repeatedly offered work. In order not to indulge in sad memories and do not sit in the four-walls, Larionov traveled around the country with the play "Money, Deceit, Love" with the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov.

Personal life

In January 1957, Alla Larionov married Nikolai Rybnikov. Their relationship was inappropriate formed quite difficult. Alla The future star of Soviet cinema was liked in student years. But then Nikolay Rybnikov did not pay attention to her.

A little later, Larionova broke out a novel with an actor Ivan Pereverzev. Together they lived for a while, until Alla learned that the Pereverzev had a relationship with another woman. Larionova left the wrong beloved. I didn't even hold her pregnancy.

Alla Larionova and Nikolay Rybnikov

Having learned that Alla Larionov alone, Rybniki immediately rushed to Minsk, where she starred in the painting "Polesse legend," and offered her hand and heart. At that time he was crazy in love with the actress. Subsequently, the daughter's daughter Alena he loved no less than their common daughter Arish.

Together, this beautiful couple lived 33 years. When Nikolai Rybnikova was not, Alla Dmitrievna somehow immediately sneezed, as if the light was extinguished. She loved loneliness and rarely went somewhere. Soon she replaced their big 5-room apartment, where everything reminded Nicolae.


Alla Larionova Ugasal for 10 years after the death of her husband. She was not April 25, 2000. The famous actress died quietly, in a dream. She was found 6 hours after death. It turned out, she died from an extensive heart attack. Larionov did not survive one year before his 70th anniversary.

The grave of Alla Larionova

I buried the artist next to my husband on the Trocerovsk cemetery. A year later, their daughter Arisha died, addicted to alcohol.


  • 1952 - Sadko
  • 1954 - "Anna on the neck"
  • 1955 - "Twelfth Night"
  • 1955 - "The fate of the drummer"
  • 1956 - "Main Avenue"
  • 1956 - "Road Truth"
  • 1958 - "Fathers and Children"
  • 1966 - "Wild Honey"
  • 1966 - "Long Day Ridge Pavlyukova"
  • 1967 - "Focuscript"
  • 1977 - "There is an idea!"
  • 1993 - "Trotsky"

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