Leonid Armored - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography



This artist has no leading role. Nevertheless, Leonid Sergeevich Bronvory is an indisputable star of the first magnitude. The film actor love millions. Full Cavalier Order "For Merit Before Fatherland".

Leonid Solomonovich was born in December 1928 in Kiev, in an intelligent Jewish family. Barravoy's parents - Solomon Iosifovich Factors (changed the surname on armor) and Bella Lvovna Landau - brought up a sole son with a decent and honest person. Like many Jewish boys, Leonid Armored learned to play the violin. The teacher became a famous teacher of the Kiev Conservatory David Solomonovich Beatier.

Actor Leonid Bronova

Solomon Armored, the son of confectioner from Odessa, received a legal education and was hired at the Institute of National Economy. But in the 1927th, the artist's father was excluded from the party and kicked out of work, accusing in Trotskyism. My brother helped, thanks to which Solomon armor was able to find a job. Father offered a position in the Economic Department of the GPU. Solomon agreed, although his wife was against. Bella wanted her husband to find a lesson and went to the attorney.

After 10 years, armor-eldest fell under the rink of repression. Solomon was arrested and exiled. And soon the Great Patriotic War was killed. Leonid Armored with Mother went to evacuation. There, in Kazakhstan, the young man graduated from 7 classes. At the end of the school entered the theater university in Tashkent. To feed yourself and the mother, the young man was arranged on the part-time job by Pekary's student, the secretary-driver, assistant in the sewing workshop of the puppet theater. Leonid also worked as a speaker on the local radio.

Leonid Bronvoe in youth

Armored parents never reunited. Bella Lvovna after arrest and links her husband, trying to protect the child from the song "Son of the enemy of the people", divorced and changed the patronymic of Leonid with Solomonovich to Sergeevich.


After graduating from the Tashkent Theater Institute, Leonid Bronova received the distribution to Orenburg. For a while, the young artist went to the framework of the theaters of Orenburg and Magnitogorsk. But the dream to escape to the capital and continued education did not leave Leonid. The young man risked, and the risk turned out to be justified. From the first attempt, armor entered the MCAT studio school and was enrolled immediately at 3 course. But at the end of the university of the young actor, they "referred" away from Moscow again. Armored served in the theaters of Irkutsk, and then Voronezh and Terrible.

Return to the capital Leonid Sergeevich managed in 1961. It is impossible to say that Moscow adopted the artist hospitably. The actor was able to earn a piece of bread even by playing dominoes. After all, a tiny daughter of Valya remained on the hands of armored man after the death of his wife. But in 1962, the actor accepted into the Drama Theater on the Small Bronnaya. Here Leonid worked until 1988 and quickly became the leading artist of the theater.

Leonid Armored in the theater

On these submarines, Leonid Sergeevich Armor played dozens of roles. Theatrians applauded the actor standing. Here the artist appeared in the image of Kapulently in the formulation of Romeo and Juliet, Christopher Blokhin in the "Tales of Old Arbat", Chimendiaeva in the "Director of the Theater".

In 1988, Leonid Sergeevich moved to Lenk. Artist's partitions - "Cherry Garden", "Seagull", "Palace Palacha" - entered the Gold Foundation of the theater.


The cinematic biography of Leonid Bronvoy began in 1964. The debut was the role of Colonel of Gendarmerie in the film "Comrade Arseny", after which the artist began to invite the heads of heads, employees, gendarmes. In the early years, Leonid film casts lit up in the films "Lebedev against Lebedev", "Your contemporary", "... and again May!". And although the movie Leonid Armor came in a rather mature age (the debut took place when he was 36 years old), but it was the appearance on the screen turned the actor in the star. And it happened 9 years after the first film.

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In the second half of the 60s, a series of works was followed in the commandless "Commander Lauterburg", "at first sight", "what to do?", "Golden Care". In the formulation of Anatoly Epros, Boris Godunov. The scenes from the tragedy "armor reincarnated to the Hero of Shuisky. Leonid Sergeevich also participated in the filming of the popular television series of the early 70s "The investigation is conducted by experts," where two episodic characters played.

In the series of Telplekactle, armored person again distinguished itself with a significant role of the King of France Louis Great in the formulation of "only a few words in honor of Mr. De Moliere". In Telefilm, Epros managed to connect two works - the plays of M. Bulgakov "Kabala Svyatosh" and Zh.- B. Molhera "Don Juan", to the fore in which the director brought the hero of the armor and his antipode - the Moliere Hero performed by Yuri Lyubimov.

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In 1973, the series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" came to the screens, which made all the artists who played there, real stars. Heinrich Muller performed by armored vehicles remembered the audience no less than the protagonist Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Colonel Maxim Isaev.

This is not a typical gestapovets, but an old servant, although dangerous, but at the same time good-natured and owning a specific sense of humor. The character phrases instantly become covered, for example, "And you, Stirlitz, I will ask you to stay" or "to believe in our time it is impossible to anyone, sometimes even myself. I can". In the film, Oleg Tabakov also starred, Rostislav Plyatt, Yuri Visbor.

A year later, armor reincarnated in the charming professor Medvedev in a melodraman "the doctor called?", In which it went about the first professional steps of the recent student students of Kati Luzina (Natalia Popova). In the Children's film "Five for the Summer", Leonid Bronvoy, tried the image of the cook dining room, who spoke poems.

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In 1975, the shooting of the Drama "Agony" was completed with the participation of Armored in the role of the personal secretary of Rasputin (Alexey Petrenko) Ivan Fedorovich Manasevich-Manuilova. The film came out on the screens ten years. In the same year, Leonid Sergeyevich played the unfair actor of Bococh in the eccentric comedy "Mayakovsky laughs".

The artist also appeared in the Melodrame "Olga Sergeyevna" with Tatiana Doronina in the lead role and in the drama Gleb Panfilov "I ask the words", where Inna Churikova was performed by the main heroine. Two years later, Leonid Bronvoy was invited to the Joint Soviet-Romanian project "Armed and very dangerous", where the actor played the character of Peter Damphic.

In 1979, the cult picture "The MYNHGAUZEN" was published, where Leonid Armored played the duke. The character phrases were also disassembled by the quotes.

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After 3 years, the audience gladly watched the "Pokrovsky Gate". And again the hero of Armored - Arkady Varlamovich Velorov - becomes one of the most beloved and charming. The phrase of Vellarov "Notice, I am not suggested that the armored person pronounced with unique intonation, is widely used and so on.

In 1984, television viewers received a new gift - the picture "Formula of Love". The doctor performed by Leonid Sergeyevich is a man-made person who is difficult to surprise miracles and whose confidence cannot make nothing in this world. And if you add a sense of humor to this, then the audience will appear the character of Armor. And again the phrases that have become covered: "And the head is the subject of the dark, the study is not subject to" or "Kolya doctor is fed and the patient is easier."

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Leonid Armoredovoye filmography, filmography, there are 120 roles in the cinema and theater. In the 90s, the artist appeared in only five movie channels, among which the comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Heaven promised" was the greatest popularity, where the armored person appeared in the role of Sefremovich seeds, colonel retired. From the latest filmmakers, the audience was remembered by the role of the old actor of Zhuravleva in the ribbon "simple things", for which armor in 2008 was awarded "Nick".

In the second half of the 2000s, the actor was filmed mainly in the filmms of classic plays and televisions. In 2012, being on tour, Leonid Bronvoy survived the heart attack, which affected the state of health master. After the crisis, armor no longer appeared on television screens. In 2014, Leonid Sergeevich went on the scene of his native Lenkom in the play "Cherry Garden", in the role of Firs.

Personal life

The first wife of Leonid Armored Valentina Blinova died shortly after the birth of Vali's daughter. The artist had to be disadvantaged, because Leonid almost one climbed a little daughter. After moving from Voronezh to Moscow, relatives of the late spouse helped.

Leonid Bronvoy's personal life has improved only after the daughter received a higher education. The artist did not want to traumat the psyche of Valentines. Leonid married the second time, and the spouse Victoria Valentinovna screamed the existence of an artist. The second actor's wife is not related to the world of art.

Leonid Armored with his wife

By profession Victoria Engineer. But rare mutual understanding and warmth in the relationship, which appeared at the very beginning of a joint life, was saved and understood. There was no more in the family of Leonid Armored Children. Leonid Sergeevich led a closed lifestyle, family photos of the actor rarely fell into the media.

The daughter of actor Valentina - Philologist, graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Moris Torez. The daughter did not go in the footsteps of the Father, but worked for almost 30 years in the Worldwide Broadcasting Service of Gosperary.


In 2016, a misfortune happened to the actor again. Bronvoe fell at home and cut his hand, but everything cost. In recent years, Leonid Sergeevich periodically appeared at theatrical stage, in September 2017 he arrived at the collection of Lenkom's troupe.

He spent the last month of life in the hospital, according to sources, every day the state of the actor worsened. Three weeks before the death of the actor transferred to intensive care. On December 9, it became known that Leonid Bronvory died on the 89th year of life.


  • 1965 - "Lebedev against Lebedev"
  • 1971 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1975 - "Agony"
  • 1975 - Olga Sergeevna
  • 1977 - "Armed and very dangerous"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1984 - "Formula of Love"
  • 1988 - "Big Game"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1992 - "Old young people"
  • 2007 - "Simple things"
  • 2008 - "Without guilt,"

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