Andrey Paruby - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Andrei Paruby - the Ukrainian politician who in 2016 was elected Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada with the new government of Ukraine under the leadership of Vladimir Groisman. The biography of Andrei Parubia is connected exclusively with the "deputy" activity, which politician is engaged in 17 years.

The "Achievements" of parubes include the coordination of Euromaidan in 2014, the organization of the action on the acceleration of the "Antimaidanovsky" movement on May 2, 2014 in Odessa, the initiation of the ban on Russian TV channels and programs on Ukrainian TV, as well as the creation of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Paruby

Parvesting Andrei Vladimirovich was born on January 31, 1971 in the Western Ukrainian city of Chervonograd, located in the Lviv region. The newborn has an external malformation of development - "Hare Guba". In the future, it was necessary to conduct a number of operations to eliminate the lack. About the family and childhood Andrei Vladimirovich is hidden all the information. Politics has a native sister Elena, who made a career in the field of taxation.

It is known that Andrei grew by an aggressive child who delivered troubles. This is evidenced by former teachers and neighbors policies that tell that the boy suffered from serious mental illness, manifested in the "hooliganist" behavior and closets from peers.

Andrey Parubiy

This did not prevent the parberry successfully graduate from school and enroll in the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. After graduating from the university, the young man entered the graduate school at the Department of Political Science and Sociology. After spending several years in the Institute of Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Andrei Vladimirovich decided to become a politician and followed by this area.


Andrei Parubi began to break through the 17-year-old. Then the young man founded and headed the nationalist movement of the "Spoon" with deep anti-government and anti-Soviet ideas. For suitable unauthorized rallies and pickets, future politicians were repeatedly attracted to justice and was delayed by law enforcement agencies.

But it only strengthened the position among comrades and like-minded people, who in 1990 elected Andrei by a deputy of the Lviv Regional Council, where the parubs received the post of secretary of the Deputy Commission on Youth.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR and the declaration of independence of Ukraine, the Social Democratic Party, which was renamed in 2004 to "Freedom" in 2004. From 1994 to 1998, Andrei Vladimirovich was engaged in deputy activities in the city council of Lviv and became the youngest leader of the deputy group, which today is considered a prestigious post.

Over the next few years, the parubs worked actively on the image and authority. The young man became the chief editor of the political magazine "Landmarks", which published his own articles. Andrei also headed the society "Patriot of Ukraine", which was assisted by the development of the countries of the Armed Forces and the Navy.

Andrei Paruby on Maidan

In 2002, Career Andrei Pubbia began to take off up. The politician was appointed the deputy head of the Lviv regional council, and in 2007, the parbounds were elected by the People's Deputy from Our Ukraine party Viktor Yushchenko. In 2012, the deputy has changed the party affiliation and joined the batch of "the change of change" of Arseny Yatsenyuk, in the ranks of which he is part of the Verkhovna Rada, where the Subcommittee on the Integration of Ukraine is headed.

At the end of 2013, Andrei Parubiy on the political arena of the country acted as the Euromaidan coordinator, which led to the change of power and the state reserves in Ukraine. Andrei Vladimirovich actually led the tent camping on the main square of the Ukrainian capital and oversaw self-defense detachments.

In February 2014, the new power of Ukraine appointed a parbit to the post of secretary of the National Security Council. During the activities of the policies, a number of nationalist initiatives initiated a number of nationalist initiatives, including proposals to introduce a visa for citizens of the Russian Federation and prohibit the broadcast of Russian TV channels on Ukrainian TV.

Andrei Paruby in the Verkhovna Rada

Parvesting ratified for the creation of additional fortifications at border areas with Russia. The demarcation is unilaterally considered illegal on international law. About this nuance, Ukrainians recalled the Russian politician Alexey Pushkov (Head of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation for International Affairs). In the same year, the fall of the village of Parubius was a statement about the exit of Ukraine from non-state Education of the CIS.

In 2015, former President Viktor Yanukovych made an official appeal, which accused the three current political leaders of Andrei Parubia, Sergey Pashinsky and Alexander Turchinov in creating a tense situation on Euromaidan and the subsequent shootout, led to the death of citizens.

The head of the National Security Council of the Parubi called to introduce the units of the regular army to Donbass, which was highly appreciated by the EU and the United States. The post of Head of the National Security Committee of the Politician left on his own initiative. Andrei Vladimirovich resigned due to disagreement with the President of the country Petro Poroshenko in the question of information policy. Alexander Turchinov was appointed to the place of parquia, and Andrei Vladimirovich became a pendency and vice-speaker BP.

Alexander Turchinov and Arseny Yatsenyuk

In April 2016, the political career of Andrei Parubia reached the top of the peak - after the resignation of the Government of the Ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniya Yatsenyuk Politician was elected chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Personal life

The personal life of Andrei Pubbia is reliably hidden from the eyes of the public. It is known that Andrei is married and brings up the only daughter Yarina, whom the spouse Ulyana gave birth in 2001. Open sources report that the daughter of politics is studying in one of the metropolitan schools and is fond of snowboarding.

Andrei Paruby with family

The only "enthusiasm" of the new speaker of BP was the policy in all manifestations, therefore at home, and at work Andrei was completely given to the cause of his own life. Against the background of radicalism in relation to the issues of the nationality of parubs, even subjugated to life - during a meeting with comrades in Kiev Square in 2014, a grenade was thrown into it. Responsibility for the attempt on the village of the Ministry of Internal Affairs laid on a terrorist organization under the leadership of the ex-head of the internal troops of the power structures of Ukraine Stanislav Shulyak.


According to the Declaration on the income of Andrei Parubia, for 2015 policies earned 78 thousand UAH, and the spouse of almost 40 thousand, of which the majority makes insurance payments.

Andrey Parubiy

The property does not have real estate, the parubes own only the car of the SUZUKI SX-4 2013 release car. But the wife has a land plot of more than 1000 square meters. m, as well as one-room apartment with an area of ​​21 sq.m.

Andrei Paruby now

In early 2017, another scandal involving the name of Andrei Parubius broke out. The artists of the Duet "Brothers Schumacher" were on the air of the humorous transfer "95 Quarter" with the number ridicuing the dictation of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada. In the scene, we were talking about Peter Poroshenko, who was preparing for New Year's congratulations to citizens. Andrey Parbius comes to the aid of the president, the only parliamentarian present nearby.

The nationalists outraged that the artist who acting the role of Peter Poroshenko, his vote, competently sets his thoughts in Russian, while the speech of a parbitracy character, spoken in Ukrainian, difficult to disassemble. Patriotic Ukrainians perceived the speech as an insult to the Ukrainian Move.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Paruby

Criticism did not stop the artists, since the audience as a whole has responded positively to the speech. Soon there were similar scenes, a number of which were improvisational. Despite the comicness of the created image of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, ratings policies remain steadily high. The photo of the State Worker does not disappear from the first policies of political editions.

Now the parubs do not reduce political activity and still manifests the initiative to approach the European Union. In mid-November, the Rada speaker met with the European Commissioner Johannes Khan, on which the nuances of cooperation discussed. A number of political browsers predict the village of victory in the presidential election, if he decides to participate in the election race.


  • 2007-2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine
  • 2013-2014 - Commander Euromaidan, Head of Maidan's self-defense
  • 2014 - Secretary of the National Security Council and Defense of Ukraine
  • 2014-2016 - First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • 2016 - Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

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